
Make Of: The Crystal Mage

Pa_St · Fantasie
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17 Chs

Chapter 6: Advancement Exam

Amara had been studying diligently at the Magic Academy for over a month now. He felt he had greatly improved his rune enchanting skills under Professor Lilth and Blacksmith Wilhelm's tutelage.

Now it was time for the semester advancement exams, which all students had to pass to move on to more advanced classes. Amara knew the exams would be difficult, testing both magical abilities and theoretical knowledge across multiple disciplines.

On the first exam day, Amara entered the arena where students would be assessed on combat magic against conjured beasts and targets. Amara tried his best, but his simple wind and fire spells barely scratched the stone golems before they knocked him down.

Later in the week came the written exams on history, math, spell theory and more. Amara was able to answer every question confidently thanks to his studies. He hoped his academic performance could make up for his lack of combat magic.

The final day of exams arrived. Amara stood nervously in the arena with the other students as the judges prepared to announce who had passed and would advance.

"Amara, step forward," the headmaster called out. Amara apprehensively approached the judges. Had he passed or failed?

"Though your combat magic is weak, your marks in all other subjects were excellent," the headmaster announced. "We see great potential in you. You may advance with your class."

Relief and joy washed over Amara. His hard work had paid off! He vowed to only keep improving from here. There was still much more to learn on his path to becoming a powerful mage.

This one was to short to be its own chapter.. but I'm still posting it

Pa_Stcreators' thoughts