
Mania of love

DaoistImNumk · Urban
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10 Chs


Sahra's death was so tragic that Leo who was only 7 and so sensitive started to search for truth and later found out everything during his father's wedding. But didn't take any action because of no evidence. Till now he wants to make these people cry tears of blood. Watching his daughter with love and care he remembered, the soft hand over his head, the melodic voice of his mother Sahra, the care, and love of his mother, he missed altogether because of Baty and Stanton's scheme. But now they want to lay their unfortunate shadow over Rose. Leo will never let this happen to his only daughter. 

Glaring at five of them he led Catherine and both children to the first floor and behind them, all five of them came and waited for Mrs. Paul to come.

When Mrs. Paul received Leo's call she thought she had seen wrong because in the last 15 years he never called her or asked her about the documents, now, why, she was a little confused but after receiving the call she knew what happened and what is going to happen after today. Without thinking too much she took all the documents and headed to the villa.

It only took ten to twenty minutes for Mrs. Paul to reach the villa. Mrs. Paul did come before to the villa for Sahra but now it has been one decade since she didn't see it. But today again seeing the beautiful furnishing, her memory of Sahra doing her work gracefully is refreshed. Thinking about the tragic death of that gorgeous young lady, she still wanted to cry. But before glancing more she remembered the main work and headed into the villa.

Right after stepping into the massive hall garnished stylishly but still gives you the vibe of home, she saw the position of five and four people sitting separately. It occurs that war has been started.

After Leo saw Paul he grew a little sad but collected his emotions and stood up professionally. Shaking hands he Said " Hello Mrs. Paul, thank you for coming, and sorry for troubling you with this small work. Have a seat."

Mrs. Paul said " It has been a very long time since I last came.  Mr. Brown is still very energetic till now; it isn't a trouble to do work that late madam has assigned to me, it is my duty." After listening to her words Leo smiled cutely.

After this, they came to the main point, Mrs. Paul listened to both sides' words, and nodding her head she said" Mr. And Mrs. Amber it is like this. After madams death, you never visited me that's why you don't know about the changes made in the papers of the villa. It was like this three days before madams death, she changed the owner of the villa and the other two villas over the south in the document. It was done by her command and nothing is forged. If you don't believe my words here is the video recording of Madam's confession, which was made in front of all the juries at the request of Sahra Madam."

Grandparents, Father and Mother, Boyle, all had very ugly faces, anger, and resentment pasted on those looks. Shocked Stanton said, " let me see the video." Saying this he directly went to grab the video tablet but was stopped halfway by Leo.

Leo said " this one cannot be touched by any groundless person. It is my mother's only thing left for me. So don't think about dirtying it with your hands. If you want then we will see it on the TV." Declaring this he went ahead and started the video.

On the big screen, a beautiful lady was sitting on a sofa. She wore a dark chocolate color suit countering her pale white skin, she had loosened her hair which is brown, and her deep eyes are so unfathomable like Leo's. Charmingly lovable. She looked depleted and had a  very used manifestation.  But still had a very encouraging smile.  Sahra said " My Dear little Le I'm very happy that you are my son who knows me like my mother, but as a mother, I cannot give you anything except this heartful work of mine. You should eat all the vegetables and milk every day, if not how will my boy be strong enough to be par with mother? "  with an innocent expression she said again " Be good and study well my boy. Now thinking about you it seems like you knew me since you came into my world to understand and love me. As a mother, I should be the one to care about your schooling, playing, eating, and everything but instead, it was you who took care of me till now. If not for you maybe your mother will not be this strong. Baby Le is a good boy, so you should listen to everything your mother said, understand. "

With this, it was the end and Stanton was about to say something but Paul said "this video has been shown to Mr. Leo while he was 7 years old. But the other one has to be shown to him now." Announcing this she showed another video. After hearing this Leo who cried so much became more serious and firm.

Sahra again wearing the same dress emerged in the video "Dear Leo you certainly would be angry with me, for leaving you alone with Stanton. But please forgive me, dear I'm tired and do not have much energy to live. I'm very happy that you came into my life. Your appearance in my life is the miracle that I used to wish for. Now I'm unable to express myself to my little Leo but you will surely understand your mother one day. When you fall in love be in love with a woman who is strong enough to support you and can control you. Never walk on the road where you see your father's footprint. Never betray anyone, before deceiving any women remember me and my end. Be a good husband, and father and mostly be a good person. I have transferred all the villas adorned, by me into your name. Live separately from Stanton and Baty's family. Be mindful and do remember my words. I will miss you, my daughter-in-law, and my grandchildren. Love you dear and remember my words." 
