
Madara Uchiha Multiverse traveling

What would happen if Madara was to be reincarnated into Highschool dxd with his own powers and more, Vector manipulation, Thunder breathing ( Demon Slayer ) and a with a powerful mother

Uriel_et_teneberis · Anime und Comics
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11 Chs


" Eh where am I " I thought. " We are in your mindscape " ??? said . " Who's there show yourself " I shouted. Someone appeared who was me but wore shinobi outfit. " I am simply you and I've come here to bring you back to your senses. " ???? Said.

" Am okay, I don't want to " I said . " I don't think you are. You have by far fallen further from your goal much less your sanity. " The shinobi said. " As I said am okay , I don't need any help " I said.

" Let me remind you your curse . " The shinobi activated the internal mangyeko sharingan . " Genjutsu won't work on me " I scoffed . Suddenly I saw how Tobirama killed Izuna , how I was forced to take my brother's eyes.My losses . I remembered the hatred I grew for the shinobi world. From then on I resolved never to grow attached to anyone which I fell into.

" I hope you have woken up from your deep slumber . We shall meet again " Slowly I saw the other figure disappear.

" Thank you for awakening me . " I thought.

" Why would I even think of help ? I'll grow stronger by myself " I thought.

I decided to stay with the girls since there was no where I could go where Yuri would be unable to track me. I changed my perspective from manipulating Scathath ( more like manipulating me ) and being played with people like that.

I momentarily forgot that kindness doesn't take you anywhere , being with people slow you down much less annoy you . Caring brings you nothing but misfortune so I'll try my best not to care for those weirdos.

( At the Bleud dimension where the prisoners were kept. )

The prisoners enjoyed themselves since there was no one to harass them apart from themselves which gave me an idea of the greatest torture. A while ago I had created a pill that can refresh their Mana and additionally strengthening it . This prison was somewhat unique since they were free to roam on a 20 km squared forest. They could fend themselves food and there was no aggressive animals . The best way for them to suffer was to turn them against each other and considering they were Immortal , the torture would never end.

I teleported there and placed it inside a mountain full of lava . I made it release aura to attract attention then placed traps . If any of the traps caught you, forget about getting out until someone is kind enough to get you out.

I teleported away and waited for the results to bear.

The next day I ignored the ladies but still gave short conversation before living them deserted .

Scathath : Is it me or is Madara, ignoring us .

The ladies nodded.

( At night )

Fallen angels were killing humans with gears.

" Time for practice " I flickered to one of the angels behind and digged into his body removing a heart. The fallen angels turned the attention to me . Before they could react , I was in front of the female fallen angel . I slit her throat and she watched us blood started gushing out and life fading out .

Two men remained and they started casting spells . I dodged the spells and casted majestic flame which scorched them beyond recognition .

There were six humans in total.

" Tha.. Thank you kind gentleman " They started thanking me when my eyes turned extremely cold towards them.

" Who said I came here to help you , " They started shivering. I weighed my options on killing them and taking their gears or making them work for me . " You are going to work for me " I said.

" But sir , we have other jobs and families to go to " Some who were lucky to not experience the fallen angels killing their families said.

" It wasn't a request , it was an order " I said releasing pressure that made the crouch to their knees. I opened the portal while some were fast to follow , others hesitated which ended with me drop kicking them to the portal.

At the Bleud dimension , I showed them materials and resources for building houses, I also transferred my knowledge on architecture on them and ordered them to start building.

" Within 1 month I want the buildings finished. " This could be considered overdosed labor but this was just the flesh. All of those people had the potential to grow and since they awakened their gears, my way of Training them was making them suffer and as they do that , they would grow their Strength. Maybe then I could harvest their powers....

To be continued since am Soo sleepy and at my place it's night time