
Rita save the day

In the midst of a chaotic battlefield, Luo Mo found himself unable to tear his gaze away from the unfolding scene. Wendy, with her vibrant green hair, was still trapped within the iron grip of Papa Titan. The sight of her small frame colliding with the massive metallic arm sent a pang of sympathy through Luo Mo.

Unlike Luo Mo's passive observation, Theresa sprung into action. With a cross in hand, she charged forward, followed closely by her loyal subordinates. Rita, her smile slightly strained under the circumstances, swiftly neutralized the troublesome Titan with her scythe.

As Theresa extended her hand towards Rita, an awkward exchange took place. Rita handed over Wendy, who seemed unscathed on the surface, perhaps due to the Herrscher Core within her. This was a far cry from the gruesome image Luo Mo had envisioned.

Suddenly, an accusatory voice rang out. "Theresa! What are you trying to do to our Branch?" The branch minister had caught up with them.

Luo Mo stepped forward, his voice laced with sarcasm. "Your branch people?" he questioned. Meanwhile, Theresa was preoccupied with examining Wendy's condition. She was her proudest student and it pained her to see Wendy in such a state due to the Oceania branch's actions.

"Take a good look," Luo Mo continued, "This is Rita, an S-class Valkyrie from Schicksal Headquarters. Your branch minister is suspected of conducting unauthorized research on Herrschers, messengers of Honkai. Are you all involved in this research too?"

The branch minister's face turned a mix of green and red as her subordinates lowered their heads in shame. It was a burden they dared not bear. However, she quickly made a decision and declared, "This research was conducted privately in this lab. I had no knowledge of it." The words hung heavy in the air as everyone absorbed the implications.

"Selina!" Theresa's voice echoed across the battlefield, her eyes blazing with the fury of a lioness protecting her cub. She clutched her cross tightly, confronting the Branch Minister with an intensity that could rival the heat of battle.

"Do you dare to deny your involvement in this?" she demanded, her voice ringing out clear and strong. Selina remained silent, her lack of response only fueling Theresa's anger.

"You were once an A-ranked Valkyrie too," Theresa continued, her voice filled with a mix of anger and disappointment. "You fought against the Honkai for the sake of humanity. How can you now turn your blade against your fellow Valkyries?"

Before Selina could respond, an elderly woman approached them. Despite her pale hair and the cane she used for support, she moved with a strength that belied her age. "Enough!" she commanded, silencing the heated exchange.

"Theresa, take Wendy and return to St. Freya's Academy," she instructed. "We will consider this matter closed."

Theresa's outrage was palpable as she raised her cross in defiance. The elderly woman merely raised an eyebrow in response. "What, are you going to strike an old woman?" she challenged.

This woman was no ordinary elder. She had once been an A-class Valkyrie herself, fighting on the front lines against the Honkai. An accident had cost her both arms, replaced now by Schicksal-provided prosthetics. She wore a special medal from Schicksal, a rare honor bestowed upon only a few living individuals.

When she could no longer fight against the Honkai, she had resigned and joined the Oceania branch. Her reputation among the Oceania Valkyries was second only to that of the branch minister.

"Theresa, calm down," Himeko urged, her own anger simmering beneath the surface. But in this volatile situation, calming Theresa was their best option.

Striking back was clearly not an option, at least not in such a public setting. Rita, her usual smile absent, stood quietly to the side, silently weighing the evidence at hand. "To treat our Lady Theresa in such a manner… Only Theresa-sama is allowed to bully herself!" she muttered under her breath.

With heavy hearts, the group departed from the Oceania branch in silence. Their destination was hyperion, where a battleship awaited to take them home. "Inform Kiana and the others that Wendy has been rescued and tell them to return quickly," Luo Mo instructed Himeko.

Theresa cradled Wendy's body in her arms, examining her with the equipment available in hyperion. Rita assisted quietly, her usual cheerfulness replaced by a solemn determination. Kiko nodded in response to Luo Mo's instructions and made her way to the maneuvering room, ready to set course for their return journey.

