

DoritoBorito · Fantasie
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21 Chs

Meeting the team!

10 Years later, Now 16-year-old Aleksander would be saying goodbye to his parents, Since he would be having his first day at the Sihrevan(Warrior/Soldier school) which meant he wouldn't see his parents until his graduation, Aleksander's mother looked emotional realizing she won't see her little boy for another 5 years until his graduation, while Aleksander's Father looked proud seeing his once little boy turning into a real man.

After saying goodbye Aleksander, Aleksander would get on his horse and make his way to the Sihrevan, After 15 minutes of riding on his horse, He would arrive at the Sihrevan, When he entered the building, he would be handed a piece of paper asking for his name, surname, nationality and his mana ability, Aleksander would start to worry a little since he didn't know what his Mana Ability was, Aleksander at least wanting to add something to The Mana Ability Category he would say put "???" The recruiter wouldn't think much of it and let Aleksander enter the Sihrevan.

Aleksander would enter a college classroom-looking place, Since he knew no one there he would sit at a random seat, there would be a man who looked like he was in his 40s standing in front of all of the seats and would start announcing all the teams after 13 other teams were announced, He would say: "Squad 14 will have: Aleksander Abbas, Jay Dmitriev, 

Shinji Sato and Adriana Alemagna"

Squad 14 would be set into a room to meet their trainer/teacher When they all entered the room, there would be a pretty tall browned hair man with blue eyes, "Welcome my students, to the Sihrevan, I will be your main teacher for until you graduate, I hope you all have a great time here, first thing we will be doing it testing everyone here's Mana Ability" Aleksander would get nervous realizing he didn't know what his power was "Firstly, uhh" Hoku(the teacher) would point Andriana, Adriana would look disappointed "did you seriously not memorize our names" Adriana would say in an angry tone, Hoku would answer back in an annoyed tone "Why should I?" Andriana would reply back saying "Becau-" Hoku would interrupt her and speak in an even more annoyed tone "Just show your damn Ability already"

Adriana with a mad expression showed off her Agrokinesis by creating a tree from the ground, "Hoku would say to Adriana "I know" Adriana would say confidently, "Now, you" Hoku pointed to Baldwin "Alright" Jay would say in a determined tone, Jay would point at the ceiling and launch a light beam, to annoy Adriana Hoku would look at Adriana smiling mischievously and say "even more impressive" Adriana would look mad at Hoku after he said that knowing it would make her mad, "Alright good job, Now you" he would point as Shinji, Shinji would reply "okay", he would grab his katana and would do a large red sword beam, Hoku's eyes would widen "Wow, that was amazing Shinji" Adriana would look even more mad saying "And you remember his name?! so unfair!" Hoku ignored her "Now the last member, whatever your name is, go ahead" Aleksander would get nervous and say "Uhh alright" Aleksander would remember the wolf-like abilities he got as a child after hunting, so he would show off his fangs and claws "I can also hear better than most people" Aleksander would to Hoku, "Cool! so you're like a werewolf?" Jay would say amazed "I guess" Aleksander would reply back "Alright I think we got everyone's Mana Ability, Now go to your dorms and relax, We have an important day tomorrow"