

You have read thousands of stories about a player playing the VR MMORPG game about that player's life and how he soared high in his life and in the end we found that the game is just a tutorial or a product of some outer space species. but have you ever thought about what the life of a game maker will be? what if the game made is not a product of outer space species but of a simple man of our planet? what are the effects of the game on the world how many changes it can bring and how does one develop this game? this is a story about a young entrepreneur who had a dream of making a game that will leave such a long impact on history that many generations after him will know him as the father of the first and the last R MMORPG games. ----------------------------------------------------------------- the game will be completely new and will take inspiration from many other games, myths, and lore of many different cultures and religions. I have always dreamed of this whole thing and now I am just writing my dreams on this page. hope you will love it. ----------------------------------------------------------------- GUYS, I AM PARTICIPATING IN THE CONTEST SO IT WOULD BE LOVELY IF YOU SUPPORT IT AND VOTE FOR IT. AT LEAST LEAVE A REVIEW SO THAT I CAN UNDERSTAND MY FAULTS. ----------------------------------------------------------------- follow me on Inst*gram if you want : Wlesh_0207

Lordwlesh · Spiele
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50 Chs


"Brother, brother the server is about to open brother Come fast come fast" a loud young voice reverberated in front of a closed door A young boy who had dark brown skin colour and short black hair shouted while banging at the door.

suddenly the young boy heard a loud noise from behind the door like something or someone had fallen he then heard various sounds which he couldn't make out and after a while a young figure opened the door this young figure had dark brown skin and an army style haircut he has a lean body which could be seen as he had not worn anything on his upper body one can see the sleepiness in his dark black eyes.

The young figure didn't wait for even a minute and after grabbing the hands of the young boy he came inside the room after closing the door he then hurriedly ran towards the desk where he had kept his pc. The young boy saw the condition of the house and sighed as he knew his older brother's habit he then stood beside him and waited for him to open the PC.

"damm, this pc I told them that this shit is broken now see it not even starting" The young figure became angry as the pc suddenly stop to work the young boy standing near him sighs and facepalmed as he then point towards the switch following his pointing fingers the young teenager look towards and found that he had not on the switch he then gave a silly laugh and then on the switch.

The PC then started and after that, he hurriedly opened the app of the myth A black screen appeared in front of him and then again he saw three circles one with a plus sign which showed the option for newly created acc and the next with a question mark which can be used to get all the details of the game the next circle has a small person figure which shows the already existed acc this time he clicked on his already created acc and then a bright blue screen appeared in front of him.

On the screen he found two square boxes On his right side square box he found an option for a camera and on the other box he found the instructions.





Both the brothers read the instructions and then the young figure removes his card-holding pack which he had brought from one of the stores he then gently removes his card as if it was the most precious treasure. He then scans the card and then the next screen appeared Which shows the information that he had given while making the card.


NAME: X-zene

MYTH ID: 1e67345zuipy










After confirming all the details he then clicks on the proceeds button and then another screen appears which shows the myth title Then the screen becomes blank and a voice reverberates in the surroundings.

"I belong to the race that the creators had created first the pure light, the light that illuminates the entire world the light that gives hope and power to face adversaries. The Race that built the greatest kingdom of the entire universe, my race gives hope to the desperate who are being haunted by the darkness My race is the epitome of what a race should be a perfect race....and only the perfect ones are worthy for Amrit.

join us and you will become the perfect soul who can harness the power of Amrit".

After the voice, both the brothers saw a figure sitting on the throne he was a man who had worn pure golden armour and had long golden hair he was sitting on a throne made of gold and jewels of the world he had a very beautiful and serene smile plastered on his face the pure gold-eyeballs with diamond-like eyebrows gives a feeling that everything of the world belongs to him.

Of course, both brothers knew who this person was this was the current Deva king InRehaeldra, As soon as both the young men saw him a frown appeared on their faces, especially on the faces of the young figure sitting on the chair he even started cursing "f*cking narcissistic a*shole, I just hate his smile what did he think of himself devas my foot just you wait I will search for your manifestations card and will make you my slave you narcissistic dumb*ss".

His younger brother sighs at the behaviour of his older brother They too had seen the story of Vita and his older brother thinks that everything is Deva king's fault as he likes the asuras king but for him, they both are responsible for all the chaos and destruction on the vita but his older brother develops a liking towards the asuras king he even hang a huge picture of that king in his bedroom.

The scene then changed and a new screen appeared this time again a voice reverberated "We are the beings of darkness pure darkness the darkness that creates the strong. darkness that shows one true face the darkness that brought your real self who hides behind the veil of purity. My race creates the strongest kingdom ever to exist we are not perfect because only the faulted ones want to become perfect. Our race is beyond the cycle of perfection and error that's why we deserve Amrit and no one else

Join us and accept the darkness that is building inside you accept your real self".

Then a figure could be seen sitting on a chair made up of pure white bones The man had worn pure black armour that was as black as the black hole his long metallic back hair wavered in the air he's dark black eyes could send chills down the spine of anyone His face defines a beauty that could enchant anyone the epitome of devilish beauty.

The young men sitting on the chair clapped like small children who had gotten some amazing gift "Yes, this is what I wanted to see a man that could emit power this is power I will become the first player to find you and make you mine. You will become my asura king".

The little young boy cringed at the words spoken by his older brother but chose to keep quiet as he knew about the weird possession of his brother he then focused his attention on the screen where the scene again changed and this time many voices came together to say something.

It's like one line is been spoken by some male and then the other line is spoken by a woman the line that again echos is "excess of anything can be harmful be it goodness or be it evilness. you cannot put your life in the hands of someone who are extremists in there own ideology because for them only 'they' and 'their ideology' matters.

That's why one needs to choose both goodness and the evilness to make a perfect balance in their life. Because that is the rule of nature the rule of the universe is that there is no most powerful being because there is no weak in the first place therefore 'Amrit' should be used for the balance..... to maintain the balance join us.....'The council' and we will bring the balance".

Both the boys saw a grand round table and several people could be seen sitting on the grand round table they reminded them about the great council that they saw in Vita, the young man sitting on the chair didn't like this idea as he was a firm believer of black and white for him there can never be grey so he outright rejected this group in his mind. The decision is also based on the recent culture that he exposed with which is the whitewashing of evilness so inside his brain the demon became cool and humanity and balance became a joke.

After that, the logo of both three factions appears in front of him one is of the Deva faction, the other of the Asura faction and the last one is of the great council' Both the brothers are surprised by the intricate thoughts put behind the making of the logos.

The teenager sitting on the chair became obsessed with the design of the Asura clan logo as he found it very cool The younger boy found the great council logo very interesting as the black bird with white wings inside the white circle with a black circle made him think about the balance. " I have made up my mind, Okay I'll go with the Asura faction".

"Brother are you sure, Mother and Father will not like it if you choose that faction I think we should choose the great council that would be best," the younger boy says.

The older one frowns and says "It doesn't matter, it's not like I have to do bad things. Don't think much it's just a faction and nothing else" With that, he clicks on the Asura faction logo and then a notification appears asking him about his choice he again confirms and then the screen blanks out and a new screen appears.

Sorry for the late updates guys just busy in the exam phase.

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Lordwleshcreators' thoughts