


''Are you okay?'' Sin asked as I walked out of the bathroom. It took me three showers until the stench of blood and sweat were gone from my hair and skin. Alek Laskin allowed Sin to say with me in their estate when he learned how she located us through the phone call I made.

I nod at my best friend as I towel dry my hair. She was seated in Yuri's bed holding the first aid kit.

That fake nurse tried to tend to my wounds again but when she saw the look in my eyes, she scurried back to the infirmary and left the first aid kit to Sin.

''Are you sure?'' Sin took my arms and started cleaning my wounds. She always had the gentlest of the hands when it comes to nursing my wounds.

''Yeah, stop asking me like there's something I shouldn't be okay with'' I murmured in a monotone as I winced when she deliberately poured alcohol in my wounds.

''Stop pretending you're not jealous of Blondie.''

I scoffed. ''Me? Jealous?" I made a face ''no way.''

And my friend once again poured alcohol in my wound. ''You're not a good actress.''

''Hey!'' I swatted her hands. ''That hurts!''

She only shrugged her shoulder ''too bad I have no cure for a broken heart.''

''You know what, I shouldn't have called you. I should have called Uno instead of you'' I said rolling my eyes.

Sin placed her hand above her heart as if she was hurt ''you wound me, Baby. Don't worry, I won't choose a blond over you.''

I giggled lightly at her mockery, although deep inside, I was hurting. It wasn't like this when I broke up with Ace, maybe because I was the one who ended things. In this case with Yuri, I don't even know where I stood. I almost gave myself to him on the island not knowing that he has a girlfriend.

When Alice pulled Yuri to the couch, I excused myself from everyone because I was tired, but the truth is seeing Yuri with her was constricting my heart with a scruffy blade. I remember her, she was the senator's daughter that he was dancing with at the Italian palace two years ago. They look good together, at least with her he will not be in danger.

Sin stayed in Yuri's room with me, and my friend looked tired. I knew she just finished her job with the Korean's yesterday but she still came to my rescue.

My tossing in turning in Yuri's bed wasn't helping Sin. She stirs in her sleep whenever I move so I decided to get a drink from the kitchen.

On my way to the stairs, I passed through the guest room where Yuri was currently staying. The urge to peek inside and see if that fake nurse did okay with his wounds was very strong but I fought against it. What if Alice stayed with Yuri, I would only picture their naked bodies in my mind until dawn.

The light from the bright moon was passing through the glass wall of the house so I didn't bother to open the lights. The good stuff is hidden in the basement but a bottle of beer will be good to help me sleep.

I twisted the cap before I even closed the fridge and took a big gulp.

''Can't sleep?'' a tiny pitchy voice spoke from the other side of the kitchen island. How did I not feel her presence?

''Yeah…'' I wasn't drunk yet and I didn't even take pain reliever pills but why am I hallucinating. There was no child in this house, was she a ghost?

''Wants some ice cream?'' the small voice asked again.

''Sure'' I replied. ''Can I open the lights?''

The voice heaved and the sound of the chair being dragged against the marble floor was echoing throughout the whole house. When the lights flickered open, I was met with deep jade orbs and a little girl in her unicorn onesie. Her resemblance to Yuri was too dominant as if she was his daughter. Those curly raven locks of her that made her face smaller than it was supposed to and those dark green orbs of hers was so pretty.

She climbed up the stool again and scooped her ice cream pint, giving me a wink as she took another.

''Does it taste good?'' I realize that I was being rude because I was staring at this fascinating little girl.

''This?'' I raised the beer bottle and she nods. ''Not really.''

''Then why do grownups drink it?'' she took a scoop of her ice cream again.

Her question made me think for a while ''it numbs the pain.'' That was all I could think about as I pointed to the bandage on my left arm. She nods as if she understands me. ''Can I have some of those?''

Her eyes glimmered against the dimmed kitchen light as she nods. I took a spoon from the dispenser and sat beside her. She smiled as I chilled when the cold sweet dessert hit my taste buds.

''What's your name?'' the little girl asked after we almost finished her food.


''That's a guy's name'' she pouted her lips.

''it's short for Adrianna'' I pinched her cheeks. ''What about your?''

Her smile grew wider ''Faith. Just faith.''

''That's a nice name'' my heart ached for this little lady. She's the daughter of Yuri's older brother who died from a car crash four years ago. I thought she was staying in Russia with Yuri's sister for the time being.

''Can you be my new mommy?''

My eyes widened at her question as I choked on my beer. ''What did you say?''

She rolled her cute little eyes as if I was too dumb for not hearing her the first time. ''Can you marry Dyadya Yuri.''

''Oh'' I avoided her gaze. ''I think your uncle Yuri is marrying Alice. They are in love.'' Those words were like vile coming out of my stomach and poisoning my mind and soul like cyanide.

''Love is not like that" she said coldly.

''What makes you say that?''

''Dyadya is not happy with her. He doesn't smile like he did two years ago.''


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