
Magic Martial World

In a world where mana talent decided one's future, an orphan named Ivan Chaos was determined to change the views of the world. A martial art that goes against Heaven, a system born right out of his dreams, and the soul of a forgotten legend. So what if he has zero talent? Ivan can just change the world with his cheats! ______________________________________________ Disclaimers: This is a slow paced novel where learning and improving are the norm. Even when the MC is overpowered later, he'll still lose occasionally due to lack of info or techniques. Yeah, cheats are only op when the mc knows how to use them. _____________________________________________ Hey, we're back for WSA 2024!

Simp_Chaos · Ost
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42 Chs

Dragon Slaying Magic

The thunder spirit thought that the mysterious human was pulling a prank on him.

So in a fit of rage, the thunder spirit ignored Ivan and screeched at the sky.

'Human, are you playing tricks on us? Do you really think we're that dumb to believe that a mere human child can use [Telepathy] and communicate with us?! Answer me, human—?!'

But before the thunder spirit could finish his sentence, a swishing sound resounded before he noticed his field of vision become blurry all of a sudden.

When his vision became clear again, the thunder spirit found that his field of vision had become lower than his original height and that he was certain that his head had been separated from his main body.

In fact, all he could see in front of him was a young boy in dark blue attire holding a sword of white light in one hand.

'Thunder Spirit!' The poison dragon cried out.

Shock filled its draconic eyes.

It only saw a flash of light before the thunder spirit got decapitated cleanly.

Standing behind the thunder spirit was a young boy wielding a sword made of light.

The young boy then turned his head and glanced at the Green Fire Poison Dragon with a satisfied smile.

'You're next~' was what the poison dragon interpreted from the boy's bright and carefree expression.

Sure enough, when the poison dragon wanted to spit acid at the young boy, Ivan flashed away like a ghost.

'!!!' The poison dragon became alarmed.

Ivan's movements were so fast that the poison dragon reacted only after the quick and effective decapitation of his one and only ally, the thunder spirit.

Furthermore, since it was as though Ivan was an incarnation of the light itself, the poison dragon immediately thought of retreating back into the green portal.

'Shit! This is bad! This is really fucking bad! Thunder Spirit is dead. Killed by a ridiculously fast cut. I have to get out of here immediate–' [Green Fire Poison Dragon]

'And where do you think you're going?' [Ivan]

'This voice?!' [Green Fire Poison Dragon]

But just before the Green Fire Poison Dragon could back pedal into the green portal, Ivan had already caught on to the poison dragon's line of thinking and disappeared from his original position before reappearing on top of the poison dragon like a ghost.

"Since you and the thunder spirit killed the people my original body held dearly to, I thought I should do the same to you. Be prepared, green gecko. I'm going to kill you~" The young boy laughed crazily.

Despite the body belonging to Ivan the 10 year old, a deeper and more mature voice flew out of the young boy's mouth like a tidal wave instead.

The Green Fire Poison on the other hand, who knew it couldn't escape without losing an arm, let out a thunderous roar that shook the subjugation members out of their stupor.

'That's it. I've had enough of your attitude, little brat. Although this poison dragon may look old, I'm still only in my prime 30s with a bright future ahead of me! To think that a mere human brat dares boast about his ability to kill me, come! Show me your full power, otherwise you will perish alongside the rest of the people here!'

"For a green gecko that's about to pay for his sins…you talk too much!"

Without wasting another breath, Ivan unleashed a flurry of sword slashes at the poison dragon's head as a distraction before dashing straight for the dragon's neck with his light sword.

'Ha! These sword slashes mean nothing to me! Skill activate! Dragon's Domain!'

Seeing the sword slashes fly towards it with super speed, the poison dragon remained calm as it activated one of the many skills it has as an interdimensional rift boss, Dragon's Domain.

And just like the skill name suggests, a 20 meter radius domain filled with majestic draconic aura suddenly appeared before it began corroding the sword slashes sent by Ivan previously into nothingness.

"Stupid lizard, you've fallen for my trap! Skill activate! Dragon Slaying Secret Art, Cut!"

'Wait what? Did you just say Dragon Slaying Secret Arts?! Impossible, those ancient arts were destroyed centuries ago by the Dragon Monarch!' were the last message Ivan heard from the Green Fire Poison Dragon before it dropped dead just like that.

'Although I did want to capture this green gecko for information gathering but, it seems that my other self really wanted it dead. Oh well, guess I'll have to at least catch an ancient dragon for interrogation next time…'


In the far ends of the black sky above Basic Elementary School, Headmaster Na could be seen floating on a white cloud while holding his soulbound artifact, the Book of Life & Death, in his arms.

Although the headmaster saw the appearance of the thunder spirit right after his teachers had successfully suppressed the Green Fire Poison Dragon, he didn't descend to help his juniors and instead remained floating.

It was also at that time that he noticed Ivan hiding behind the casters, shivering in fear.

Remembering the incident that happened back at Ivan's house, Headmaster Na suddenly thought of a hypothesis about his student and decided to try it out.

It hadn't even been 10 minutes when the headmaster began to see the fruits of his research.

'As I hypothesized. When Ivan feels extreme fear in a situation, another part of him will wake up to take his place to quell the body's original owner's fear and or anger towards his own helplessness. And to add sugar to the already harvestable fruits, that boy's counterpart possesses more strength and speed than I can ever imagined. Heh, wait till those old bastards of the World Council hear about my student. They will be so jealous!' [Headmaster Na]


After cleaning up the hundreds of monster carcasses from the scene, Liew Weng made a proper apology to the other Basic Elementary School's surviving teachers.

Not only that, the PE teacher also accepted punishment from the headmaster for his reckless behavior of withholding information and sacrificing allies to make a big contribution towards the school.