
Marvel's Black Steel

Nothing special, it's just that your average nigga end's up dying while following his heart as he protects a woman from rape; you know, the usual BS. Dude ends up dying, only to reincarnate in a world full of people that can destroy universes on a whim, and all that other crazy stuff, lucky for our MC, he happens to meet a chill yet powerful being that reincarnates him with the potential of the strongest version of Superman; Superman Prime One-Million. _______ Would like to point out, MC won't be an edgy villain or anything of the sort; he's got a good heart, and will be raised by kindhearted parents, though as it is the marvel universe and the not the goody two shoes DC universe, he will kill people, though, only when absolutely required to. Also, this novel is a slightly slow, so you've been warned. Ps. I've set this novel up for both a Harem and Non-Harem route, so really it depends what ya'll want, so you gotta let me know; though like I said, the novel is a little slow on the uptake, so don't expect that much romance in the beginning. I also haven't read any of the marvel comics, so all of my knowledge is coming from the movies and wiki-fandom, so don't expect me to get super in depth on comic lore. Although I know this kind of novel has been done several times before, I've only read like two that I really fucked with, so I wanted to make my own, hopefully ya'll enjoy and if you do, might as well leave a review

Ozonelayer · Filme
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206 Chs

Chapter 155: Battle Offically Over

"Tch, a group of fucking political bastards decided it would be a smart idea to send a fucking prototype missile to New York, and now that everything has been defeated, they're refusing to call it off!" Replied Pharaoh furiously as he clenched his hand before slamming his fist onto the ground, causing a nearby building, which was barely standing, to collapse.

"When you mean prototype missile, what do you actually mean?" Asked Carol with a frown as she glanced at Pharaoh before looking up at the sky, searching for said missile.

"It's a special missile made from extracting energy from an object called the Tesseract; I don't know exactly how powerful it is, but Fury said it'll completely flatten Manhattan—killing the tens of thousands of civilians present." Remarked Pharaoh as he looked at Carol and Stark, though the former seemed quite pissed.

"Did you say, Tesseract, Pharaoh?" Asked Carol with a cold look as she glared at Pharaoh, or more like his earpiece.

"Yes, why? Do you know what this Tesseract thing is, Carol?" Replied Pharaoh with a nod while raising his eyebrow, though all he got was a nod before Carol spat on the ground.

"Tsk, it's a long story, but yeah, I'd let Shield keep the tesseract since I believed it would be safe, though it seems like they've been making weapons." Said Carol with an unsightly expression as her body was suddenly enveloped in ethereal lights while her eyes took on a white glow.

"Let me deal with that stupid missile; I'll take care of it. Do you know where it is?" Added Carol as she floated into the air before looking at Pharaoh, who gave her a skeptical and worried look.

"You sure you can handle it?" Asked Pharaoh in concern, his words prompting Carol to flash with a confident smile as the aura around her flared even more intensely.

"Oh, trust me, dear, I can handle it." Replied Carol lightly, prompting Pharaoh to nod.

"The jet supposedly carrying the missile is coming in from that direction; I don't know what the missile looks like, but it should be on the frontmost jet." Stated Pharaoh as he pointed in the direction where he heard the sound of several fighter jets, causing Carol to nod while smirking before shooting off through the sky, leaving a colorful trail behind her.

"Will she be able to stop it?" Asked Stark with a slight frown as he turned and glanced in the direction where Carol flew off before looking at Pharaoh.

"I've got no doubt she'll be able to stop it, I'm just concerned more about her wellbeing. If anything. The missile is supposed to be several times stronger than the strongest nuclear warhead, so if she gets caught in the blast, I'm worried she might not make it out alive." Remarked Pharaoh in slight concern as he looked in the distance, only to see Carol flying into the sky several miles away while carrying a large missile through the air.

Watching Carol carry the said missile out of Earth's atmosphere, once she reached outer space, her speed suddenly increased massively, and the next thing I knew, she was already floating around the asteroid belt that separates the four inner and outer planets in our solar system. Seeing her place the missile down, I blinked my eyes, and I saw Carol flying through Earth's atmosphere as she headed toward us, causing me to wryly smile since all of my worries were for naught; even if that missile exploded, she'd be plenty fast enough to escape.

'Heh, so much wanting to race; even if I flew as fast as I could, she'd still easily smoke me; she'd probably be flying around the entire solar system in the middle of the race just for fun.' Mused Pharaoh lightly as he glanced at Carol landing on the ground beside him, only for the missile floating around the asteroid belt to suddenly explode.

Watching the explosion, I couldn't help but slightly widen my eyes at the sheer size of its blast radius, let alone Manhattan; it might've covered all of New York. Fury had grossly underestimated the power the missile was capable of unleashing; as it were in space, the destruction it was capable of causing wasn't on full display, but it didn't need to be for me to comprehend its destructive prowess.

