

The night sky was well decorated with the well-lit stars and crescent shaped moon. I stood at my mansions penthouse at the hill looking down on the town. The many different lights made the land look like the sky. The rolling hills of Crystal lake city looked splendid, but the secret's that lay within its boundaries was not directly proportional to the city's view when compared. This city had the world's best defense forces and it also heard worldwide feared victims. On February 9th this year, a major heist took place in North America after someone hacked all U.S.A prisons cyber-security freeing all the criminals. Many people died and properties were stolen. The "villain'' made it hard for the FBI to find him but he did leave a clue…He was from Crystal lake and only 28Y.O and was a student from Harvard University. It is unknown whether her leaving this information was intentional or unintentional, but we had to try and me as the best FBI agent I Lance Sterling was sent to try getting him.

Now as I looked down at the vast city it seemed like getting him was only equivalent to trying to spot a safari ant from the top of a fifteen-story building. I was given a time lapse of one and half months.

I walked over to the desk and took out my 'STERLING Laptop' and hacked Harvard's cyber-security and looked up at all Computer programing graduates who highly performed after scrolling and looking at the different graduates profiles and after scrolling tirelessly for hours I reached a point then the screen twitched and jumped to a different page "Ah! Found you, sycophant!