
Madara’s redemption in DXD

Before his death Madara Transports to the world Of Highschool DXD There he meets a lifeless boy. Will Madara find his redemption within this boy?Read to find out

kif_esh · Anime und Comics
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15 Chs

Chapter 14

Issei was horrified at what he saw, well not really, he was more angered by it, he knew that this did not happen by chance.

As he watched the screen in the Student Council room he felt his blood Pressure beginning to rise.

"The Newest Hit in the Underworld and Heaven!"

The Screen went blank and Issei hoped that this new hit would be based of something else rather than what he knew it was going to be.

"Comes the Tale of an ordinary boy, raised by the Demon of Man."

Any hope of that was dashed as Issei saw a flash of a Sharingancome across the seen.

He also noted that they used the flames to show the picture burning up.

Black flames, he knew only two people who could do this, one live with him the other was himself.

"The Tale of an ordinary boy, raised by the Greatest Monster of this Age."

What happened next was almost funny, it was the scene when the cosplaying wife of Sirzech met him.

"Who are you and what are you doing here"

"I am Char, Char Anzable."

What they showed next was Rias coming out of the room, Issei knew what she would say.

"He is Issei Hyoudou, I requested him to come here."

Now Issei was not all that big on missing out details, but he knew that these cut and pasted of what happened were on purpose.

"Also how they hell did they record it, I better watch what I say."

The next scene was him talking to Riser.

"I have the immortal body of a Phoenix fire as it is in my Clan's blood, I am pure blood Devil of the highest order!"

"I see you're a classic megalomaniac, you failed to mention me once in that entire spat, he ought to quit jacking off to himself and put his lotion in the basket".

Issei had to admit that line of his was actually funny, he was right though, Riser must have jacked off to himself when he was alone.

The Scene now skipped to part of the fight, Issei saw himself make a single hand sign and yell.


Issei cringed while he knew that is not what he said, it might as well have been.

He saw the attack and had to say, he did a dam good job despite the bullshit name they gave it.

The Scene changed where he and Riser were about to face off, he now knew they were altering it to for their own use.


Issei watched as he yelled back at this Riser, he hoped that this was all bad acting because he knew he had not done what was said next.

"Riser your a third rate villain, EVERYONE KNOWS CLANNAD IS THE BEST THERE IS!"

The Scene ends in a flash of red light, Issei was sure that and what he said did not happen.

In fact he was sure he had used Tsukuyomion that arrogant bastard, now came the title and the extras.

"Demon Eyes Issei Chronicles, The Gremory Affair, coming soon, collectibles out now"

"Place your order for the Limited edition Madara figurine complete with life like quotes."

"Madara Disciple the video game, play as customisable character, live and interact in Kuoh Academy and the realm of Madara, where you are never ever allowed to be anything but single!"

Issei closed his eyes, he knew it could not get any worse than this, he also knew that he could be wrong and was proven so almost instantly.

Issei listened to some strange version of him say a way of life or something.

He opened his eyes to see text on the screen.


"You can take my body and my soul, but you will never take MY CLANNAD!"

Issei's eyes nearly popped out of his head not only did they screw up his motto they mocked his favourite game Clannad.

Closing his eyes he began to chuckle, it grew so loud it became loud maniacal laughter.

Sona along with her Peerage and Rias with hers now both looked at Issei.

They only could accept the death that Issei would give them for this, the movie but the merchandise they also were advertising.

"Umm, Issei, please don't kill us, we did not do anything."

Sona said this while she looked to her sister who gave her a playful smile.

Issei's eyes now flared up his Sharingan "Why should I not kill you I mean, you are part of the after all!"

What Issei was about to say next was cut off by an add that suddenly appeared on the overhead projector screen.

"Purchase a your life size Issei Hyoudou, complete with real voice over."

The quotes that followed did not help the situation the devils were in.

"Quit Jacking off to your power and put the lotion in the basket."

""I just hope you can deliver after this is over."

"If you want to dance with me, you will have to make much faster steps!"

"No the name I use the most is Okazaki Tomoya, this is my adorable friend Fuko."

The quotes stopped and the rest of the advert continued

"Buy now to allow him to experience all the pleasure Madara has banned him from."

Three words left Issei's mouth the first was "what" followed by "the fuck?"

