

It was a cold, stormy night; a torrential downpour battered a tiny solitary shack at the side of a lonely dirt road in the countryside. Lightning and thunder illuminated and roared almost unceasingly. The wind beat this little, wooden shack that stands defiant against the forces of nature. Inside this haven from the storm, one ragged, lonely soul seeks refuge from nature's anger. A woman, like a blossoming flower ravaged by rampaging winds and heavy rain, is seen helplessly keeping warm inside this wooden shack.

The woman wore a deep-blue raincoat; it was only this protective covering that prevents the world from gazing upon her naked and bruised body. This was not her fate a few hours before as she sobs her grief on recent events that changed her life forever. The howl of the wind that whistles through small cracks on the shacks wooden walls embodies her deep hatred in her heart, only to shout it out in silence. Her pale, white, bloodied hands hold her sole remnant of decency tightly. Brown eyes, shut in dismay as tears mingled with the splattering rain. Her once long, brunette hair cut short, her neck exposed, having lost its covering. Bruises of all sorts, cuts of various lengths and depth marred this poor soul, but haven't scared her indomitable will to live.

Come sunrise, her inner voice tells her, and all will be well. She assured herself that tomorrow is a new day and another chance to regain her life.

However, just as the feeling of calm begins to relieve her tired and burdened soul, a shout started to crescendo, along with the forte of nature's violent symphony.

'Where is she!" a caped man shouts while holding a flashlight shooting piercing rays of light towards suspicious hiding places. Along with him are an ensemble of five men, all with powerful flashlights, all bent on finding their prey who escaped their grasp.

"Find that bitch and bring her to me!" the caped man viciously said, his voice shot through the overwhelming noise of the storm and reached the lone, wooden shack where their prey took refuge.

"They're here," the frightened woman whispered to herself, I need to get out.

She quickly rose; her bare feet again gave its strength to carry her firm will to survive out of that lone shack and out into the storm. As she opened its back door, the wind blew so strong that it swung forcefully ripping it out of its hinges, and angrily pushed the battered woman to the floor. She quickly stood up, clasping her dark-blue raincoat tightly, and charged into the storm.

As she sprinted out of the shed, one of her pursuers caught a glimpse of her escape and began shouting furiously, "There she is!"

The capped man, a tall menacing figure whose face was obscured by the dark, heard the shout. He quickly jolts his head towards the shed and shouts vehemently, "Get her!"

Quickly, the pack of wolves chased their fleeing prey. They ran, rampaging through the rain, hoping to pounce on their victim and end their chase. The frightened woman saw them charge towards her, began to run faster, bare feet across the wet and muddy dirt road. Every breath, she forcefully exhales as she uses all of her remaining strength to escape her fate. Her feet are now bruised, badly cut, and bleeding, yet she still remains adamant that she will not die that night.

The chase lasted for ten minutes from leaving the shed, but to those involved, it seemed to never end. At last, though the woman's will is strong, her body became weak and exhausted. She stumbles and sprains her ankle, dashing into the stony, gravel-laden part of that dirt road, which a few moments ago seemed to be her way to salvation.

Rain continuously splatters on the poor woman's body, exposed and naked for the world to see, her raincoat now gone as she lost grip of it as she stumbles. Her pursuers saw her fall and quickly gain pace to exploit her mistake.

At last, the predators and their prey come face to face. Stopping a few feet from a distraught soul, limping herself up, six men gaze on their agile victim as she stands to face them, her bare body exposed for them to desire. Countless cuts and bruises covered her slim and delicate pale figure now sullied by dirt and grime, yet her youthful beauty still forces its way through.

"Come on now, girl!" The caped man said, grinning with contentment and satisfaction.

"Do you really think you can escape me?" he added, with a deep voice that resembled one coming from the deep.

"You will do what I say!" He angrily shouted, "Do what I want!" he again roared with more force and anger, "...and never ever, ever run away from me again!" He concluded, yelling with all of his energy. Rain continuously falling on them as they stood amid that stormy night ominous on the events that will follow.

"I don't want to go with you!" the poor woman yelled, the tint of hopelessness coloring her voice,

"Please let me go," her sound for a moment turned into a plea but vociferated loudly.

"I don't want you to use me ever again!" Thunder and lightning roared violently, seemingly rushing to that place to witness the fate of this poor, desperate soul.

Her plea stomped silent by the heavy splatter of rain reached no one's ears.

"Take her!" the caped man ordered. Quickly, the five angry, tired, and eager men began to move forward to capture their wild prize. The poor woman, who once stood adamantly against her foes, slumped in exhaustion. Her knees began to weaken, and she fell to the ground. Her face stared into the dark void of an angry sky and vowed in her heart that this night will not go unpunished.

"End my night and let me die! So that I may have my fill of blood when I am asleep," she whispered, as if pleading to someone, yet no answer returned.

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