
Magic Purity:Beyond Comprehension!

Apparently,the heroes arrival are late this time. The end is knocking,only those powerful enough to bend others will he bend his own. And bend the world's fundamentals. ... "Against the calamity itself,will you drop your weapon and wish for a quick end?" Ryuuto,humanity's savior will guide the entire world against the calamities that is destined to destroy humanity as a whole. What could a single man do? He is not only fighting the calamity,but destiny itself. Fight? You mean,outwit the destiny. Yeah that sounds stupid,but also smart. The thing is,no one knows how that's going to happen. But surely! If determination prevail in the bound-to be destroyed world. Hopes will stand tall. Along the way,Ryuuto will met his destined companions,and sometimes,unprecedented events will likely occurs. --------- "Your card,it's The Fool" said the old witch,caressing her chin. ...

Azel06 · Fantasie
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7 Chs

Chapter 03: Reality.

"Fuhr rie eich fan zur" A deep voice resound throughout the room.

'What is he saying' I thought.

When I woke up, I found myself tied to a stone wall by metal chain. I was surrounded by two adult men,all looking at me playfully.

By their side was a wooden table full of torture weapon. The two were talking amongst themselves when I woke up.

I noticed the suprised look on their face.

And then they turned to me,said something to me in a mischievous tone.

I maybe dumb,I can't understand their language,but I know from their expression alone that these guys are a masochistic,sadistic bastard.

But I'm unable to speak,my mouth is gagged with something...whatever this is.

I tried shaking off the chain,but it didn't move much. Then I noticed that the skin on my forearm are peeled off.

This was the mark of a whip,and when I looked at my full body,I was covered in whip mark.

Suddenly,the realization made my brain finally working. A sudden jolt of pain shot throughout my whole body.

At the same time,my vision blackened.

A sharp stings appeared within my head.

A sudden rush of memories began to flood,the memories of somebody else.

It was a memory of a boy who,was caught stealing,slaved,and revolted by attacking his holder.

That was what leads to his current circumstances. After being brutally tortured,the boy couldn't endure the pain and soon gave up the flame of his life.


The physical pain coupled with mental pain,it's driving me insane.

I couldn't scream,the gag is blocking my scream. I can feel my jaw breaking as i forced myself to scream.

The pain is too great.

Yet slowly,the world is darkening again.

Just like before.

It darkens.

As I started at those guards,I saw a frightened look on their face.

"H-how is this boy still alive?!?!" the guard spoke.

"I swear,it's been half an hour since his death,I confirmed it myself" The other one spoke in follow.

As those two spoke to each other,another figure entered the room.

It was person in white robe.

The white robed figure spoke of something towards the two guards yet I couldn't catch up what they were saying at all.

It's been a while since I resisted the urge to close my eyes,my mental power is drained completely.

'Agh,to be alive...only to meet death again'

I should've known better,I have died once after all. I should know when to give up.

Yet for some reason,I can't.

Not now,I was given a chance. But abruptly it was taken away.

The white robed figure stands in front of me.

It was the last thing I saw.


"Mama! Papa! Look at what I made!"

It was me,I presented upon both my parents a rocket that I made.

It was fully functional,it can fly and I'm proud of it.

I looked at the face of my parents,they were all smiling.

But why? Why can't I see their facial features?


Suddenly,I was placed in a dark area,a red and blue light illuminated the surrounding.

The sounds of siren deafen my ear.

There was ambulance,the medical staff working and there's a police car.

A crowd of people huddled over an area.

I dashed towards the crowd,into center.

The police tried to stop me but I was too quick for them.

What unfold before me is the sight only nightmare would gives.

The license plate of a crashed car,it was my parents.

Then those black body bags the medics are carrying....


I opened my eyes slowly,my body felt suprisingly light,it was not as heavy as before.

Although,I'm still a little bit light headed. Was I having a nightmare?

I find myself in a room,there's furniture,books and a random empty glass bottles lining up on the table next to me.

I was reminded of the scene back when I was in the torture room.

My body shuddered,I looked at my skin.


Where's the scar? I lifted up the blanket,my body is half naked which doesn't matter.

What matters are the scar. I don't see any marks on my body.

'Did I reincarnated into another body again???' I suddenly had the urge to question the one behind this.

Suddenly,the door to my room opened,a small figure walked in.

Instinctively,I put my guard up,ready to confront the person coming. I am not constricted this time,I have the freedom of movement.

I was about to jump the person in front of me when I noticed who it was.

The person lifts the hood covering the face up,revealing a little girl.

When the two of our gaze met,she suddenly let out a shock,and turned to run away.

She dashes towards the door and closed it.

I started at the door dumbfounded.

Then,a moment later a tall figure wearing white robe entered the room. Alongside the figure was the same little girl.

I was on guard once again,this white robe...if I remember correctly I also saw one in the torture chamber.

The figure noticed my pose,and greeted me with a relaxed voice.

He pulled the hood off,revealing a stone face.

"Ah,so you're awake. Apologies,I heard from my colleague about you,and so I brought you in to patch you up" The golem said.

Then he continues, "Don't worry,you won't have to experience those ever again...Oh! Right,you can call me Nasir,it's my full name."

"Oh yeah,can you stand now? The herb should've worked by now" Nasir spoke.

I glanced at those empty bottles on the table.

'So that's what it was for' I thought,no wonder it smelled of leaves and mint. I just hoped it's not marijuana or anything.

I nodded at Nasir,and placed my legs in a position to stand.

Suddenly as I began to put my body weight onto it,my legs began to wobble.

Before I could collapse,I grabbed ahold of the bed. Nasir hurriedly rushed over and helped me back on the bed.

In the distance,I saw the girl muttering something to herself. She seems to be in her own world.

Nasir shot a glance to where I was looking and saw the girl.

The girl,noticing our glance suddenly stopped and turned towards us.

She hurriedly bowed her head and spoke, "M-my name is Arisaka Yukino! Call me Yu-Yukino or..Y-yui!"

After saying that,she ran to hide behind Nasir. Nasir looked at me and spoke, "Well,I hope the we can know more about each other"

I naturally understood what he meant, "Ryuuto Adagaki" I told them my name.

After a while,I thought about my old name, and shook my head. 'It was the only way so I remembered that I am now in another world,plus,this name was the name of the original body owner'

A moment later,Nasir then speaks, "Yuki,go and fetch me some hemostalia"

The little girl nodded and quickly left the room.

Nasir took a chair and sat down on the table.

He clasped the two of his hand together.

Curious, I asked what he was doing.

"Ah,you see,I'm praying for the former who had passed away..." Nasir spoke,his words snapped me.

Passed away? So does that means he knows that I am a reincarnate?

Sensing the worried look on my face,Nasir responded calmly.

"I will explain it a little bit later" After that,he went silent for a moment.

I decided to stay silent too,and stared intently at him.

Inside my head rushes many thoughts,possibilities of what's going to happen next.

Unfortunately,I didn't read much fantasy when I was Ryuuto. I couldn't simply make any prediction,any wild guess feels too illogical for me.

Wait,isn't everything illogical up until now?