His gaze now turned to Sona and asked "How did they even get those line that I said?"

To this the heir shrugged and said "I do not know, I do know that the Maou's do have an extensive network, though why they would use it like this is beyond me?"

Issei sighed this time he just stood up and left the room, as he went he could feel the fear from everyone else in the room.

"Why do I have to put up with this crap, what I want is to go down and seriously murder the guy who did this!"

Despite his murderous thoughts his face was completely calm and serene.

"If I do find out who this said individual or organisation that are trying to make a living off me I will take them to Madara!"

Now leaving the building he saw that at the school gate the young man who he had called "Cow Pee" was waiting.

"I see that we meet again Issei Hyoudou, or do you go by another name today?"

To this Issei said "What do you want from me, if you want me to what talk to you, you got to do better than this."

To this the man said "I would like it if we could go to a place more private?"

Issei in response said "I don't swing that way."

Sure he was being an ass to this guy, but this guy had an aura of a mega douche.

Like he looked down on other because it was his birth right or some crap along those lines.

"Look, I came to this location because I was asked by a Devil to, there is an Angel in my house and I'm not in the best of moods so please let me be sullen and apathetic in peace."

Now the man was a little shocked at what he just said. "You are rather open that you deal with such other worldly beings, they who try to suppress and enslave humanity."

Issei was able to counter this by saying "What makes us any different than them?"

To this the man said "We have choice, we are not defined by nature to be one aspect, we can rule or serve, it all depends on what our actions are."

Issei raised his eyebrow "Ah so you are one of them, Man for earth and all stuff, human united an all the other names?"

The man shook his head "I am Cao Cao, descendant of the man by that very name, I desire that man will not be under the influence of any other."

To this Issei said "Any other than you, you mean."

Cao Cao looked at him "What do you mean by that?"

To this Issei said "If all things are true and all religions are false, then it was man who made up god to explain that which we cannot."

"It was then man that made the organisation of religion, in it there are positions of power that are to be held by those worthy."

Issei paused to make sure that his audience could follow then said.

"If that is true then it is humanity that desires to be influenced by a higher power and it was there choice to say so."

It was not an argument that Cao Cao had not heard before but he said "What you say is true, but should we limit ourselves because of the past, should we just bend our knee because other have done so?"

Issei took in a deep breath, he needed it for what he was about to say next, it was what Madara had taught him to say to idealistic fools.

"Wake up to reality, the strong oppress the weak and those that are too frail to survive die due to their weakness."

"It is the natural order of the world, those alone die alone and those who fight with friends die also with friends."

"If you wish to know what I am saying, it is that all things must have an end, nothing last forever."

"That said it can resurface from time to time when it so desires to."

"I do not know what your cause is, but in the end the only thing that wars are fought over is power, why is your conflict any different?"

At this moment Issei sensed that something was going to happen behind him.

Now Issei had been with Madara long enough that he knew he should not turn around to see it.

Instead he used his his Flying Thunder God technique to teleport at the last second away form what it was behind him.

"I have to give it to him, Issei Hyoudou is fast, very fast.

A man who looked like some weird time of wizard said this, Cao Cao looked at him and sighed.

"Georg, I think it is safe to say that he is not going to listen to us, his views are twisted and warped."

They heard a giggle and turned to see a female member of their group.

"I don't know he is rather cute and is also quite handsome and has a way with words."

Cao Cao now looked at the girl who was meant to contain the spirit of Joan of Arc.

"Jeanne do you really carry the spirit of the Maid of Orleans within you?"

She pouted and said "I do you big jerk and what's it to you, its not like you have a chance with me Georg."

Cao Cao sighed and said "Enough both of you we failed in this, from what we know Madara would not even look at us."

Georg looked at Jeanne and said "She may be the cause of that, aren't you meant to be chaste like your ancestor?"

Cao Cao sighed again "How can the Maid of Orleans be her ancestor if the Maid of Orleans was as you say chaste."

Georg had not thought of it like that and the three of them decided to leave this town for now.

"It's a pity, with his strength our plan would have no need for a fail safe."

As he lamented over these words he had to think.

"What kind of man is this Madara to raise a child like Issei Hyoudou, I get the urge to stay away from him?"

He did not know how right his instincts were at this point, Madara was something else.

