
Mage Profound meaning

RobertSmith · Fantasie
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80 Chs

Strange Wind

  Merlin followed Pula, entered the castle, just entered the castle, Merlin felt the castle decoration style, seems to be some peculiar.

  Slightly yellowed walls, painted with a colorful fresco, some blurred, some patchy, almost none of it is clear.

  "This castle seems very old?"

  Merlin asked Pula.

  Pula nodded and said: "Good, this castle is indeed quite old, even the oldest people in the territory, can not say when the castle was established. Only know that the castle has been very old, at least five hundred years of history, or even longer! Since the Baron Lord lived in this castle, he had it restored, but the decoration in the hall, like this one, was left untouched and remained in its original form."

  Merlin nodded, most of the buildings in this world are very strong, many castles can be preserved for hundreds of thousands of years, perhaps this castle, which was built hundreds of years ago by a nobleman.

  "By the way, where is the father?"

  Merlin looked around and found only some servants, and not old Wilson.

  Pulla eyes flashed a trace of essence, and then said in a low voice: "because recently there are large groups of thieves around the territory activity, so the baron lord has led people, to the territory around the patrol to go, probably will return in the evening."

  Old Wilson was away, but there was naturally a housekeeper in the castle, and a very beautiful housekeeper. After handing Merlin over to the housekeeper, Pula left the castle and went outside to do her rounds.

  The housekeeper was very plump, probably in her early thirties, with bright lipstick on her lips, and a pair of eyes constantly glancing at Merlin.

  "Young Master Merlin, you are tired after a long day's journey, I have already had hot water prepared and placed in your room."

  The housekeeper then took Merlin into a spacious room with a huge bath tub filled with steaming hot water.

  "Young Master Merlin, please."

  At some point, the housekeeper had closed the door to the room and came to the bath tub, looking like she wanted to serve Merlin a bath.

  Merlin has been very depressed since he came to this world. At this time, he came to a completely unfamiliar place and faced with a beautiful woman, and his heart was immediately on fire.


  So Merlin stripped naked directly and jumped into the bath. The housekeeper also smiled profusely, her eyes were like silk, and a pair of tender little hands, couldn't stop swimming all over Merlin's body.

  Merlin slightly narrowed his eyes, a lust and fire quickly rose up inside his body, he fiercely grabbed the housekeeper's hand and said with a low laugh, "Come in."

  With a force in his hand, Merlin pulled the housekeeper directly into the tub.

  Although the housekeeper was still wearing clothes, but the curves of her whole body had been revealed, adding a few more temptations, and her small hands were gently stroking Merlin's chest.

  Merlin long and persistent practice of the mysterious relief on the posture, despite no special exercise, but his body has become very fit, tight muscles, contains a terrifying explosive power.

  But at this time, Merlin had his eyes closed and was enjoying the touch of a pair of tender hands from the housekeeper.

  "Young Master Merlin is really worthy of being the son of the Lord Baron, this body, compared to the Lord Baron, is no less impressive!"

  The housekeeper exhaled like an orchid and whispered in Merlin's ear.

  "Hmm? What did you say? You served your father?"

  Merlin suddenly opened his eyes and asked in a deep voice.

  The housekeeper pursed her lips and smiled lightly, "Of course, every time the Baroness comes to the territory, I am the one who waits on him!"

  The housekeeper also puffed out her ample breasts as she spoke, seemingly looking proud of herself.

  Merlin's face, however, showed a trace of odd color, although the housekeeper is in an incomparably ambiguous position, riding across Merlin's body, but he did not have any desire in his heart, but rather feel a burst of bad chills.

  Although Merlin has learned that the private life of the nobility, most of them are very rotten, like this beautiful maid, after serving the old Wilson and then serve Merlin, in the nobility is commonplace, no big deal, but he still some unacceptable.

  "Get out, I don't need you to serve."

  Merlin's voice was icy and he shooed the still fuming housekeeper straight out.

  Merlin's whole body was immersed in the warm hot water, and the fatigue in his body seemed to be disappearing little by little, but the lust that had just been stirred up by the beautiful housekeeper made him a little restless inside.

  Having no choice, Merlin closed his eyes, leaned his back against the side of the barrel and began to meditate.

  Meditation is to be in a peculiar state of seemingly nothing, so soon, Merlin's mind gradually calmed down, he seemed to have forgotten everything around him, in the bath tub without moving, completely immersed in meditation.

  "Oooooooooo ..."

  I do not know how long it took, Merlin's ears seemed to hear a burst of whimpering like a baby.


  Merlin was awakened by the bizarre sound, he hurriedly stood up, but his body shivered, so he looked at the hot water underneath him and found that the water was already cold, he had been meditating for at least two hours.

  "What's that sound?"

  Merlin came out of the tub, dressed, listened sideways, found that the "whimpering" sound, actually more and more clear, creepy.

  So, he left the room and went downstairs, just in time to run into the Praetorian Commander making his rounds.

  "Uncle Prah, what was that sound just now? It was as if a child was crying."

  Merlin asked in a low voice, he saw several guards at Pula's side, the expression on their faces did not change a bit, as if they had become accustomed to the general.

  Outside the castle was dark, Pula took two steps forward and said to Merlin: "Young Master Merlin, it's really nothing, it's the sound of the wind! Not far outside the castle, there is often a strange wind blowing, this sound is caused by those strange winds, and it is not some child crying."

  "Oh? There is such a strange place? Uncle Pula, can you show me?"

  Merlin was curious to see what strange wind was making this fearful noise.

  "In fact, this strange wind is nothing ... Merlin young master since you want to see, then let's go."

  Pula frowned and hesitated slightly. But perhaps thinking that the place is not far from the castle, not considered to leave the confines of the castle, it finally nodded in agreement and had a candlestick brought, lit five candles and led the way in front.

  Merlin, on the other hand, followed closely behind Pula.