
Madara’s redemption in DXD

Before his death Madara Transports to the world Of Highschool DXD There he meets a lifeless boy. Will Madara find his redemption within this boy?Read to find out

kif_esh · Anime und Comics
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15 Chs

Chapter 13

Issei turned to see a divine like glow behind him.

This was coming off a being who looked male, but was also very pretty as well as handsome.

"Well I guess genders don't matter in their heaven now do they." he thought this before he was able to respond.

"Yes I am he, by the way are you a guy or girl, I just want to be sure?"

The figure smiled and said "For all purposes I am male, may I please come inside."

Issei gave him a nod and opened the door letting him in "I wonder what Madara will think of this guy?"

In the meantime Madara had detected the sudden surge in power and had come to the door.

"So you must be the leader of Heaven." Madara said this in a rather knowing tone.

To this the Arch Angel responded "To any other I would question them to why I appear so holy, that I may be a trick of a devil, but from what I have learned of you Madara, no such trick could fool you."

Issei did not know the mood of the room, "Does Madara actually approve of this guy?"

Madara looked at the Arch Angel and said "So you are the Arch Angel Michael, you lead the third faction."

It was not a question "I am the current leader of Heaven."

Madara gave a nod "Your purpose for coming here, I can tell that you do not want an object from us?"

The Arch Angel Michael gave him a gracious nod again "That is true I came here on a much more delicate matter."

Madara raised and eyebrow "What would that be, you just narrowly avoided war, that due to my own and my disciple's intervention."

The Arch Angel again gave him a nod and said "There is another reason why the three factions should not go to war against each other."

At this moment Issei thought Madara was going to tell him that peace was a lie and so on so forth.

But no Madara instead said "You believe that the war will benefit none of you and another force is lying in the shadows to sweep up."

"That is it exactly." said the Arch Angel as he pulled out a book from his robes.

Don't ask where he could store a book, Issei did not know, neither did Irina. Walking to their dining room and giving a gentle smile to Raynare as he passed her the Arch Angel Michael sat down and opened the book.

Madara now took a seat opposite him and said "You believe that this new factions is a threat."

The Arc Angel nodded and replied "I believe they are a threat, though many of us should have seen this coming."

Michael pushed the book over to Madara who browsed it briefly before he pushed it back.

"You believe that there is another group made up of factions who desire your destruction lurking in the shadows trying to provoke war?"

Michael new that Madara was just affirming his words from before.

"Once we have brought ourselves to the brink they would sweep in and finish us of."

Now Madara did not know what the three factions had done in the past.

But he knew that with power comes enemies and with great power come many foes.

"You suspect this, why did you come to me about it?"

The Arch Angel smiled and said "I rather come to you and hire you to fight against them rather than them hire you to fight against us."

Now even Madara had to admit that was rather cunning of an Angel, to come to him so others are not able to.

"You believe that I would join them in their cause."

The Arch Angel shook his head "I do not know enough about you to know for certain, but I do know that I would rather not find out."

Madara's eyes now landed upon Asia as she entered the house and said "That girl, she has no evil in her, why did you have her cast out."

To this the Arch Angel gave a reply that Madara could agree with.

"The good of the many out does the good of the few."

Issei did not know what he had just heard, was an Angel you know excluding someone for no good reason.

Madara on the other hand knew why as a leader the Arch Angel had to have done this. "A world of happiness for all requires an illusion and no free will."

Madara said this, it reminded him of his own failed attempt to make everyone happy.

"No truer words have been said about that." Michael said this with a grim look upon his face, well as grim as he could look.

"How powerful is this group that you desire your destruction?"

The Arch Angel now said "I only have a guess, but some of their members are as good if not better than myself, I am lead to believe they have allies who are waiting to see our full strength before they show theirs."

It was a sound tactic, Madara knew he would do the same, he had done the same to the one who was called Sirzech.

Now Issei had to but in and say "Madara, how do you get along so well with this guy, I mean you know you did not get along well with anyone else?"

To this Madara did not even look at Issei when he answered him.

"This Arch Angel, is able to understand what is required for a total happy world."

Now Madara turned to him "A lie that does not harm any and brings happiness to them is a lesser evil."

Now Issei got it, that deal with God of the bible being dead and all, that made sense to now, if he was dead and Michael was in charge in heaven he had been lying to church for a long time.

