

Inside a mostly metal room with not much in the way of furniture, there were two people looking over piles and piles of notes and talking to each other. These people who seemed to be trying to figure out the connection between many different things and events were not your average people.

One of them wore a normal looking suit like something you would expect from an old detective film, but had a mask on which has no describable features. Almost like he didn't possess a mouth, nose or eyes. (Question from Justice League)

The other guy looked like he came straight from a Halloween party. He wore a fully black and dark grey costume with some dull yellow accents, which was shaped like a Bat. (Batman from Justice League)

"Question for the last time, I don't think Project Cadmus has had dealings with The Joker."

"Come on. Can you seriously not see the connection between the two?"

"You know that I cannot. And I know the Joker, he would never do anything like this."

"Why don't I just go down there and do some reconnaissance while looking through some of their computers."

"You do know that is how we got most of these files right?"

"Yeah but there are missing funds. I know that this is where the Joker are receiving their money from."

Batman just sighs, picks up another file and starts reading through it.

"Why don't you just go investigate this Scientist. Tony Stevens. 34 years old, single, assistant to the Head of Genetics. (Completely made up character)

He is often not on site at Cadmus, but somewhere else. I was attempting to track him yesterday, but got called in for the mission against Vandal Savage."

"I'll see what I can find out."

After saying this, Question walks up to the window and stares at the Earth, revolving in the distance.

-Two Hours Later

Question had followed this Scientist to an abandoned chemical factory, and discovered the presence of many guards. He sneaked his way past them and found himself inside a clean hallway, which was completely different from the worn-down exterior the factory had. He started investigating the factory and discovered traces of Joker Venom.

He then made his may into what seemed to be the main storage room of the factory, and saw many crates filled with Venom. He then heard the creaking and clanking of chains as well as the whirl of machinery. He opened the doors leading towards the sound and saw a very disturbing sight.

There was a man tied up in a Straitjacket and chains being held upside down by a pulley system. This man had two separate IV drips in his arms, which seemed to have Joker Toxin and Venom respectively, slowly dropping more chemicals into his system. And he was being held above a creepy pit filled with another strange chemical.

Question instantly knew that it was one of the Lazarus Pits that he had only ever heard of and never seen before. These Lazarus Pits were one of the most dangerous natural occurring phenomena of Earth. They hold amazing healing capabilities, but drain away at a person's sanity and drive them mad.

He then saw the man being dunked into the Lazarus Pit and held down there for a couple of minutes before being pulled back up. Question had seen enough; he knew about the dangerous side effects and didn't want to leave these Scientists who were messing around with these chemicals.

He looked around the room, and found that the only people inside was Tony Stevens messing around with a control panel, the man tied up in the Straitjacket and himself. He sent Batman a message to alert him about the Lazarus Pit and requested his help, before taking down the Scientist from behind.

He started looking over the Control Panel and discovered what was going on here. They were trying to combine Joker Toxin and Venom in order to artificially create a Super Power. They were using the Lazarus Pit to keep the test subject alive, as the Joker Toxin is still killing the subjects by contracting their muscles around their heart.

The combination of Joker Toxin, Venom and The Lazarus Pit kept the test subjects alive, but so far, all other tests had the subject go insane and die after a couple of hours. Question found out that of the 20 test subjects, only this one in front of him remained alive. He was horrified at what was going on, and felt pity for the subject hanging in front of him. He had been continuously dunked into the Lazarus Pit for 10 hours now while being injected with Joker Toxin and Venom.

Question managed to find the controls to stop injecting the subject with chemicals and lower him onto the ground nearby. He ran over and looked down at the still body and just sighed, not knowing what to do next. He then realised that their eyes were open and staring directly at him.

This chapter will probably be one of the only chapters not in first person, mostly because our MC wasn't really in it, well awake.

Gundaroescreators' thoughts
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