
Mad love (I'm anti-romantic) Book 3

I love you. I hate you. I like you. I detest you. I need you. I think you're stupid. I think you're a loser. I think you're wonderful. I know you stole my heart in addition to yours. But yet and despite all these, I'll tell you one thing, I STILL WANT TO BE WITH YOU...

Ahanuwa_B_Osarugue · Urban
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30 Chs

27| Timid girl


Mrs Olaf added the 20th textbook on the desk. My eyes could no longer bug anymore. I think it's gonna explode like a bomb.

Currently, we're both standing in her office which is designed and covered with glass walls and windows.

It's a bit nice and attractive.

I kinda like it. Wish I owned it.

According to her when we first came in, she's taking the morning class for the first period of the day.

"And these are the books you'll be using for the entire year you're gonna spend here." She smiled, placing her both hands on the big textbooks.

If am not mistaking, where do I put them?

My backpack?


Don't even go there, young lady. That bag can no more do beyond it strength.

I stood still. Froze at the tall books in front of me. How do I carry these home? Good thing I won't have to buy anymore books until I graduate from here but the bad thing is, I have zero strength of taking them with me.

I shook my head and brittle. Mrs Olaf should study my expression by now and know what to do next.

I expected her to-

"Okay, Miss Todd." She sighed as she grabbed her red handbag. "I'll show you to your class where you'd receive your first lecture."

First thing first, let's leave the book aside. I studied Mrs Olaf attires again.

Skyblue sleeve. Black stilettoes. Charcoal black suits. And a red handbag?

Seriously? Did someone told me today is color riot day?

She has gotten to the door but stopped on her tracks and turned back after noticing that she's the only one going to attend the first lecture of the day.

"Miss Todd?" She called me.

Maybe I heard her clearly or maybe I didn't. I'm carried away in a daze. My eyes are glued on the tall books. I'm still contemplating.

"Oh," Mrs Olaf chuckled. "You don't have to worry about that. I'll ask someone deliver it to your place."

Does she knows where I live too?

Like seriously, somebody has to tell me who placed a female secret agent around my life.

Now am getting this awkward feeling that I can't have my privacy.

What if she has seen me bath?

Oops! Just saying.

Everything she had said so far concerning me, shows that she knew more than my family.

A weak smile spread my lips before fainting off. I nodded and followed her out of the office.

Let me just assume that I agreed with what she had said.


Standing before a class of fifty (50) students was like a town hall to me.

All eyes pegged on just one me.

There are only few handsome boys and bunch of pretty girls.

I thought this is supposed to be School of nursing? Why am I seeing males? Or do males go for nursing courses too?

Orianna, Orianna, what do I know?

I've never seen a male nurse before. Now I wonder how they're gonna look like in female uniforms. I bet they do have theirs.

Mrs Olaf is standing beside me with one of her arm rested softly on my shoulder.

"Class, this is your new course-mate and colleague. Her name is Orianna Todd." She addressed me before the entire class.

I could only fidget with my fingers and cup my chin. I'm always shy whenever am in the midst of crowd of bunch of people.

The worse right now, is me standing before few people which seem like multitudes in my eyes.

Both Mrs Olaf and I are backing a white board.

Thanks to Mrs Olaf for the introduction but...the entire class welcomed me with nothing but a great warm silent.

Nobody said anything. No Hi, no hugs, just nothing.

A girl is playing with a strand of her hair whilst staring at me weirdly.

I know I'm not welcome here but I'm here to learn just as everyone do too. I'm not here to meddle into someone's life or give an inconvenience around them.

The silent class was killing the aura around me.

Oh, if only the ground could open and take me unaware.

Mrs Olaf sighed and whispered into my ear, "Miss Todd? Do you mind waving hi, to the class?"

I gave her a full weak smile which am trying to stable so not to diminish. Yet it did...

I waved my hand, slightly. What I got in return.....

Oh, nobody wants to hear that.

They all mocked at me. Laughing their souls out.

If only I could see one of them's ghost in the air and kill it.

Sorry but ghost can't be harmed. Instead, they'll only harm the living.

"It'd be better if you just introduce yourself by yourself!" One guy from the back row shouted.

"Too bad, dude, I don't think she can talk!" Another one added.

"Will you all just keep quiet?!" Mrs Olaf bawled with a dark scowl on her face.

I never expected the whole class to remain silent as it is right now. The cheesy faces where all turned into neutral ones.

Thanks, Mrs Olaf for jumping into my rescue. Whew!

Mrs Olaf turned towards her side and stare at me with a smile and a comforting hand still on my shoulder, "It's okay, Miss Todd. You can take your seat now. Class about to begin."

I nodded and began to find a free seat. I tried to avoid the number of eyes still glued on me.

Are there hot girls in the class too? Because I just saw one b*tch with a newly polished long nails and well made hair.

She rolled her eyes off me. There's a free seat beside her. I stopped if she could adjust for me to pair with her but she then took her little purse and placed it on the chair to seat.


Why didn't I see this coming before stoping right beside her?

I continued on my tracks. I'm almost at the wrong zone which is the back row.

All my educational life, I hated the back row. I believe that's where thugs of gossipers settles.

I don't think there are any more free seats left. Mrs Olaf is already getting disappointed for her students not wanting to be nice.

I'm already losing all hope of finding a seat or someone to pair with. I stood in the aisle like a one human being left alone in a dead end lane.

Horror. But not horror to me right now. I've begged the ground to open for me to jump in. Still, it hasn't made a crack yet.

Standing in the midst of two rows beside me like an the teacher, is not nice. I'm timid. Way more than just being a shy girl.

I scratched my head awkward, moved my feet backward and was prepared for a U-turn when a guy on prescription glasses adjusted from his present sitting posture.

I stare at the large empty space and then to his face.

Is that really for me?

I'm still processing it.

Whilst I'm contemplating to take off my backpack and sit or not, he tapped on the empty space with his palm.

I don't need a verbal go ahead instruction before I know what he's talking about. Sit.

I gently took off my backpack and sat quietly beside him.

Trust me with my corner eyeing.

I decoded the side of his face.....his yellowish golden Shaggy hairstyle freely resting on his shoulders....His perfect cologne which smelt nice and expensive...His black frame reading glasses...His pointed nose...Thin pink lips..Dark thin eyelashes...Thick eyebrows-

Oh sh*t!

His grey eyes caught me spying on his facial looks.

I turned my eyes away towards the back of a random person but I think he must have caught me staring at him already.

Coward. I cursed myself underneath my breathe.

Uhh...is he still watching? I'm still stiff. Staring at the unknown person's back.

"I'm Max Oliver." He whispered. So close I heard it clearly in my ears.

I blushed, not wanting to display it out for him to know I just did.

His warm breath on my ear as he whispered his name to me, made me wanna smile.

Good thing he knows my name already. I don't have to make the whole universe know that I can't speak my name out verbally.

With the look of things right now, I guess he's not suspicious of the mockery welcome note I got from the class when Mrs Olaf introduced me.

He has this innocent face that I haven't seen before.

He whispered. I blushed. I couldn't turn to face him directly. He's too attractive to look upon.

Isn't this one of God's angels? I bet he must be looking for him down here in earth.

Holy father, one of your subjects is sitting right beside me. Come get him. I know you can.

Me and my mindset.

I guess I'm just too shy to look him in the eye. My focus now is no longer on the random person but on my backpack which is seated comfortably on my lap.