"Oh that's why okay then if you two don't mind, I think I will go out you know, let you two do all the talking and staring."

Madara in response said "Don't do anything that would strain you, your body may have those cells in it, but you're not immortal."

Issei sighed "Yeah I know, see you, I'm getting out of here now!"

The Arch Angel turned his smile now to Madara "Is he always like that, rather let you talk?"

Madara looked at him, Madara did not smile, it would have not looked good if he did.

"It is my own doing that he is like that, he can talk with others at higher level, but like myself he'd rather act when he can."

Issei had left not because what they were doing was boring but because Madara was talking and not actually beating anyone up.

"He defeated that Red Haired guy and beat down on the twelve winged Fallen Angel, how can he get along with this guy?"

Issei snapped out of it when he noticed some sort of weird cosplayer approaching him.

"Hello, you must Issei Hyoudou." The man looked Chinese and had some sort of almost Dynasty Warriors outfit on.

"Let me guess Cow Pee?" Issei said it wrong to annoy the guy.

The cosplayers visibly got a tick mark on his head, but still managed to keep his friendly demeanour.

"I believe it is pronounced Tsao Pi."

To this Issei said "Man English dubbs suck, did I miss something or was their a convention on main street today?"

The young man looked at him horrified "What no, this is how I usually dress."

At this Issiei deadpanned him and said "What you're not fooling me Otaku, who am I to judge you or your hobbies."

They guy now looked at him "Are you really Issei Hyoudou?"

To this Issei put on his best acting and said "Who, my name is Tobirama, Senju."

The man did not know what to say, he had not heard of that name before.

In the afterlife in another world, Tobirama the Second Hokage felt the sudden need to full on punch an Uchiha in the face.

"Why do I feel as some foolish child is using my name so freely?"

He then saw his brother, he remembered Naruto Uzumaki, this caused him to scowl.

"Stupid naïve care free dumb fools."

He scowled and knew that some where out in the infinite universe some jackass was using his name.

He did not know how right he was, also he did not know said jackass was raised by Madara Uchiha.

Back with Issei even he had to admit the confused face of this young man was rather hilarious, he had been so sure he was Issei Hyoudou.

"So you have a name or do you just randomly ask people if they are someone else?"

The young man closed his eyes and said "My apologises, my name is Cao Cao, if you are not Issei Hyoudou then I am sorry I wasted your time and will be on my way."

With these words he left but Issei could not help but think.

"I guess he was not joking when he said his name was Cao Cao, but I wonder how strong is this guy?"

He then walked to his favourite ice cream store and wished he had not.

"Shit it the local magical girl Serafall and her side kick."


She waved at Issei who at that moment used his Flying Thunder God technique to get the hell out of their.

He did not know where he went, only that he had gone somewhere he had marked.

Sighing he closed his eyes and then opened them and wished he had kept them closed.

Right in front of him was Rias Gremory, she was completely naked and was staring at him!

All Issei could say was "Hey I don't mean to be rude but do you use your magic to increase your breast size, there's no way you could fight with those things."

At this Rias gave out a little scream and to this Issei sighed and took a seat as Akeno burst through the doors of the club room to see what was happening.

The only thing she could do was laugh and laugh hard.

"Ara, Ara, Issei-kun, are you not at all effected by Buchou, she looks rather effected by you, not usual since she is a nudist and all!"

She said this as she giggled at the two of them, she was quite enjoying the seen before her.

Issei gave a shrug and said "Think of it as in a battle sense, if the enemy bared her breast at me I would still kill her, I would not freeze up like some closet pervert and die for that sin."

Akeno laughed again and said "Ara, Ara Issei-kun Rias has no problem with being naked normally but with you she seems to be blushing and trying to cover up."

She now showed him a rather sadistic smile "If you did not have all your cloths one, one may think you two were you know!"

In reply to this Issei said "I am sure I would not lose my virginity to her, I mean she did say she would watch me die, safe to say a woman who likes others to do all the work is not for me."

Akeno now broke out laughing and began to roll on the ground as Rais's face turned the same colour as her hair.

She grabbed a nearby towel and covering herself said "Why, why you, you come in here, you insult my body and then you claim I would be lazy in sex, what are you!"

To this Issei said "What am I, I am Madara's disciple, what else do I look like."

