
Madame Masquerade

Madame Masquerade—a guardian of secrets and a hunter of unfaithful hearts. Annie, an innocent 23-year-old, is an architect in the morning but at night she is "Madame Masquerade" as an infidelity investigator...

Annie_Reeds · Urban
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6 Chs

Chapter 6

In Emi Vargas's office, Leo couldn't contain his frustration. He paced around, upset and angry at his father's decision to let Enrique lead his team. The prospect of potential failure gnawed at him. Emi, noticing Leo's demeanour, questioned, "What's bothering you, Leo? This is a positive development. I always wanted Enrique to be more involved in the business."

Leo, unable to hide his discontent, retorted, "What if he messes up, Dad? This is a big risk."

Emi reassured him, "Enrique won't mess up. Have some faith in your brother. And remember, he's your elder brother. Behave accordingly."

Silent and dissatisfied, Leo left his father's office without uttering a word. In his room, he sought solace in the glow of a lit cigar, contemplating the implications of Enrique's sudden involvement.

Feeling the need to share his concerns, Leo called his mother, Enrique's stepmother. With a tone laced with worry, he conveyed, "All our hard work for years might go down the drain because Enrique joined the office. I don't know what Dad is thinking."

In the dimly lit room, Leo, still consumed by worry, decided to share his concerns with his mother, Enrique's stepmother. He dialled her number, the tone of his voice laced with genuine worry, as he expressed, "All our hard work for years might go down the drain because Enrique joined the office. I don't know what Dad is thinking."

His mother, her voice reflecting a mix of anger and concern, responded, "I can't believe they'd let Enrique be permanently in the business. He's always been the brat in your father's eyes. He should stay that way."

Feeling the weight of uncertainty, Leo questioned his mother about what she planned to do. In a hushed and conspiratorial tone, she suggested, "Sabotage him, Leo. Make sure he doesn't succeed. We can't let him disrupt everything we've worked so hard for."

Leo, torn between familial loyalty and the fear of potential consequences, hesitated for a moment. "Sabotage Enrique?" he repeated, grappling with the gravity of the suggestion.

His mother, driven by a mix of resentment and fear, affirmed, "Yes, Leo. Protect what's rightfully ours. Don't let Enrique ruin everything we've built."

Back at Enrique's office

Enrique gestured towards a chair as he spoke, "Annie, take a seat, please." Annie nodded and settled into the chair, her expression a mix of curiosity and anticipation.

Leaning back in his chair, Enrique began with genuine praise, "Your work, Annie, it's impressive. Fabian, too. Both of you did a very good job on the project." He then shifted the conversation, expressing a candid opinion, "Samantha's work, on the other hand, lacks a certain creative flair. But, well, sometimes it's not just about creativity; it's about cracking the main deal."

He leaned forward, his tone becoming more purposeful. "Now, the main reason I asked you to stay back - as I join the office for the first time officially, I find myself without an assistant. You've been here for a month, and I've noticed your dedication."

Pausing for a moment, he continued, "I was wondering if you could help me with some of the other tasks around here. Of course, only if you're okay with it." He added a playful smile, "I'd love to have an assistant who not only excels at their work but is also good at defending. You never know when that might come in handy, right?"Enrique let out a small chuckle, breaking the professional tone.

Annie responded with a playful smile and a side-eye. "You might want to scratch that off your assistant requirements, Enrique. Never bring that up again," she teased., "And you could have been a little bit prepared with that speech believe me." Enrique now gave her a side-eye, "Well, told you I never gave this company a thought."

"Really? What changed?" Annie asked. He just showed her one of his "You know expressions" and avoided answering the question.

After the light exchange, Annie agreed to take up the position as his assistant.

Just as the atmosphere in the room settled into a new rhythm, a notification from Derek interrupted their moment. Annie's expression shifted as she read the message - her target had unexpectedly appeared at the club, accompanied by a lady. There was a sense of urgency, and Annie knew she had to act swiftly. She excused herself from Enrique's office.

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