

In the eastern region of Zariya Kingdom, running along the border shared with the Elbonia Empire, there was a vast woodland area. The whole area was the possession of the house of Knight Curzon.

This area had little farmland, but in exchange, it was blessed with inexhaustible forest and mineral resources. It was also abundant with water sources.

However, due to its geopolitical fate from being located on the border, military spending completely ate up the knight house's financial situation. The house was poor and had no financial leeway at all.

The Curzon House is a lower-ranked noble family that governs three villages on the frontier, each with a population of two to three hundred villagers.

The territory belonging to the Curzon House is actually large enough to be comparable to the territory held by an archduke. The only reason that a vast territory the size of the Curzon Territory can be ruled by someone with the lowly title of Knight is that it is on the frontier.

The Royal Palace didn't think that anyone would actually settle in this area. The Curzon House was only admitted to the nobility because the palace received a report that their ancestors had succeeded in setting up a village.

Over time, three villages were founded at the foot of the mountain range that forms the border to the north and east of the territory.

The Royal Capital had decreed that the local area, including the huge swath of untamed land surrounding it, was part of the Curzon territory. However, because the house is poor and weak, and because the territory is so savage and remote, it is impossible to develop it.

[George Curzon]is the current family head, and for better or worse, he is an average man in his forties that took a noble of a similar class as his legal wife.

Together, they had three boys. As there is no guarantee that a child will safely reach adulthood, noble families can't afford to have only one child.

[Claude Curzon], the third son of the poor noble, is 5 years old. Despite being born into a noble house he will not inherit any territory because of being the thirdborn.

Generally, the eldest son takes over the house, the second son is considered his spare (in case something happens to him), and all of the other sons are sent out into the world to make their own lives.

Unlike a great noble family with a vast territory, or a noble family that holds an important position in the capital for many generations, for this poor, lower-ranked noble family, every son after the second must make his own plans for the future, else he puts his life at risk.

Together we shall embark on an adventure with Claude, as he, later on, starts to unravels secrets that he didn't know about himself.

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