

You have read thousands of stories about a player playing the VR MMORPG game about that player's life and how he soared high in his life and in the end we found that the game is just a tutorial or a product of some outer space species. but have you ever thought about what the life of a game maker will be? what if the game made is not a product of outer space species but of a simple man of our planet? what are the effects of the game on the world how many changes it can bring and how does one develop this game? this is a story about a young entrepreneur who had a dream of making a game that will leave such a long impact on history that many generations after him will know him as the father of the first and the last R MMORPG games. ----------------------------------------------------------------- the game will be completely new and will take inspiration from many other games, myths, and lore of many different cultures and religions. I have always dreamed of this whole thing and now I am just writing my dreams on this page. hope you will love it. ----------------------------------------------------------------- GUYS, I AM PARTICIPATING IN THE CONTEST SO IT WOULD BE LOVELY IF YOU SUPPORT IT AND VOTE FOR IT. AT LEAST LEAVE A REVIEW SO THAT I CAN UNDERSTAND MY FAULTS. ----------------------------------------------------------------- follow me on Inst*gram if you want : Wlesh_0207

Lordwlesh · Spiele
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50 Chs


There they all see a young girl who has a small brown coloured crocodile in front of her she has black skin colour with purple eyes and short black coloured hair, she wears full pants and a black jacket which has a badge of the manushya faction seeing everyone's eyes on her she says "get away from them, you bastards or be ready to pay for your actions".

Silence, for a while there was complete silence even the man who had been asking for help became silent after a minute the maroon gang guys suddenly started laughing hard one of the members said "Haha, boss this child wants to play some kind of joke with us".

He then became serious and said, "Little child just because you become immortal doesn't make you immune to the pain and believe us we have a thousand ways to inflict pain and each time it will be more than the last time, so get the fuck out of our way if you don't want to be the next person to be dragged on".

The girl flinches after listening to the words of the man but after looking at the face of the small child she bravely takes her stance even the crocodile lets out an angry cry after listening to the insult towards her seeing this the gang members sigh and then one man walk in front and says "well look like you want to learn your lesson in a hard way".

He then takes out a small knife in his hand and says provocatively towards the girl "Come then let me show you and your little crocodiles the way of Vita".

"is that man for real, is he gonna hurt that child and are we going to do nothing about it

Are we that weak" One of the men standing in the crowd said.

But he instantly got a reply from another man standing in the crowd "Shut up, if you feel this conflicted go and defend her why bark here like a dog".

David and Jonathan both listen to the shouts of the people and then suddenly David says "As much as I hate it I agree with the latter men that little girl is stupid why did she risk her life for some unknown person when she is weak herself to protect other

Heroic action can only be counted when you are strong enough to survive the crisis otherwise you would labeled as stupid and brave and die what do you think about This Jonathan".

Jonathan nods at his words but he clenches hard the rare chip inside his pocket unknown to anyone the chip glows in faint light as if responding to the thoughts.

"Here I come little girl" The man then started running in her direction seeing this the girl immediately took action she commanded her crocodile "Drake, use marsh".

Drake immediately responds to her call and unleashes his move on the soil in front of the men the sand becomes marsh and stops the men in his track as the marsh is big enough to stop him from jumping to another side

Seeing her strategy succeed she gains more confidence as she says "Big words form your mouth let see how you tackle this, now Drake use mud balls and cripple him".

Drake then opened his mouth and a small-sized mudball formed in front of his mouth he then aimed the ball in the direction of the man and shot as soon as the first mudball was released another formed in front of Drake's mouth and like this, it's start shooting the mudballs like a gun.

Seeing the attack coming the man dodged it effortlessly as he is well well-trained guy every marron gang member needs to go through certain training to be selected as a member so it's not easy to defeat them.

As the men dodged the mud ball it hit a person standing behind him a few metres away knocking the men unconscious this shows the power of the mudball seeing that another member of the gang said: "Yo, fucker don't harm our future customers Parry it".

The man then nodded and then with his knife he started slashing the mudballs in two which greatly reduced the speed and destructive power of the mudballs seeing this the little girl frowned as she started to think of another strategy she then shouted "Stop, Drake use mud vine to capture him and then shoots mudballs".

Drake immediately stops shooting the mudballs and he then gives a loud cry his eyes turn green and four mud vines appear from the ground and launch towards the men.

Seeing this the men smile and says "Well you showed all your skills and are not gonna lie I am impressed with you and your manifestations skills and power but you underestimate your opponent's skills and power".

Suddenly the man disappeared from his place and appeared behind the drake and in front of the little girl "What!!" Everyone was surprised by the sudden move used by the men but before anyone could think something the man with his dragger in hand turned around swiftly and Pierce the dragger in the head of the drake.

Blood gushed out of the pierced part of the drake and after struggling for a minute the life in the eyes of croc faded away the men then turned towards the shocked and petrified girl who couldn't believe something like this had happened the chip in the bracelet broke down signifying the actual death of her beloved and first manifestation drake.

Everyone becomes silent as they all then reevaluate the extreme dangers of this world they have all been considering it a game but now they understand how realistically these characters behave just like them in their real world the only difference between their world and this world is magic and manifestations.

The men then look at the broken eyes of the little girl and smile as he whispers the words in her ears but due to deathly silence everyone can hear it clearly "See that is the way of Vita, don't just think that by getting some skills and manifestations you will become invincible here there are many who can fuck you in thousands of ways but since you are not of that age then I who represents the maroon gang will lower your punishment".

The girl didn't feel any fear because her mind was in a complete mess Drake was her first companion in this world and her only emotional support she comes from a very poor family and has a single mother who works as a prostitute to feed them both but due to this job she didn't give any time to the little girl which makes her depressed she even tried to commit suicide but thinking about her mother she stopped.

But her depressing and lonely world stopped existing when myth arrived she saw her once dampened town turn into this spectacular town she then got to know about this spectacular world and became most excited after knowing that she could earn money through this and then she saw a new light that has litted in her dark world.

One first day she received her trash rank chip she prayed it be something nice and lo and behold she got her first companion a cute baby crocodile that day was her best day because after her mom knew what her child had got she gave her the warmth of mother which she had never even once shown to her from that day on she and drake became a soul partner but seeing her only emotional support lying dead on the ground broke her mind in many ways.

Seeing her condition many players and people of the town sighed as they could only give her sympathy, not their help as they were not stupid like her to lose their own loved ones in someone else affair.

The man then took out a rope from his storage ring and tied it against her neck he even cuffed her hands and legs and said, "Well, from now onwards the slave market will be your new home just wait there patiently till you become of the age where you can serve your purpose".

He then began dragging her the other group members laughed at the stupidity of the girl and then they started walking all the people in the crowd sighed even David facepalmed and said "Isn't this game too real, like what will happen to that girl Can she even get back home in the real world Jonathan do you have any ...".

Suddenly he stopped talking because he didn't see Jonathan standing beside him but when he looked where he was standing he became scared and thought "What the actual fuck you are going to do Jonathan".

Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!

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