Dumbass gets chucked into marvel as a conduit with Delson and Cole’s powers Don’t own anything but the actual story
POV dead dude (i.e MC)
So being dead is fun, I mean not the dying part that shit sucks ass but being dead is alright. Don't have to worry about breathing which for an asthmatic was a godsend.
" your very much welcome young man" whipping my non existent head around at the voice I was astonished to find a homely looking older woman. She looked as if she had experienced a lot both good and bad and had come out better because of it with long flowing black hair with just a sprinkling of silver here and there.
"thanks love" she said motherly shocking me out of my mental description of her.
"Oh that's cool you can read my mind and your welcome for the compliment" I said in an attempt to not think of anything embarrassing about myself.
"Don't worry I already know everything about you dear" she said to my eternal mortification "but that's enough of all this time wasting don't you think love?"
and suddenly I wasn't in the white expanse any more, I was in my nice lounge room decorated almost exactly like my mother used to do it, it even had her old fish tank with all the same fish.
'Oh cool she's god that nice' "so what happens now?" I ask a bit apprehensive of what'll happen now
"Oh that's simple you get reincarnated into marvel" she replied as if she hadn't just said she was gonna send me to my second death
"FUCKING WHY THERE" I know I probably shouldn't be yelling at a god but still fucking marvel I don't even know all that much about it.
"Because it would be good for you"
"How will this be good for me I will just straight up die and my second life will mean exactly the same as my last one" I mean come on what in that god forsaken death world could be good for me.
" Oh don't worry so much you'll be getting enhancements to make your life easier in that world, and some defences from people trying to negatively affect your existence" ok that made things more palatable but still still sucks
"So what'll I get for enhancements" I was very curious as to what she had planned for me
"well you get a general increase to you body to make it better able to handle you new powers and you will be getting the powers of Cole MacGrath and Delson Rowe"
"FUCK YES oh I've always loved electrokinesis and neon powers from the third game was the fucking best" I can say with all my heart that the inFamous conduits had some of the best powers ever.
"I'm glad your happy but we need to get the rest of the things sorted for your new life" that stumped me wasn't that all the things that the ROBs normally do and then they just send us on our way?
"While they normally do I feel like that's too unreasonable as it leaves to much up to be twisted by accident if I don't understand something and just do it anyway that works" oh yeah that make sense.
"So what do we do now miss god wait what should I call you I haven't caught your name yet" at least I don't think I have.
"Oh you can call me whatever you want as long as it's not offensive to anything or one" oh that's cool I'm gonna call you Rebecca, because you at least currently look like a Rebecca.
"well with all of that sorted we can get started on the finer details of your next life. So what, where, when, who and how" oh cool character creation time baby.
"ok in order a sub species of mutant with a almost nonexistent population called conduits that can be identified by an almost inverse x-gene with a massively decreased chance of external mutations but an equal to higher chance of internal mutations. On the lawn of the x-mansion in a universe that isn't 616 as I don't want all that bullshit with the cosmic stuff. I don't know I can't remember much about x-men just somewhen with all the iconic people. As alex Mercer with full identification but no family and finally i don't really understand the last one"
"Well how would you like to change anything ranging from the world to your powers but they have to stay the same core concept so for example you can't change Delson's power absorption into say power manipulation but you can change how the powers express themselves" oh cool more customisation
"Oh ok well in that case I would like for Delson's absorption to be way less violent and to happen instantly and for Cole's electokinesis to be less restricted" I remember how it looked like Delson was ripping the power out of other people and that Cole couldn't do some of the things I would do with that power
"Alright I can do that but if you use the instantaneous power absorption it will only be temporary and to get the power permanently you have to do a full absorption of the ability you want with all that entails, as for having Cole's power unrestricted that would have happened anyway as it was only restricted because it was a game" oh yeah that's a good point and I can work with the alteration of Delson's power
"What about all the other powers that Delson attained during his life will I get them and if I do will I get them as a prime or secondary conduit" cuz a prime conduit is more powerful than a secondary conduit with the same power
"You will become the prime conduit for neon, video, paper and smoke but a secondary conduit for concrete because I don't want to"
"What why" I'm gonna be honest I wasn't the affected as I don't really like the concrete power anyway
"And that's exactly the reason why" yeah I keep forgetting that she can read my mind
"Ok is there anything else for me to do?" I was hopping there wasn't because I really want to get going already
"just one more thing just so you know your abilities may be different then the originals in some ways even the ones you don't want changed"
"can I ask why that would happen" I really hope she explains it and isn't doing it for 'entertainment'
"because you are not the same as the original conduit for these abilities"
"and that changes the powers how?"
"the conduit's morality, personality and ideology effect how the power expresses itself"
"oh like how Cole's and Delson's powers can differ if they are evil or good "
"Yes and how Eugene's video can only express itself with the game that massively effected him and how he thought"
"well can you tell me how my powers will be effected"
"not all of them but know your video will take the form of the game that effected you the most throughout your life"
"oh that's easy first game I ever played and the one I remember the most dmc 4 I even had a phase where I tried acting like Dante but that ended up with me getting the shit kicked out of me" at my guess she just smiled happily at me
"well that's a good guess but I'm afraid that's all the time we have together, so it's time you got a move on to your new life. Bye bye now"
and suddenly I was falling through the ground headed to what looks like earth with some weird extra land masses