
Madara’s redemption in DXD

Before his death Madara Transports to the world Of Highschool DXD There he meets a lifeless boy. Will Madara find his redemption within this boy?Read to find out

kif_esh · Anime und Comics
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15 Chs

Chapter 11

Issei had met up with Irina and Xenovia, he had made sure Raynare and Asia were at home when he left.

He had conserved his chakra and had also made sure he had taken a few pill Madara had made him.

Deep down in his gut he knew that there would be a major fight, he was worried about it, it was the first time he got to fight a foe that would be stronger than that Riser punk.

He was also very excited about it, he was getting to face a powerful foe, it would be perfect for him to true his new skills!

He knew that he as a mercenary would have to follow Xenovia's plan, but he could also give a few suggestions if he want to.

"Our main goal is to take care of the shards and retrieve them."

Issei could understand that, it was what Madara had taught him "Take care of your objective, then play with your foes."

Xenovia had told him that she had taken it upon herself to find out the enemies strength. "They have Heretic Exorcist with them as well as Fallen Angels."

Issei just had to say "What about those we can't see, I believe it is safe to assume, that they have at least two times the force you saw."

This was another lesson that Madara had taught him "For every enemy you see assume there are two that you do not."

Xenovia asked him "What makes you say that?" Issei shrugged and said "Madara."

Xenovia's plan was rather simple, he bursts in distracts the forces their, fights them off, while they took back the shards.

Issei had to say the main flaw in her plan was "What if they are already using the shards as weapons, your plan won't work then."

Issei then continued to say "You would find yourself with those wielding them, being outnumbered, you would be killed while I was busy killing an army."

Xenovia had to admit he was right "What do you suggest we do then."

At this Issei sighed and said "I should go in as you planned, but I should sneak it and take them out quietly first."

Issei then looked at Irina, "You should stay back and watch just in case my suspicions are true."

He now looked to Xenovia "You should come in and provide a second distractions along with me, that way we should at least be able to draw all of their forces."

Xenovia had to agree that was a sound plan "Irina then when the fighting has reached its peak should sneak past and try to retrieve the shards from the dead."

Irina was the only one who had a question and it was valid "Umm, Issei, what happens if the enemy is too much for you two to over come?"

To this Issei said "Well, if they are kind we will all die quickly, if they are cruel our deaths will be slow."

Irina looked at him and said "Do you have to come up with the worst possible scenarios?"

Xenovia replied before Issei could and said "They were not the worst possible scenarios."

Irina shut up and the three of them now approached the church.

"I can teleport inside, I want you two come in after I break down the front doors."

Xenovia looked to Issei and said "What if you can't do that?"

Issei shrugged and said "Then you should run to Madara because I would be dead or near it."

Xenovia got the message and raised her hand to silence Irina before she said something foolish.

"I will leave on the in ten seconds be ready at any time and do me a favour both of you."

Issei activated his Sharingan and said "Survive, dead clients don't look too good and don't pay well."

One the count of ten he vanished from their sight and the fight had begun!

Issei was now in the middle of the church where he had left his marker, in the few mere seconds he had he could see that they had completely cleaned up the place.

He also noticed a large amount of what must have been rouge Exorcist "Fodder, I best save my Jutsu's to bring down the door."

To those who saw him appear time seemed to stop, all they could see was a boy wearing a black uniform with red demonic like eyes.

"It is a demon, kill it!"

Issei took offence to this, but he decided he would just kill them rather than correct them. "They can learn their folly once their dead!"

Issei had the Yamato replica in his hand and saw through the movements of his foes.

The first one came at him his arms raised way to high.

Before he could bring his light sword thing down upon Issei, Issei closed the distance between them and stuck his own sword through the man's neck.

In that same moment he turned and as he did kicked the dying body off into one of its allies.

The force of that Issei used he knew that the one who was hit by the body was in no condition to fight.