Madara at this moment was discussing the alliance with the Arch Angel Michael.

"You desire myself and my disciple to be the mediators in this event, also to be on stand by for enemy activity."

The Arch Angel gave a gracious nod and said "What I desire is that we stop the fighting that has no benefit to us and try to rebuild our strength together, as I told you before I do fear that there is a force in the shadows waiting to end us."

Madara knew that this guy was meant to be an avatar of virtue and all but he was also concerned for his enemies was a thing Madara would not do.

Though he understood why the Arch Angel did this.

"You show concern for your foes, you stand by your role as an avatar of virtue and light, yet you do not cursed the darkness, you are interesting person."

To this the Arch Angel returned the compliment and said "You two are an interesting person, you are proof that all can change if they desire to."

These words were almost like Hashirama's, it made Madara smile, though for only a millisecond in time.

"If it not for your wings, your hair and your cloths you could be mistaken for Hashirama."

The Arch Angel was not able to determine if this was a compliment or insult.

"I believe they would try to contact you or at least Hyoudou, that way they can use you against us as I said before."

Madara sighed "From what I can tell they may have already, though I know that he would not agree with them."

The Arch Angel raised his eyebrow "Oh why is that?" To this Madara gave an almost evil smile.

"Lets just say I raised him to be his own master, all he does is tied to part of his code of living."

The Arch Angel then smiled at said "For a man who is seen by many as a monster you sure were able to raise a child well."

To this Madara gave a smirk and said "No child that I raise would be an arrogant headstrong fool who looks down on others and believes that he is better than them because of who he is."

Now the Arch Angel did not know that Madara was referencing a boy from his own clan who was all of these traits and more.

Madara had recalled him and knew that he did not wish to even have anything to do with a child like that.

"I see you raised him to not flaunt who he is in front of other."

Madara gave him a nod and said "He still does it, though it is not his true feelings, I also taught him to enjoy the little things."

The Arch Angel knew what he meant by this, little things such as acts and Visual Novels.

Now standing up the Arch Angel said "It was a pleasure to chat with you and to be able to come to an agreement, I'll be in touch about that."

Now standing up he cast a smile to Asia and Raynare, Asia who cast her smile back to him while Raynare ducked for cover.

"You do what you see as right and I will do the same."

Madara said this as the Arch Angel left the house he now turned to see what Asia and Raynare were staring at.

"What are you two looking at, if you so desire to I can create a box filled with doors for you two to stare at all day."

They took the hint and went to complete the task that were set to them.

It was at this moment that Issei returned to the house.

Madara noted that he had used his Flying Thunder Godtechnique to enter that meant that he was avoiding someone or he was too lazy to walk.

"I take it you saw what they had to show you."

Issei rolled his eyes "Yes I did, though I would say it is not pleasing and you would be rather angry at it."

To this Madara gave him a blank look and said "They made a what is it movie or series about you."

"Bastard knew, well I guess I should inform him about the other part as well."

It was the only thing Issei could do to get one up on Madara.

"Yeah they did, also they made a video game with you in it as a mentor to the custom character."

Madara did not really know what a custom character was but he said "I know I get thirty percent of all royalties."

In his head Issei thought "Well of course he would know, no one can do his voice."

The it hit Issei "Hey didn't a guy by the name of Naoya Uchida sound a little like Madara."

He did not pursue the topic any further and went to go dote on Asia.

Asia who was in the middle of doing the cloths was quite happy with this.

"I'm glad that you came to see me Oni-sama."

Be it known that Madara did not believe in an automatic washing machine, so it all had to be done by hand.

He did believe in taps at least as a positive.

Issei stood next to her and began to help her wash the cloths, most of it was hers and Raynare's.

Asia had noticed this too but now was the first time she asked it "Hey Oni-sama does Madara-sama ever change his cloths?"

Issei thought for a moment that he could lie and say that Madara did but he decided not to.

"Hmm, that is a good question, not that I know the answer to it?"

Asia sighed as she finished a shirt of hers "Well there are things you don't even know about him then."

To this Issei gave her a nod and said "He tells me many things, many does not equal every, Imouto."

She smiled at the mention of him calling her little sister she liked the sentiment, not as much as she liked hers and Raynare's otheridea but she did like this.