As they prepared for their departure, the tension of the recent confrontation still hung heavily in the air. But amidst the silence and solemnity, there was also a sense of relief - Wendy was safe, and they were going home.


In the aftermath of the departure, the Oceania branch minister turned to the elderly woman, uncertainty etched on her face. "Just let them leave?" she asked, her voice barely more than a whisper.

The elderly woman scoffed in response. "They arrived here full of arrogance, and now they leave with their tails between their legs," she retorted.

"But we've lost our precious experimental gem and personnel," the minister pointed out.

The elderly woman dismissed her concerns with a wave of her hand. "That gem has been thoroughly researched. It's not as valuable as one might think. Besides, a secret known by others is no longer a secret."

Their conversation was interrupted by the arrival of a striking figure. A mature woman with cascading blonde waves emerged from the shadows. Her military aura was palpable, even as she draped a sheer-collar white shawl over her shoulders.

"That's one of the only remaining S-ranked female Valkyries of Schicksal!" the branch minister exclaimed.

The elderly woman merely grunted in response, clearly unwilling to delve into the details. "Our alliance is nullified," she declared abruptly. "Anti-Entropy has abandoned you as an acting ally, and we will not betray the Schicksal!"

A hint of regret flashed across the newcomer's face as she gently cradled a glass jar in her hand. "What a pity," she murmured, her gaze fixed on the jar. Inside, a dark green solution swirled around a brilliant gemstone that glowed with an ethereal light.

"Then this Tranquility Gem… I suppose I'll have to study it alone," she announced, her voice echoing ominously in the silence.

The elderly woman and the branch minister gasped in unison. The legendary Tranquility Gem, said to hold the power of life and death, was now in this woman's hands? This revelation was far more significant than any research that had driven the storm.

"Wait, Cocolia, we can discuss this further!" The elderly woman's voice wavered slightly as she coughed to mask her surprise. Her hand trembled slightly as she gripped her cane for support.

"We have years of experience studying the Herrschers. We can help you harness their power more efficiently," she proposed, her voice filled with a desperate hope. "When the time comes, all we need is…"

Cocolia merely smiled in response, neither rejecting nor accepting the offer. Her silence hung heavy in the air, leaving the others in suspense as they awaited her decision.


"Rita, Rita! Could you come here for a moment?" Luo Mo whispered, careful not to disturb Theresa who was engrossed in examining Wendy's condition.

"What is it, Lord Luo Mo?" Rita responded, her usual smile absent.

"Why are you addressing me as 'Lord'… Never mind, that's not important. I have a question. Weren't the four of them supposed to rescue Wendy? How did it end up being you who carried out the rescue?" Luo Mo queried.

"There was a misjudgment on Miss Bronya's part. They went to the wrong location and fell into a trap. Aren't you worried about them, Lord Luo Mo? Or are you confident they can handle the crisis?" Rita countered.

"Why didn't you warn them, Rita?" Luo Mo pressed.

"Until the results are in, who can guarantee if they are correct?" Rita replied cryptically.

"I see… Well, I trust Fu Hua," Luo Mo finally responded.

"Hehe, then I must remind you that Lord Fu Hua has very little power left. If she exerts herself this time, it will be even more difficult for her to protect you in the future," Rita warned.

"…I'll figure something out," Luo Mo assured her.

Seeing Rita's uncharacteristically serious expression, Luo Mo wisely decided to curb his reckless tendencies. As he listened to Rita recount the events, he found himself accepting the reality of the situation, even though it was somewhat hard to believe. After all, wasn't it normal for Bronya to be defeated and for Rita to save the day?

You know, Kallen's world is worse than Otto's.

Almost all Schicksal branches want to go out and be independent because they have their own interests.

The technology is 10 times worse even with more research funds, and funfact: the production funds for otto's "kallen fanstasy" game can be used to produce better kallen world battlesuits hohoho

kidnesscreators' thoughts
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