
Mad love (I'm anti-romantic) Book 3

I love you. I hate you. I like you. I detest you. I need you. I think you're stupid. I think you're a loser. I think you're wonderful. I know you stole my heart in addition to yours. But yet and despite all these, I'll tell you one thing, I STILL WANT TO BE WITH YOU...

Ahanuwa_B_Osarugue · Urban
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30 Chs

2| Smart and sensitive

My cheeks were soaked with my own tears. I never realized that I was tearing up.

Not my fault, everything hurt me so much. If only I could erase the pain of everything going on in my life right now. If only I had never existed.

My son used to be the only one soothing me down but right now he is not with me.

I'm surrounded by two beautiful teenage girls, who now pets me like a little child.

I sniffed, and sniffed, and sniffed.

Who died? Who hit me? I'm just crying and weeping my soul out. The pain is too great for just me to handle.

Ava and Aria felt sad for me. They never asked why I am crying. Maybe they felt my pain by putting themselves under my shoes.

They wiped my tears off using their thumbs. I buried my face on Aria's shoulder.

Just then, my phone's ringing tone intruded the situation.

I pulled away from Aria's shoulder, to quickly see the caller. It's my son, Bernard.

I knew he'd call back after several missed calls.

"Ber!" I tried to picture how far I shouted in excitement, but my voice seems down a bit.

I'm still shaking from the tears. Anytime I see my son's face, he reminds me of his father, Liam Hamilton.

May his soul rest in perfect peace. He was murdered cold-blooded by one of his mother's assassin men. His mother was fully responsible for her son's death. She killed him out of greed and selfishness.

"Mom, how..." He paused a bit and furrowed his brows, "Mom, are you crying?"

"No, I..."

"Mom, I'm booking a flight right away, I'll be in Netherlands shortly." He panicked.

"No, no." I vigorously shook my head. I know he won't listen unless I beg him. "Nothing is up with me, I'm just... Nevermind, I fell from the bathtub, so I..." If lying would help right now, I think it'd be the only best option.

I can't let my son see me in such state. It's not gonna look nice, and him too will be restless and worried than I am.

"Mom, I know you're lying. You barely slip to the ground." Bernard figured out.

"I swear, I'm good. You have to believe me. I fell." I'd have used the word watching a touching romantic movie than bathtub.

Bernard never said anything for seconds and when he did, he said, "I'll talk to you later, mom. I have a tutorial to attend right now. Take good care of yourself. I love you, bye." He hung up.

I took a deep breath and exhaled in relieve. I don't know why, but I felt even better after speaking with my son.

I place down my phone and lifted my gaze, only to fine Ava and Aria gazing back at me.

I raised my brows at them. I had stopped crying since, now I feel better with a smile on.

"Aunt, was that your son speaking?" Ava asked me. I nodded. Still with a smile on.

They gasped, amazed. Palms covering their mouths, they stare at each other before facing me again.

I never expected them to hear Bernard speaking from the other side.

"Aunt, can we please meet him some day?" Aria asked, desperately.

"We'd love to see him and know him better." Ava added.

I chucked and patted their shoulders, "Alright dearies, you'll meet him few weeks coming, okay?"

"But why so far?" Aria asked me, sadly. Her ears would be lying on the floor by now if it were to be long and floppy.

I laughed at the image of that. "He's in college."

The sound of that made them squealed in excitement. I have no idea why?

I checked the wall clock, okay I think it's time for me to start my sewing business. I don't want anyone coming to deal bountifully with me in the morning.

I took my drugs and head straight to my machine seat.

One thing that jolt me, was when Ava and Aria took seats beside me.

I stared at the both of them on my both sides, with a confused look.

Maybe they understood, Aria hit the answer button with a grin from ear to ear, "We'll just watch you do the sewing why we support."

Support? How? With what? Are they trying to watch and learn? Kids of these days, I'd be lying if I say they're not smart enough and sensitive.

I exhale sharply and continued my work.


Okay fans, guess Mabel never came to realize that Ava and Aria never went back home. The girls left the apartment and still hung around in the neighboring environment.They only returned back after finding a clue on how to open the door without a key.Okay, they're no buglers or bandits, but yet they did the wrong thing. I believe if Mabel come to find out about this silly thing of the girls, she'll be so pissed.Talk much of their grandma jasmine who is super frustrated and pissed right now. Police everywhere, yet no results of missing persons.Enjoy upcoming chapters. Instagram @oceanside614 Facebook page A & B @winonaaurora