He then gave her a shrug and went to the door as he did this Akeno managed to stop laughing "Ara, Ara Issei-kun, if you want a wild girl you can always come to me!"

Akeno also took pleasure in the fact that she now knew that Issei was a virgin, she did not know if he was otherwise.

Issei was about to tell her to get lost then he realised how angry Rias would get if he even considered the offer. "I'll think about it, I could get use to you in time!"

The scream from Rias was totally worth it, though he knew he would now have to go home as he did not wish to run into Sona and her Magical girl sister.

"Ara, Ara you here that Rias, he likes me more than you, what have I always told you, guys like to be punished a little."

Issei closed the door behind him but not before saying "I am quite sure that when I am done it will be you begging me for more!"

He saw the look on Rias's face and knew he had done enough and closed the door fully.

Turning around he saw Yuuto. "How long do you intend to torment us like this?"

Issei sighed and said "This time it was by accident, I was trying to get away from a certain magical girl."

Yuuto looked at him and said "I researched and found out who you called me, I won't say I am pleased with it."

Issei shrugged and said "Fight me over it Sunohara, I'll kick your ass like Tomoyo did."

Now Yuuto and learned who those two were and also knew that Issei could recreate the scene from both visual novel and anime if he wanted.

"I think that is your cue to go find Tomoya and do what it is you guys do off screen, look out for the football club by the way."

With those words Issei made a whole Football team worth of Wood Clones and said "You better run Sunohara, I still remember it was you who handed me that crap excuse for payment."

One Issei was one too many for Yuuto Kiba, a teams worth and he knew he was a dead man.

"I'll give you ten seconds better hope that speed of yours keeps your face pretty after this."

Yuuto did not need to be told twice he was out of their like a rocket.

At this moment Issei dispelled his Genjutsu "I wonder how long it will take him to realise that this was all an illusion?"

He said this out loud and was about to walk away when Koneko grabbed onto his arm.

She looked so adorable that he just had to stroke her head.

"Well Kitty what can I do for you today?"

As he said this she gave him her pouting face and said "Don't call me Kitty."

Issei sighed and said "Okay little one, what can I do for you, sexual activaty is off limits by the way just to let you know."

She looked at him and said "Pervert."

He looked at her and said "Cat demon."

With these words she shut up and got the message call me something I am not and I'll strip your soul bare.

"Why did you do that to him?"

It took a moment for Issei to come to the conclusion that she was stalling and said with the salute of Son Goku "Well folks see you later."

He then used his Flying Thunder God to enter the Church.

Looking around he could see that it had all been rebuilt, "A world protected by a lie, I guess if the mass populace does not know and have not died because of it, it is a lesser evil."

He now looked up at the roof of the Church and closed his eyes.

"Since I have white Zetsu cells my eyes are not in danger, yet I myself am or so Madara says."

His gaze now fell on the cross and he had to ask "Just how much is real and fake, what is the lie and what is the truth?"

He could recall as a little child when Madara first taught him the importance of lying.

"The world itself is full of lies, you can't trust it, know that if you lie you need only to lie to others, what they do not need to know is not theirs."

Issei now frowned as he notice that his body had now fully recovered "Can I truly call myself human, can Madara do so, if we are not human, what are we monsters?"

He knew that Rias was going to let him die therefore he would be forced to enter her peerage.

But she herself did not know anything about him, therefore she did not know that he could beat Raynare or then Yuma.

"I wonder if I had not been brought up by Madara what would I have turned out like."

He then came to the conclusion that he would have gone to Kuoh and died at the hands of Raynare and been brought back.

"I guess this is a better future, I am not enslaved to a Devil."

An image of Madara flashed past his face "I am not free though?"

As he was deep in thought the man who had called himself Cao Cao caught sight of him in the church.

"We meet again Tobirama Senju, I did not expect to see you in this place."

Issei gave a sigh and said "You still have not got changed yet have you?"

Cao Cao looked at him and said "Like I said before this is my normal clothing please don't mock it."

Issei gave another sigh and said "What are you some relative of the guy that you use his name and dress like someone from his time?"

To this Cao Cao said "No I did not wear what they wear, mine is far more modern."

Issei sighed again, stood up and walked past him and said "Oh by the way Tobirama is not my real name."

Cao Cao turned as he said this and knew that he had been right this was indeed the Devil Friend Issei Hyoudou.

