
Mania: Colosseum of The Gods

Mania: Colosseum of The Gods brings together what we find hard to believe. Dive into the apocalypse and find solace in the last cities. Be reborn into the new world, fight the power, the gods, Destiny.

Taoistflame · Fantasie
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7 Chs

Chapter 7

The Help

Zander woke up to the room once again and looked down at his body. He was still only a small child so he thought that once again he might've been killed. However, he saw that he had stitches around his chest and it was giving of a weird glow. He felt the glow in every part of his body, flowing through his veins, imbricating itself with his blood.

Two years past, he was now 4 years old and had gone through many experiments and also learnt how to talk with the help of the machine. He was fully healed from the first experiment and had received multiple additional scars from the many other experiments until he had. He would now mumble on and on about the prospects of freedom and how much he wanted to escape from the scientist. He had also met with 2 elder kids who were 7 and 8 years old. They were called W and V respectively. "Hey there X." said the high pitched voice of W, Zander thought that even though these two had been through much more than him they still happened to be cheerful about everything. "We were going to go to the chamber, want to come?" asked V. Zander thought about it and replied with a quick "Yes". The 'chamber' was a small room in which the children went to play. It was also the only room which had a window with natural light. The children slowly walked out of their 'containers' into the chamber. They looked solemnly at the rows of previously full containers. Those were the children who were killed during the experiment that severed them from their gods. Out of the other 21, only 5 survived and were released into the world as slaves to do his bidding. On each child, he would go further into the experiments. This was until he found Zander. If it were a calculation or just a mad stroke of 'genius', none of the children knew. All they knew was that he went all the way, fully changing what made Zander human.