The blood from his victim had gushed out around him, but none of it had land upon Issei himself.

Issei then leaned slightly forward as an Exorcist light sword just narrowly missed him.

The Exorcist as he went past went through the Issei's sword as he had with a flick of his wrist placed it behind him.

He now saw that three of them had decided to charge him at once.

Waiting till just the last moment Issei leaped up into the air and avoid their light swords.

Before they could react, Issei adjusted himself so that before he landed all three were in range as well as quite a few more and the door.

Making a hand sign he said "Fire Style, Great Fire Annihilation Jutsu!"

All those within range where reduced to ash, the wooden door was no exception.

In the back of his head he went "Shit did I just kill the two who were outside?"

He was answered when Xenovia rushed in as the flames dissipated with a prayer upon her lips.

All Issei could think was "Well she seems rather devoted to her religion, I hope nothing shatters that along with here resolve."

Issei turned to face the remaining Exorcist there weren't that many of them.

Issei notice that their was an older man among, them he also noticed that Xenovia was able to recognise him.

"A friend of yours?" Xenovia did not answer Issei could see the hate leaking off her.

He could see that she must have known him from the church. "You, why did you must have been the one who aided in the stealing!"

Issei at this point knew that this guy had to have betrayed the Church at some point.

"Oh yes, I serve a much more lively master now, too bad you won't know who!"

Issei was not sure what happened but the old man was, it was not that which confused Issei.

No what confused was the dog like monsters that were in front of him. He heard Xenovia swear and something that began with Cerb.

Issei cursed and made a hand sign and said. "Wood Style, Blooded Wood Dragon Jutsu!"

The Wood Dragon emerged from beneath the church, only this time it was not in the style of an Eastern Dragon.

No this time it was in the form of a Western Dragon. Issei smirked, he had been able to perfect this move.

His arm was now covered in crimson scales that matched the crimson shade of wood that his Wood Dragon was.

Keeping the hand sign, the Wood Dragon smashed into the first of the monster, crushing it beneath its raw power.

Then it began to attack and rip through the other dog like monsters.

Issei cursed himself silently but then recalled the pills he had to replenish his chakra.

Xenovia watched as the Crimson Wood Dragon seemed to decimate the Cerberus's that were on the receiving end of their attacks.

She saw as one crushed one beneath its feet at the other was ripped apart within it jaw.

She could not help but notice that Issei was rather obviously open to attack, she also notice that the remaining Exorcist had noticed that too.

Brandishing her Excalibur she charged to intercept the Exorcist that were targeting Issei.

She was a born holy sword wielder, she was far above them, she cut five of them down easily.

The first two she got in the same swing while the next three she got on three individual strokes.

She looked to Issei who gave her a nod of appreciation. She then turned her gaze to those who were left.

She saw none except one she knew by reputation only.


It was that guy who Issei had forced to watch Dora the Explorer for like two hundred plus hours!

"Well shit, I thought he was broken, some guy must have put him back together?" Issei did not care who, he knew that this guy just had to die.

As the last dog monster got ripped through the Crimson Wood Dragon, Issei released his Jutsu.

He drew his sword and was about to attack when his eyes told him not to.

"Shit Xenovia stay back he has the rest of the shards in that thing!"

Freed yelled with joy "My Excalibur-chan will make short work of you!"

At this moment he was about to charge Issei when he went up in black flames.

All of his body slowly burned up as he screamed in mass agony. He dropped to the ground and stopped screaming, he was dead.

Issei knew he had not done it so he turned to look at the entrance of the Church.

Madara was standing their, he did not look too happy, behind him was Rias and her groupies.

"Enough, he is finished." Madara did not yell yet his voice carried through the room.

"You should head to the school, the one you want is there."

Issei nodded and was about to use Flying Thunder Godtechnique, when Madara stopped him.

"Take the pill, before you go, you may not have the chance to use it there."

Issei did as Madara suggested and felt his chakra replenished, he had two left now, just in case he needed it.