But as he turned no one was there, he cursed himself he had learned that the Devil Friend possessed some instant teleporting skill.

"So he is Issei, I wonder did he know who we are?"

He also knew that being an ass to people was also part of Issei Hyoudou.

"I will have to talk to him at a later date."

"Issei Hyoudou, just how good are you?" The young man had to admit so far his target had been a very convincing lair.

Issei was now back at his house and was looking at Raynare who was cowering behind the kitchen counter at the sight of the Arch Angel.

"Um not to be rude, but why are you quivering in the kitchen and trying to catch glimpses Michael?"

She full on screamed as she half expected to see the Archangel himself when she turned around.

"Hey quiet down, you guys have not seen Madara angry, believe me you would not want to see him angry."

With those wise words she shut here mouth and gave him a nod.

"Okay I best go take a seat again and listen to what this guy is saying."

Walking over and taking a seat beside Madara he asked "Hey did I miss anything important like?"

To this Madara said "Many things within and beyond your understanding."

To this Issei gave a loud sigh and then looked at the Arch Angel Michael.

"If I have to guess you are going to hire us, but I would like to know what you intend to pay me with for my last job with the Church?"

Madara now gave a loud sigh but Michael raised his hand and said "That is reasonable of you, I can't ask more of you if I do not deliver on what I promised."

Pulling out of his garb he hand Issei something that was in a box.

With this Issei's arms began to tremble as he looked up and said "How does an Angel, the Archangel get his hands on this!"

The tone that he used told both Madara and Michael that he did not want an answer.

In his hands he held a limited edition Tomoyo After 'Its a wonder full life' Original Edition.

The look on Issei's face prompted Madara to say "If I discover that you are doing what I think you are doing to that above all things, I will certainly punish you." (Masturbation for those who don't know)

Issei snapped back to reality with this statement and said "I swear on this body that I have and my eyes I won't do that, you know I won't."

The Archangel gave a smile and said "Well you do know it was hard to get that, but for your efforts on our behalf you deserve it, just don't tell me about it."

Issei stood up and was about to leave to start playing his brand new Visual Novel when Madara said "You are required for the next part of this conversation."

Issei cursed in his mind Madara must have known that the white Zetsu cells in his body would have healed him by now. Madara now nodded for Michael to continue.

"Well as I was saying there are to be peace talks at Kuoh Academy, I would like to hire you two to help as security for this event."

Madara having spoken about the potential enemies knew why he and Issei may be needed, Issei having left did not.

"What both of us, why, if all of them are their Madara is more than enough."

His face went blank and he now looked at Madara "Unless you are planning on putting this on me and coming in as the back up?"

Madara did not respond to this because Michael did it for him "Oh no, I request that you both be there, despite how powerful you both are you can't do everything can you?"

It was this that Michael did not know how wrong he was.

"Besides I believe that it would be better to have you both geared towards the enemies that I suspect may come."

Issei wanted to rebuke the Archangel on this but he knew that Madara would tell him to shut up.

"A question why the school for the location?"

To this the Archangel said "It is a place of two Devil families, two of which have ties to two of the Four Great Satans."

That made sense but why would the goatee leader of the Fallen Angels agree to it?

"When you put it like that it makes sense, but why would the pervert goatee leader of the Fallen Angels agree to it?"

To answer this Michael smiled and said "He does not desire War, also I did take the liberty to inform him if he did not come he would be seen as supporter of the late Kokabiel."

All Issei could think was "Wow, is this guy an Angel, is he one of them at all, he seems to be a little like Madara and not in a good way!

Issei shook his head and stood up and pushed his chair in "That is all fine and dandy but I am going to play me Visual Novel now."

He then walked off to his room or at least that was the only place he had a computer.

"Is that like him to run away from that which is a little too much for him to take in?"

Madara gave a sigh and said "I am to blame for that, the too much to take in would be my training him."

The Archangel nodded and said "I see even you are able to see that you have flaws."

Madara in turn said "In the same way you can see you have flaws and try to correct them."

The Archangel gave him a smile and said "What would you like as payment for this, I don't believe a game will satisfy you?"

Madara gave him a nod and said "That is right but I can talk about that after the deed is done, I just might enjoy fighting the foes to come."

Issei was listening in on this and those words sent a shiver down his spine.

Madara's idea of fine was a battle that could bring him close to death, what could it do to Issei?