
married to a gangster who is a billionaire

This story is about a normal nice girl married to an unknown guy who later turns out to be a gangster read the story about their lov3

DaoistMUE1o5 · Fantasie
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9 Chs

First breakfast good or bad??

I plan to cook myself some food for him so the next morning I woke up early and asked the servants what he like and i started to cook my cooking took me an hour since I was following the recipes from google it was quite simple but it was my first time making the waffles but fortunately it went really great though the kitchen was a mess.The servant was also cooking and I told them that I would arrange the table for us so that's what I did...After that the servant went to call him and I put on some clean clothes..He arrived and looked amazed by the way the table was arranged The first thing he took from the table was the tea and the waffles my heart was sinking He tasted it and stop for a moment and I at that moment I could feel my heart beating so fast then he gave a faint smile and asked who made this nobody replied him as I told them not to tell who cook the waffle since everyone was silent he just said this is a good waffle I'll like to have the same tomorrow and at that moment i was just so happy and i told him that I'll make the same tomorrow He looked confused and asked me 'Did you make this waffles'

I told him that it was my first try and I am happy that he liked it

OK its delicious thank you for making but...taking a long pause

Oh what is he gonna say now..

'You won't cook or made anything you are my wife 'he remarked

I said why wouldn't I?? ....

He just said if you want me to stayed and have breakfast with you

OK I replied...

As we were eating(now the environment is silent)he asked again who arranged the table

I told I did

He looked at me again and told me so coldly not to do it next time.. I was kinda annoyed I just said that I qualified in hotel management so I just showed off some of my skilled

He told me ' listen I don't care about it you are the owner and not the servant'

I couldn't take the food in any longer I feel like I will choked so I told him 'I am sorry for arranging the table and for making your favorite to make you happy(I didn't knew why but my tone was like I am going to cry)I wouldn't be able to have the breakfast with you please excuse me I'll make my way to the room' and I pulled the chair roughly and ran to my room..