It was at this moment that Issei noticed Xenovia was watching them.

"You two, you two look very close." She managed to whisper this, Issei did not know if she thought he did not hear her or not.

To this Issei said "Of course we are I'm here Oni-sama and she's my Imouto."

The sudden jump he heard from Xenovia told him she did not expect him to hear her.

Asia looked at him and said "Um Oni-sama who are you talking to?"

To this Issei smiled and said "A certain blue haired girl who was watching us as we work, she should have just got stuck in and helped out."

Issei had closed his eyes and said this with a smile on his face but there was something about this smile that made Asia take a step back in fear.

"Oni-sama, you look very scary when you make that face, please stop."

Issei stopped smiling at said "I'm sorry I did not mean to scare you."

She looked at him and said "I accept your apology."

Issei gave a very loud sigh and said "Xenovia, if you're watching us you can help us, if not leave us in peace."

To this what she did he did not expect, she came now into the laundry and began to help them with the cloths.

Issei noted that she was blushing as she stood next to him at the basin.

Now to add to his surprise Asia sang "Xenovia and Issei sitting in a tre G!"

If there was a little blush in Xenovia's face it was gone now.

Her face was now completely scarlet, Issei on the other hand had learned to ignore such obvious taunts and said "You wound me Asia, I would much prefer to do that with you."

Xenovia was able to pick up the joke, but Asia was not.

She now turned scarlet and began to mumble. "If, if that, if that's what Oni-sama wants then I won't object."

To this Issei looked at her and said "You know that it was just a joke my precious little Imouto?"

He added the last four words in so she did not get a little upset at him. His tactic worked she forgot that she had been the object of a joke.

Instead she said happily in her ignorance "Oh thank you Oni-sama, you really are a kind person!"

In his head Issei said "Um no I am really not, Madara raised me, I may be polite at times but kindness is not one of my assets."

Xenovia then asked him "When will begin to train me?"

To this Issei did not look at her, his face was on the washing.

"I will train you in time, but first things must be done, I cannot guarantee that you will become like me."

Now both Asia and Xenovia noticed that he did not use the word strong, not that it was a big deal but this was one of the early lessons Madara taught him.

"It is okay to call another weak, until he proves your words wrong, then apologise to him for the insult."

"You must never over estimate your power and brag unless you already have a secure victory."

These two went hand in hand with one another, Madara had made sure he knew this.

Issei knew that what Madara made him do was for his own benefit.

Madara had shown him his world and what he had done within it.

Though Issei knew that he had not shown him all of it, Madara would never show him all of it, he was entitled to his secrets.

Issei's face took on a silent and sad demeanour when he thought back to this.

He could not recall who or what his parent's looked like, sure he had photo's of them but his memory before he met Madara was hazy at best.

Xenovia who had a better view of his face could not help but reach out and touch it.

To her he looked so still so lost in thought it was almost as if he was a picture.

Issei snapped back to reality with her warm and soapy touch.

Issei just turned his face to look he had stopped his washing.

Asia who had been so focused on her tasked looked over at them and said.

"Um you two when I see you like that look real lovey dovey."

It was at this moment that Xenovia blushed again and took away her hand, though to her suprise Issei blushed a little as well.

Asia looked at him and said "Oh so you can blush Oni-sama, don't tell me you've fallen for Xenovia and she for you!"

Asia did not know why but she did not feel any jealousy of Xenovia, it was as if she was happy just looking at the two of them.

"My song will soon come true Oni-sama, then I will be an aunty!" Issei looked at her his eyes widening and said "Imouto, stop don't say things like that, it's not very funny."

To she said "But it's true Oni-sama you are in love with her, you even blushed!" She was now putting on the annoying little sister who has to be right act.

"If Raynare thought her this I'll have a word with her."

They did not know that on the other side of the wall Madara had heard all that had transpired.

But the fact that they would have been even more shocked at was that he had smiled.

Not a smile that said you would be dead in the next five seconds or that he had just succeeded in some grand plan.

It was small sincere smile that expressed joy. He looked up at the roof but in fact he was looking at where the stars would be.

Somewhere out there was his home world, and Hashirama, well at least his spirit and legacy.

Quietly he spoke to himself "It is good for him to have moments like these, it is the little things that we take for granted that reminds us that we are human."