
Meeting the Unexpected

For a moment, she looks like someone who is walking absent-mindedly while her fingers lightly touched the trunk of every tree she came into contact.

The sudden noise coming from the little dog caught her attention. It let out a cute bark that makes one want to hear it again.

"Master, I smell another human in the vicinity."

"How far before we make contact?"

"He's a mile away from us. It seems he's injured and might be poisoned. Do you want to avoid contact?"

She stopped and think for a moment. "No need. If we are going to meet then shall be it."

The young girl continued walking without a care if the stranger will cross her path.

"Remember, do not speak when we are in the presence of other people. It would be unusual for them to see your kind especially since the unknown entities are yet to make their appearance."

"As you wish."

After sometime, she heard a voice inside her head.

'Master, when are they going to show? I mean these entities that are kind of like me.'

The young girl physically didn't speak but the cute little dog heard her reply.

'Hmm... I'm not really sure. We'll know that it would soon come once those war merchants succeeded in enticing the warmongering nations.'

A faint smell of blood started to linger in the air. The energetic wagging of the tail of the puppy seems to become a lazy sway of a wary cat.

'Here he comes.'

Then a middle aged man came into view. His clothes looks like rags with different forms of tear.

One would notice that he was heavily injured with all the bloodstains and cuts littering his body.

Even though he was in a weakened state, his gaze stays firm. He fiercely stared at them as if warning that if they try to do anything wrong he will quickly retaliate.

'Oh, it seems that he is aware of our presence way before he saw us.'

She continued to walk leisurely as if she didn't see anything.

However, when she clearly saw his face, her heart jumped in fright.

'What is he doing here?'

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