
Mania: Colosseum of The Gods

Mania: Colosseum of The Gods brings together what we find hard to believe. Dive into the apocalypse and find solace in the last cities. Be reborn into the new world, fight the power, the gods, Destiny.

Taoistflame · Fantasie
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7 Chs

Chapter 3

Chapter 3: Rebirth

As Zander opened his eyes he saw two kind looking people looking back at him. They were not as young as he was but all the same, they weren't old. He guessed from the expressions on their faces that he must be their first child that there was...  something wrong with him? His eye throbbed as he remembered, or more like he was forced to, the gift from Odin. Then he realised what was wrong. Above his golden-brown eyes, adjacent to the left side of his forehead, there ruptured from his skin and flesh was a sleek red horn. Some could argue that it was a beautiful thing in the way that it parted through his black hair, contrasting with every part of his being; how it almost seemed to disappear if you didn't look close enough. And then it did, becoming an ugly rusty colour that stained his hair. His parents looked at each other as people normally do to address the elephant in the room, said elephant being me. Once more my eye throbbed before they began to speak. "He is a demon child,"  sorrowfully, said the man "We must hand him over to the church so our names will not be plagued." "But Misha," the woman looked at me anxiously, "he is our son, we must protect him, even if it costs us our lives." Misha looked at her with his face as pale as the moon in the midnight sky, "Sasha if we keep him we will be repeatedly tortured and kept alive and kept alive through it all until we die of old age, not only that, but we will have to watch as our own flesh and blood is ripped up to please the gods, we managed to arrive in Mania because the gods took pity on our planet, they won't do it a second time." Zander fought back the urge to cry for too long now and it all just flowed out of him. Julia was dead. His other siblings were dead. His planet was gone. His new parents didn't want him. And he was going to die. Misha quickly grabbed him in his arms and gave him a big hug before saying, "We must send him away, away to a place where no-one will hurt him, to a place where he can grow and become a warrior who fights against the evil and brings justice to all, he can be the shield of this world." Zander cringed at his fathers words and was left in quite a melancholy state from when his real family was alive. 'I don't want to be a part of this world. I just want to be a part of a familly.'