"Fight well, and use your three new techniques that you made."

Issei knew that was as close as he was going to get as Madara saying kick their ass!

Issei knew that he was right, he also knew that he may die if he was not careful.

Issei then used his Flying Thunder God technique and he was gone.

Madara now looked out to the school and saw the army their he smiled to himself, it was so evil and disturbing that Rias and all but Akeno took a step back in fear when they saw his face.

"I guess I will have to dance with all of them." At that moment he began to run towards the school at top speed. It was less than a ten seonds later when he smashed into the first ones in the air.

Madara used his foe as a stepping stone.

Snapping its neck he jumped up and smashed through the next one.

He felt the ties of gravity pulling him back down to earth.

As he did he spun around and smashed through any who were too close to him.

Falling down to earth he let his back facing the ground and making a single hand sign he said.

"Fire Style, Great Fire Annihilation Jutsu!" A wave of flame shot forth as he plummeted to the earth, any that were caught within it were brunt up.

Those that were fast enough and close to the edges were able to avoid flames some were less lucky and were caught halfway in the flames and were suffering for it.

Madara now turned to see those who had landed upon the ground to face him in combat.

"The fools, I have killed many more than this, it will not be hard for me to eliminate all of them!" Madara knew it would not be hard, but they weren't trying to win, they must have been trying to stop him from reaching their leader.

"I guess he will have to take care of that guy, but I know I will be able to watch some of it at least."

With that Madara then charged into those around him using punches and kicks to kill his foes. From a distance Rias's Peerage and the two girls from the Church looked on in awe.

"I guess that is why Issei said he must have already attained God-hood." Xenovia said this softly as she saw Madara decimate all those who came to him. He really was an indestructible force.

Issei had teleported to the school roof and was now in front of a rather tall and stupid looking man and a dead old man.

He felt the surge of chakra as Madara released his jutsu and was able to see part of the light produced by the flames in the low light.

"I assume that you are not the man who seeks god-hood now then."

Issei looked at the tall man and knew he must be the guy behind all of this.

"He has already got it lost it and been given a new life for your information."

The tall guy seemed to not care as he threw aside the body of the dead old man.

"I see that you have a sense of humour, shall I tell you it was I who killed your God!"

To this Issei shrugged and said "I do not believe in a higher power."

The Fallen Angel was about to rebuke him when Issei smashed his fist into him.

From where he was standing the Fallen Angel was sent back to the very edge of the roof.

He laughed and wiped the blood that came out of his mouth "Oh you are strong, yes, with your strength the Crimson Satan will have to come and then the Great War will restart!"

All Issei saw was another opening and went for it, his foot was just about to connect with this guys face, when he felt his body get smashed to the side.

As this happened though he did manage to place a mark upon the arm for later use.

"Do you think that you can beat me, you may have been trained by the man desires god-hood but you are not him."

Issei got up and looked at the Fallen Angel and said "Yeah that is true and you, but who are you?"

Issei noticed that their entire encounter this guy had not looked him in the eyes. "Well shit he is better than the others in this world!"

"Who am I, I am the Fallen Angel who killed God to many I am known as Kokabiel, I will have start the next Great War!"

He made a lunge with a spear of light at Issei who thanks to his Sharingan as able to keep up with this guy.

"Oh yes and I know about that eye trick of yours, you used it on that filthy human that I salvaged."

Issei cursed himself he knew that shit would come back to bite him.

"When I beat you am I going to rip out your eyes and claim them as my trophy!"

This was not too frightening as Issei now could tell that he did not know that these eye he was not born with.

It also told Issie that this man was a told physcopath and was blind to obvious power.

Issei then tried a few more short skirmishes with Kokabiel and found that he was thrown back with each of them.

He knew that this guy was way too fast to allow him to even use one hand sign so he was going to reply on his physical prowess for now, or Taijutsu as Madara had called it.