"Look up at the sky; you two should be able to see the explosion." Remarked Pharaoh as he gestured to the two, prompting them to look up into the sky, only for them to see a small bright blue dot, causing Carol to whistle in awe while Stark frowned.

"Good thing I got that out of there; it would've decimated this place. Though I'm going to need to have one hell of a talk with Fury." Said Carol with furrowed brows as she looked up at the explosion before shaking her head, only to catch an earpiece Pharaoh tossed her.

"That's one hell of an explosion, but how is this working? We shouldn't have seen it immediately; light doesn't travel that fast." Asked Stark curiously as he glanced at Carol, who shrugged her shoulders before looking at Tut, who did the same.

"I don't know; all I know is the Tesseract apparently has unlimited energy." Replied Pharaoh in equal confusion as he glanced back at Stark, who had just sighed and put his helmet back on.

"Well, since everything is over, I'm going home; it's already 2:00, so I need to freshen up a little for my date." Said Stark as he floated in the air from the thrusters on the bottom of his feet and the palms of his hands.

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure whatever date you had planned with your attendant or secretary is canceled; though either way, tell Ms. Potts I said hi." Remarked Pharaoh lightly, skeptically looking at Stark before shaking his head, causing Stark to give him a slightly surprised look.

"Ms. Potts? Do you know Pepper?" Questioned Stark with furrowed brows as he turned to look at Pharaoh, who yawned while nodding.

"Yeah, I met her after I dropped you off back at your house; anyways, I'll tell you more about it some other day. The battle may be over, but there are still a lot of things to do." Said Pharaoh with a nod while dismissively waving his hand before looking around the surroundings, seeing nothing but destruction upon destruction, prompting both Stark and Carol to do the same as they sported unsightly expressions.

"Yeah, you're probably right about that date; I'm going to need to reschedule with Pepper." Remarked Stark lightly as he called Pepper from his suit while observing the area, which had been utterly ravaged.

"Haa, I can speak with Fury later. I'm definitely taking a break after this; I need it." Said Carol with a sigh as she crushed the earpiece in anger.

"Just be careful when moving buildings; don't want something to accidentally fall on a trapped civilian." Declared Pharaoh as he floated in the air before flying towards the nearest building, where he could hear a few people groaning in pain.

With the battle now officially over, we were forced to deal with the aftermath of everything as we flew around, saving trapped civilians and helping others; after several minutes, the process did start to speed up when the military and shield arrived to assist, though, unlike shield, I could tell the military wasn't really happy with my presence, mainly the person in charge, everyone else seemed to give me appreciative looks as I helped them move entire buildings aside with ease.

Hours passed by, and at this point, most of the trapped civilians were accounted for; there were only a few left.

"Yo, watch out; big stuff is coming through." Said Pharaoh, lifting the whole building ceiling while gesturing to several people, both shield rescue team and civilians, who quickly moved out of the way when they noticed him.

Gently placing the ceiling down, I nodded toward the people before turning around and flying towards the pile of a collapsed building, only to grab my head when I saw what the rescue team was doing.

"Stop! Don't do that!" Yelled Pharaoh quickly as he held the thick iron beam down, stopping the crane from lifting it up and confusing the shield rescue members.

"Is something the matter, Blacksteel?" Asked the crane operator with a frown as he peeked out from behind the windshield and looked at Pharaoh, who slightly winced at that name before nodding.

"This beam is keeping several tons of concrete from crushing the person trapped underneath; you remove this, and well, you know what happens." Replied Pharaoh as he glanced at the crane operator before looking through the pile of debris, spotting an older lady trapped underneath numerous tons of debris, though she was at just the right spot to still be alive.

Following my words, the crane operator stopped trying to remove the beam, and I covered the entire pile in my aura, which I had learned during this rescue operation that it behaves similarly to a net of sorts. Despite the hundreds of separate pieces in this pile, I could lift them all up without having to worry about anything dropping.

"Mam, you okay?" Asked Pharaoh lightly as he reached down and tried to help the older woman while his other hand was in the air, holding the numerous tons with ease.

I didn't get a response as she passed out shortly after I freed her, though shield paramedics quickly came to help her while I placed the debris back on the ground after everyone had safely evacuated the area.



I'm proud to announce the battle against the Kryptonians is finally OVER!! (*Crowd Cheers*)


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Elven Legacy (Chapter 244: Dessert) || Hero of Harmony (Chapter 126: Mistress Michelle) || One Piece: Chaos Kong (Chapter 217: Suns Angel Vs Gang)|| Marvel's Black Steel (Chapter 180: Dumbass Scott(Like Usual)) at [patreon.com/Ozonelayer691]

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