
Manipulating Odds in an Apocalyptic World

A novel where odds mean everything. Olexia's life was just starting to get good when she got hit by absurd 1 in 495,000 odds and she ended up in an apocalyptic version of her own world. A world ruled by Gods and Devils and humans chosen as entertainment. Under some circumstances the Devil of Probability decided to side with Olexia. Forced to live and survive in this apocalyptic world came with a prize at the end, one simple wish. What would Olexia wish for if she won the price? Only she knows. But at least you can join the journey until then.

Ender_Peach · Fantasie
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12 Chs

Chapter 3 - Channel

"Hmm, yeah. I mean there's nothing else to do anyways." Olexia replied enthusiastically.

"Here." Peach added.

A wooden chest decorated with gold and gems appeared on the ground right in front of Olexia.

Just as it appeared it made a wood creaking noise.

Olexia kneeled to open the chest. She grabbed the latch and opened the chest.

Inside was what looked to be a black scroll of some kind. Olexia looked at it with confusion.

"Go on, open the scroll." Peach said.

Olexia nodded and picked up the scroll, she rolled the black scroll open. On the scroll, there were chains drawn all over it. And in the middle the words "Scroll of Submission" were written and right under it in a smaller font "Can be used on 'monsters'" was also written. 

"Scroll of Submission?" Olexia said in a disappointed tone.

"Wait no, don't be disappointed for us this is amazing!" Peach cheered out excitedly.

"How so?" Olexia asked.

"Okay so listen here, normally this scroll would be almost completely garbage, since people just don't have good odds or willpower to make some useful monster submit to the user of the scroll... But for us, that doesn't matter! As long as we don't use it on some kind of dragon we'll be pretty much fine." Peach explained and the scroll started to float around the Devil.

"No dragon... sad. But yeah that doesn't seem as bad as I thought it would be. So what kind of monster should we be using it on?" Olexia asked again with some disappointment

"We should use on some mid-size monster, something like twice as big as you at least... It would also be nice if you could ride it... So maybe some kind of wolf-like monster?" Peach added.

"Yeah that sounds cool..." Olexia mumbled, still a bit disappointed about the reward.

"Why are you so disappointed? Aren't you excited to ride a cool wolf or something like that?" Peach asked with sympathy for Olexia.

"I mean yeah sure I am, but I really wanted to get something that would help me fight better... Like at least some kind of weapon..." Olexia said looking at the now empty chest.

"Oh come on now, look at me." Peach replied.

Olexia turned her head toward Peach.

"A weapon isn't how you become the strongest in this world, but if you want to have a weapon first you have to know what kind of weapon you want... Maybe some sort of a katana..." The Devil transformed into a katana with an orange blade. "... a mace..." Peach transformed into a mace with orange tips. "...or maybe, something like this?" Peach transformed into an orange desert eagle.

Olexia's eyes widened and her gaze was fixated on the gun, her eyes were practically shining with excitement, but also some annoyance. "YOU COULD TRANSFORM INTO A WHOLE DESERT EAGLE THIS WHOLE TIME AND YOU DIDN'T DO IT WHEN THE GOBLIN WAS CHASING ME?" Olexia asked yelling out.

"Well, not really. When you were running from the goblin I did a rough scan of your brain. Remember when I said "Done"? That's when I finished the brain scan. Pretty sad life story by the way." Peach explained.

"Oh, let's not get into that part of my brain..." Olexia requested of Peach.

"Of course. Anyways so I saw weapons like this in your brain. 'Guns', these don't exist in this world I think. Though to be frankly honest it was kind of hard to replicate this kind of weapon. It's pretty complex..." Peach added.

"Speaking of which why did you even know how a gun works? If my scan was correct you haven't used one in your life." Peach questioned.

"Let's not get into that... Never mind that you're a desert eagle! Now I actually have a chance of doing damage to stuff!" Olexia yelled out with excitement.

"Don't get too excited, with my current power I can probably only hold this form for about half an hour before I need to go back to my original form." Peach explained as he turned into a peach again.

"A half an hour is plenty of time! Though ignoring that what's our next task?" Olexia asked.

"Good question, I guess it's time a set up a channel for you." Peach announced.

"A channel? Explain please." Olexia pleaded.

Peach 'sighed'. "A channel for you. Meaning other Gods and Demons would be able to watch your adventure." Peach explained.

"Wait, wouldn't that mean other people would be able, to like, spy on us?" Olexia asked.

"Well I guess you could put it that way, but setting up a stream means we'll be able to get more rewards from tasks and we'd also be able to find where other people are. Getting more allies is a must in this apocalypse." Peach added.

"Oh, then I guess it's a good thing?"

"Yes. Anyway, I've already set your channel up. And right now we are at the absolute bottom of the rankings. Along with 43 other channels."

"So who's at the top right now?" Olexia asked.

"Let me check... It's some guy with a purple katana that is accompanied by the God of Time. Hold on let me go into your mind so you can see." Peach said. Olexia nodded and Peach clashed into her head and went into her mind.

"Alright, left eye..." Peach mumbled and Olexia's left eye turned red.

On Olexia's eye appeared a 'screen'. Although tinted orange it was still pretty easy to see the channel. There was a slim guy with black hair and eyes and a golden clock flying above him.

He appeared to be completely decimating a group of goblins with that purple katana Peach mentioned. And he was smiling while doing it.

"Oh my god." Olexia looked at it with shock. "Didn't we both get transported into this world at the same time?" Olexia asked.

"You did yeah. Around two hours ago. He's a classic 'protagonist' type of guy... Good looking, a nice build, he's even a good fighter too..." Peach murmured in Olexia's mind

"Listen Peach, there's many qualities that I don't have, but if you did a decent scan of my brain you know I don't give up. I have the willpower. And together we'll get to the top!" Olexia loudly exclaimed believing every word she said.

Peach left Olexia's mind and her left eye faded to her brown colour.

Peach sighed. "You're right I mustn't get discouraged this soon into the game... Let me find a good pair for us to meet, there's a good amount of channels wishing to collaborate with us, or in short meet up and probably accompany each other." Peach explained.

"Alright, I'll trust your pick." Olexia said, proud she managed to get Peach's mind into thinking positively.

After around 15 seconds of silence, Peach spoke.

"Okay, I think this is a good pick, Jinny she's a girl around your age, maybe a bit older accompanied by the God of Illusions. How does it sound?"

"It sounds good but a God? Is it fine if you two are around each other? Aren't like Gods and Devils opposites?" Olexia questioned.

"Yeah, it's totally fine, 'God' or 'Devil' is only just an identification for us divine beings. I'm simply a Devil since I chose to be." Peach gladly explained.

"Oh, okay then!"

"Let's start moving, I set up a meeting place around two hours from here. We'll be doing a lot of walking so if something attacks get ready to face it. I want to see you at your best." Peach added in a hopeful tone.

"Sir, yes sir!" Olexia yelled out in a joking manner, saluting Peach.

"Come on, I'll lead the way."

Sorry if this chapter is a bit boring for the classic fantasy enjoyer.

But either way,

thanks for reading the third chapter of MOAW, add this novel to your library if you enjoyed the chapter and feedback is always appreciated.

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