"I see you aren't using any of those tricks you did to those in the Church, not enough time!"

This time Kokabiel went on the attack and Issei was able to block his first fist as well as shove his own foot upon the incoming knee.

Issei used the sword Rias had cheated him with to try to launch a few strikes on his foe.

His foe had countered by summoning a spear of light and forcing Issei back on the defence.

Issei embedded his chakra within the sword and began to clash with Kokabiel.

Though it was not clear to any but the most skilled, Kokabiel was the stronger of the two in terms of strength, but Issei was the more skilled in terms of technique.

"I see you are strong, but not nearly strong enough!" Moving faster than he did before Issei was barely able to counter his attack.

As Issei did this he knew he had been had as the floor beneath him gave way and he was sent crashing through all the levels of the building until he reach ground floor.

"He is nowhere near Madara's level but he is far above those who I have fought so far, I guess I will have to activate my Mangekyō Sharingan!"

He knew this was a risky gamble, the light would start to fade from his eyes, but in this situation he had no choice.

Issei jumped up to attack Kokabiel with his sword as a guise as he activated his Mangekyō Sharingan.

Kokabiel was all too ready for the attack and had just summoned a massive spear of light.

He effortlessly moved to the side and slammed his massive spear of light into what he thought was Issei's head.

The light was so strong that he did not know that the what blocked the attack until a massive crimson fist punched him and his spear of light away.

Issei stood with his Mangekyō Sharingan and his own torso Susanno around him.

It was not in a humanoid shape, though, it was crimson like his arm and took the features of a dragon.

Issei then landing on what was the first floor of the building jumped up at Kokabiel again who this time flew back away from him.

He knew that he now held the advantage, but how long could he keep this up, he knew unlike Madara his chakra was a lot less.

A few of Kokabiel's followers who were nearby away from Madara flew towards him.

Issei did not move merely let his Susanno roar and flap its wings vaporising all that were too close to it.

He now looked to Kokabiel who had a look of respect and fear upon his face.

Issei closing his eyes made his Susanno grow a new set of arms and it began to attack and then ran towards Kokabiel.

In all his glory with all his ten wings Kokabiel could do nothing but dodge the attacks that were sent his way.

He did this and he knew he was barely making it out each time.

The two arms that were already there were taking care of the forces that had not engaged Madara.

He now dared to steal a look where he saw that his army had been decimated.

Issei saw this as his chance, using his Flying Thunder Godtechnique Issei was now out of his Susanno and holding onto Kokabiel's arm.

Shock was the only thing that stopped Kokabiel as he looked and too his fear saw into the eyes of Issei Hyoudou!

Kokabiel found he was in a world that was not the real world. Issei was in front of him and he was now tied to a cross.

Issei smiled at him and drew his sword "I will torture you in this world for seventy two hours."

Issei said it so calmly as he plunged the sword into Kokabiel's flesh. Kokabiel did not scream nor even strain but it was clear that he was hurt.

Issei pushed it all the way down to the hilt and he saw a little strain of pain show on the Fallen Angels face.

"Ah so you do feel pain." It was again in that voice void of emotion.

Then to Kokabiel's horror an image of Raynare came she too was holding a sword.

"Oh Raynare, how nice of you to join us, will you partake in this event?"

She did not replied to Issei, no she went straight and began to stab wildly at Kokabiel's wings.

She then began to pull and bite on them, Kokabiel was no weakling but the pain made him gasp as Issei pushed yet another sword into him.

"Oh come now, didn't you want to start a war, why are you so afraid of a little pain?"

Issei pushed a third sword into him now just as Raynare pulled off one of his lower wings.

Issei stopped but Raynare now began to hack at the back of his wings stabbing beside it as if she was trying to dig it out, in truth she was.

Kokabiel now felt a sudden pain within him as the swords began to heat up.

As this happened Raynare ripped of the second out of his ten wings.

"Poor you, the ten wings that you have been so proud of have been reduced to eight."

