
Magic Martial World

In a world where mana talent decided one's future, an orphan named Ivan Chaos was determined to change the views of the world. A martial art that goes against Heaven, a system born right out of his dreams, and the soul of a forgotten legend. So what if he has zero talent? Ivan can just change the world with his cheats! ______________________________________________ Disclaimers: This is a slow paced novel where learning and improving are the norm. Even when the MC is overpowered later, he'll still lose occasionally due to lack of info or techniques. Yeah, cheats are only op when the mc knows how to use them. _____________________________________________ Hey, we're back for WSA 2024!

Simp_Chaos · Ost
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42 Chs

Chaos Dragon

As the thunderstorm continued its ferocious assault on Ivan's house, Headmaster Na, who was reviewing the contents for tomorrow's lectures, was suddenly hit by a bad feeling when dark clouds began to loom over the town. 

It seemed as though a storm was coming. 

Then, without rain or wind, lightning and thunder started to attack a mountain range far at the edge of the town.

Alarmed by the first wave of lightning and thunder, Headmaster Na's eyes contracted significantly as he finally understood the cause of his bad feeling. 

After putting away all of his notes, the middle aged man hurriedly put on his wizard cloak before teleporting towards Ivan's house. 

The magical barrier that previously stopped a shadow scout from Jumper Academy from entering did nothing when Headmaster Na opened a spatial tunnel connecting his current position with the front yard of his student's house. 

Upon arriving at his destination, the thunder and lightning that was constantly striking the area around the house and roof of the house suddenly turned extremely hostile towards the headmaster. 

Being cautious ever since he stepped out of the portal, the headmaster too immediately detected the incoming danger of the lightning. 

Without warning, Headmaster Na was assaulted by deadly lightning and roaring thunder but was able to block most of the damage by casting a magical barrier of light in front of him. 

Alas, even if he has quick reflexes, his reflexes certainly were not faster than light.

During the formation of his magical barrier, tiny strands of lightning bobbed and weaved through the light elements like tiny dragons before finally reaching Headmaster Na. 

The tiny strands of lightning proceeded to strike the joints of the headmaster, paralyzing him substantially though.

Seeing how smart the lightning were as they easily penetrated his magical barrier, Headmaster Na's face couldn't help but reveal a look of surprise and fascination. 

Even though he was in a life and death situation trying to survive through a barrage of lightning and thunder, the headmaster found it strange to see the lightning element moving so intellectually without any caster's help. 

In normal cases, elements remain stagnant or follow a certain rule within their element when no caster is intervening. 

The fact that the lightning knew how to break off a part of itself to attack the blindspot of Headmaster Na's magical barrier showed the headmaster how intelligent these elements were. 

'If I can collect a bit of this lightning to study and replicate its intelligence in other elements, I'm certain I can rewrite everything the current world knows about elements.' After being paralysed by the lightning a few more times before dispersing it with his own magic, the headmaster knew of its worth and started salivating.

"Boom!" But just when the headmaster was lost in his own thoughts, the dark clouds looming above his head started to form a funnel before sucking in all of the lightning in a 100 meter diameter. 

Then, an elemental dragon made from dark water descended through the funnel. 

Upon closer inspection, the dragon's scales were made from dark water while each scale crackled with lightning from before. 

When the elemental dragon opened its maw to roar, one could hear thousands upon thousands of explosions ringing at the same time continuously. 

"Its scales are made from lightning while its roar is formed from thunder, the Dark Dragon of Disasters is real…" 

Upon recognizing the elemental dragon flying above him was a dragon from myths that fishermen used to tell people when they never get any decent harvests was real, Headmaster Na couldn't help but tremble ever so slightly before its presence. 

Well, this was to be expected. 

No matter how experienced a person is, once they meet something completely unknown or a mythical being like the Dark Dragon of Disasters, they undoubtedly break down from fear due to their minds being unable to comprehend the thing before them. 

Headmaster Na was already doing very well despite meeting a mythical being for the first time. 

After letting out a heaven shattering roar, the Dark Dragon of Disasters turned its head towards Ivan's house before it began nose diving towards it. 

As it descended upon the small house at lightning speed, yellow balls of condensed lightning formed around the dark dragon before being discharged towards the house's surroundings. 

"Book of Life & Death, triple cast for me! Shield of Nirvana! Yin Yang Mirror! Chaos Dragon Defense!" 

Seeing that the dark dragon was heading for Ivan's house, Headmaster Na gritted his teeth as he suppressed the fear in his heart before triple casting 3 of the most powerful defensive magic he had in his arsenal. 

The first defense magic casted was Shield Of Nirvana. 

When the Book of Life & Death heard its master's order, it quickly flipped through its pages before arriving at the picture of a lotus flower. 

Then, without any chanting, a giant white lotus flower appeared before the dark dragon like an unbreachable wall. 

A faint buddhist radiance could be seen radiating out of the white lotus flower.

Next, was the Yin Yang Mirror. 

Again, when the Book of Life & Death flipped to a page showing a mirror with a yin yang symbol in the middle of the mirror, a massive mirror in the shape of yin and yang appeared in between the Shield Of Nirvana and the Dark Dragon of Disasters. 

This time though, the Yin Yang Mirror clearly radiated two distinct auras of life and death compared to the faint buddhist radiance. 

The last spell to be casted was Chaos Dragon Defense. 

When the Book of Life & Death flipped its pages until a dragon appeared on one of its pages, a black dragon with a pair of crystal white wings flew out of the book before growing in size to match the incoming dark dragon. 

If the first two spells were barrier type spells, then Chaos Dragon Defense was a summoning spell that uses offense as defense. 

Ignoring the two barrier spells on the small house, the chaos dragon let out a sky shattering roar before it flew head first towards the dark dragon ferociously. 

My internship at Jabil is ending, haiz

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