
married to a gangster who is a billionaire

This story is about a normal nice girl married to an unknown guy who later turns out to be a gangster read the story about their lov3

DaoistMUE1o5 · Fantasie
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9 Chs

movie together..

As I reached the room I locked the door and jump on the bed weeping and I thought how could somebody ever be so rude....

Someone was knocking the door...I control my tears and said whoever is at the door please don't mind me but I want so time alone..so the person stop knocking probably it must be one of the servants ...I haven't eaten anything so my stomach started to growl and I knew I have to eat food cause I was hungry so I wipe off my tears and wash my face from the bathroom that was connected to my room...I went to the kitchen and grab a snack for myself and went to the television room to refresh myself...As I went to the television room I saw that William was in there watching football matches so I took my steps back and as I was doing that he noticed me(I was also scared because of the way I behave)

William : Can we talk???

I nodded as a sign of yes

William invited me over to sit on the sofa near him but I pull out a chair and sit...For a moment there was silent and the environment was tense ....

I took my guts to speak up i asked him what is it that you wanted me to talk to you about??

He stares at me right in the eyes and I was scared I looked down to the floor when suddenly he began to talk..

William : Are you scared of me???

yes(with shaking voice) yes I do....

William : why are you scared of me???

You know I responded not only me but everybody is scared of you....

William : (laughs) and when are you included in everybody...You are the only person who should not be scared at me...OK??

Alright ..I replied then I took the chair and kept it in place (he was staring at me the whole time)and I added I'll go to my room...

William : you said you are not scared of me then why all of this?? I didn't reply back as I have no words to reply...

He suddenly stood up it scared me was he angry that I didn't respond back..but to my astonishment he grab my hand and told me I am sorry for this morning...can we spent time with each other please...

I nodded in disagreement and told him I think its better for me to stayed in my room then he grab my waist pull me closer kissed me in the forehead and whisper I am attracted toward you..(I was blushing the whole time)now he put his hand in my head plays with my hair and added please let us watch a movie together I could only agree he hold my hand and make me sit down in the sofa and he plays a movie it was a romantic couple movie he pull his hand towards me and told me lean here I said I was fine but he insisted so I put my head and while we were watching there was a kiss scene and it

lead to my discomfort so I pretend to looked in other ways he looked at me and smiled and come closer and he added can I get one of these???

no I told I am not comfortable

He said OK won't force relax I stood up and told him I don't wanna watched it anymore He smiled and said okay let's complete the movie another time but the next time we watched it together I hope my wish be granted and he smirk and left the room