
Marked by the Heartless Alpha

“Don't tell me you weren't fantasizing about what it would feel to be with a beast like me?" He asked as he stepped forward towards her. With every step he took, she took a step back. Her throat dried up and her lips felt patched as she didn't miss his dark gaze. The way he growled as he moved towards her. And with every step, the small hope that he would leave her alone died. As he corned to the wall, Her human form held no chance against his magnificent beastly feature. His muscles frayed and his eyes slowly changed color as if he was trying so hard to keep his wolf contained. His hands slowly approached her hips, brushing gently, yet seductively making her gasp. His gaze darkened and he slowly leaned over as his teeth grazed her neck. A moan escaped her lips and she leaned her head away to give him more access to her neck. “Answer me!” His voice vibrated around her neck. Her chest heaved up and down and she tried to calm herself as he whispered, "You are mine, Hazel." “No, I am not. Because I am in love with your brother and I belong to him!" She tried to protest but he growled and pinned her to the wall. “You are my Mate. You belongs to only Me. You are Mine." He growled with his gaze on her. ~~~ Dylan is a beastly man who holds power in his pack. He is cold-blooded, and a Cruel, Heartless Alpha of the Diamond pack. He is so frightening that no girl dares to approach him, and anyone that dares, all die terrifyingly. But suddenly, the same cold and Heartless Beast gets attracted to a Human Girl who was sold to him by her mother and stepfather, that turned out to be his mate! Her strong-willed attitude attracts him so much that he cannot wait to pounce on her. Hazel who hated Dylan to the depths of her heart, didn't want to get close to him at all, and she was in love with his step-brother, Austin who is a Beta in Diamond Pack. Austin would do anything to make her, his again even after finding out that she is Dylan's mate. The fates of the three people are scripted so differently, How will she handle their love, and who would she accept? ... Warning: Highly Mature Content.

PayalSinghRajput · Fantasie
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244 Chs

12. A Drink.

Dylan and his childhood friend were walking down the corridor shoulder to shoulder. Only rare people got the opportunity to stand beside the Alpha. And few of the real people included, and one among them, was his childhood friend.

The man was not only the friend of Alpha of Diamonds pack, he was also fifth in command, working directly under Dylan in the mafia business. This person was one of the people whom Dylan trusted the most.

"What exactly did that traitor do to make you so angry?" The man hit his shoulders in a playful way and said, "Why don't you try to make a normal expression on your face? You scare half the innocent people in the pack just by looking at them with your cold icy gaze. Who does that?!"

Dylan didn't say a word as they continued to walk down the corridor. It felt as if he had heard those words many times in the past and ignored them just like now.

The man sighed and said, "It was good when we were children. I remember you had smiled back then quite often. We would even throw snow at each other on winter days. What the heck happened to that guy?"

"Are you done?" Dylan spoke up in an irritated voice. A hint of frustration flashed in his eyes when he was reminded of his childhood.

The man scoffed and said, "You and your ideals. You know you will never be able to win the hearts of people by being a dictator. They will only come to hate you no matter how many times you glare at them."

Dylan lowered his head but he didn't say anything. If it were anyone else who had said those words, they would have been killed on the spot by him, but this was his friend who said those words. Dylan would never be angry with this person.

The man finally stopped complaining as he walked forward and opened a room. Then he turned around and looked at Dylan with a grin on his face. "Come on, let's have a drink for the old times sake."

There was a reason why he said these words. This person had been out of the pack for a few years, and he returned just recently. The reason why he chose to stay out of the pack was to become a spy in the Nightwalkers, and the things he found out was enough to shake any normal person.

There were actually so many spies in the mafia business! It was only through this man's intelligence that Dylan found out about the presence of traitors even among the humans. He fired almost all of the people mentioned here in the list given by his friend. But he still knew there must be more of those traitors hidden among the crowd.

That was the sole reason why he became conscious and looked carefully at every person in his business. Only after following Evan that he was able to find out about how that man was selling out the critical information of the company. Even though Dylan had acted fast, he still couldn't save the situation. That traitor had sold almost all the information about the weapons, commanders, guard's formation, and other details that could put the security of the entire business at stake.

The only good thing in this entire situation was that Dylan was sure there weren't any spies or traitors present with him both in the pack and the company.

Dylan was still lost in his thoughts when someone knocked his forehead with knuckles. He looked up only to see his best friend frowning as the latter said, "What are you doing standing in the middle of the door? Come inside." He looked back only to smile wider. "Austin! You're here too! Come and have a drink with us!"

Behind Dylan, his blood brother stood with a cold expression on his face.

The best friend, who noticed such an expression on Austin's face, patted the man's shoulders and said, "Relax, will you? How can your expressions look even colder than the normal days?"

Austin's expressions became freezing cold when he remembered the reason behind his bad mood, and then he took a deep breath to control himself as he said, "Ethan, I'd appreciate it, if you don't ask about it."

Ethan, who knew these two brothers from his childhood, couldn't help but let out a deep sigh. "Why are you both like this? One is cruel and another is cold. This is why you both haven't found a girl yet. They all run away just by looking at your faces."

The man poured wine in the glasses placed on the table before he turned to face the brothers standing behind him silently. "Let's go. I'm not gonna let you go, without getting drunk today."

After saying that he calmly held out the drinks for the two brothers. They took it one after another and drank the entire cup without hesitation. Both the brothers placed the cups on the table coldly with expressionless faces.

Ethan chuckled after seeing their expressions. "You brothers will never change, will you?"