He then pushed the forth blade into his victims chest. It too began to heat up and Kokabiel could feel his insides burning up and blood now seeping from his mouth.

"In this world, I am God, you killed him in that world do you think that you can do that to me?"

Now was the time when Kokabiel screamed in pain as his third wind was ripped from him and the fifth sword was pushed in.

The pain was so great that none could have been able to stand it, the feeling off having a wing stripped from you as well as the molten blades.

His pain was beyond the words of mere mortals to describe.

This continued though each time Kokabiel ran out of wings he found himself in a new body facing the old one that had been broken.

Kokabiel screamed over and over again, his pride shattered as well as his mind.

Three sun rises and sunsets came by and finally now Issei said something different than the lines he had spoken before.

"I told you I was God in this world, that I am, here three days if not more has passed."

Now Issei turned a wicked smile as Raynare vanished "In the other world less than a second has gone by!"

This was the finally nail in Kokabiel's coffin, he was now broken to know that not even second had gone by and he had to endure this for so much longer.

The real reason Issei stopped was less than a second later he was knocked away from Kokabile but some white armoured figure who caught the falling Fallen Angel.

"Oh I am sorry about that, I can't let you go doing this, it is for Azazel to judge him not you."

The voice sounded like a total ass who had been fed from a silver spoon his entire life and had one up his ass to boot.

Issei looked up at him and said "Well fuck off, he is my kill and my contract and I don't break them!"

The white figure gave an arrogant laugh and said "As if you could beat me, I would divide and take your power you little fo-!"

Issei took that he was going to say fool but was interrupted when his face met Madara's foot.

The white asshole dropped Kokabiel and was sent flying Issei saw his chance and activated his Susanno torso and grabbed Kokabiel with its incomplete jaw.

Crushing the fallen Fallen Angel, Issei made sure their was noting left of that mad warmonger

The white figure managed to regain control and flew straight at Madara who used a summoning of rocks to jump up and crash his fist into the white figures face!

At that same moment he used his black flame, Amaterasu that burnt up the armour as he crashed into the ground.

The guy was in left with no armour and now looking up at Madara who had a blade at his throat.

"You ruined a perfect victory for some nonsense that you don't even believe in, I know you could have come in at any time but you chose to be late."

Issei could tell that even though Madara's tone to anyone who did not know him was void of emotion, Madara was very pissed off.

"You would dare look down on those who are your betters when your steps are shallow and require the power of someone else!"

Madara now stuck the blade into the man's arm and he screamed in pain.

"Let this be a reminder, don't you dare try to mess with Madara or his pupil!"

At that point Madara used the blade to completely slice of the guys arm.

"That which is inside this, I wonder how much power it has?" Madara said this as he lifted up the arm of the man within his hand.

To shut up his screaming Madara kicked him in the face, he was not dead but nearly there "Restrain him."

Madara just ordered Issei and Issei obeyed him "Wood Release: Hotei Technique!"

A giant wooden hand emerged out of the ground closed in around the man.

Madara and Issei, Issei who was rather tired from all the fighting looked to see Rias and Sona with their Peerages as well as the two Church girls coming towards them.

"Your school is a mess but the one at fault is dead, he killed him under my instructions."

Madara now pointed to Issei and all their looked at him in awe.

Killing a Fallen Angel with ten wings was no jest, it was a feat that none their could claim to do all combined!

"This one decided to try and save him and paid the price, I am rather pleased that I have gained such a powerful weapon."

He did not sound pleased and all but Issei were rather disgusted that he was holding an arm in his hand.

Issei one the other hand knew he had to tell Xenovia what the Fallen Angel had told him.

"Xenovia, take this how you will, but that guy I killed he claimed to have killed God."

Issei continued by saying "I don't know if it true and I don't care, but you deserve to know that is what he claimed!"

Issei did not know what secret he had just revealed to her, he did not know the consequences of it!