
Lustful Adventure in Pokemon World

Oliver was just an ordinary kid, dreaming of becoming a powerful Pokemon trainer. But all of that changed when he was killed in a hit-and-run accident. As he lay dying in the hospital, he was visited by an angel named Seraphina who offered him a chance at a new life. She transformed him into a handsome boy and sent him on a journey to become the greatest Pokemon trainer in the world. But as an orphan with no money, Oliver quickly realized that his dreams were out of reach - until he was approached by a mysterious organization that promised to make him a trainer to be reckoned with. Desperate for a chance at greatness, Oliver joined the organization and began his training in earnest. Before he knew it, he started to get everything he want. Money, fame and Harem. He became not only a good trainer but also one of the celebrity in Hoenn. Join Oliver in his Lustful Journey to become the most famous person in the pokemon World. [Note: The cover photo is not mine. If it is yours, do let me know. One last thing, I can't guarantee that I would be able to finish it. But I will try hard to finish It.] [This novel is in break. I will start uploading again once I finished writing another volume.]

Sowrav2459 · Anime und Comics
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38 Chs

Battle Against Zigzagoon and Chilling

Now that I have captured all of them, let's check their status.

Sure, here's the appraisal information for the Nincada:

[Nincada (Leader) - Level 7

Height: 0.5m (1'08")

Weight: 5.5kg (12.1 lbs)

Potential: High

This Nincada is quite impressive! Its stats are strong, and it has the potential to become even stronger.

Nincada (9x)(Normal) - Levels 5-6

Height: 0.5m (1'08")

Weight: 5.5kg (12.1 lbs)

Potential: Normal

This Nincada is a decent Pokémon, with average stats and potential. It shows some potential for growth, but it will require more training and experience to become stronger.]

I guess, there is a high potential Nincada. It would definitely sell well. I can somehow smell money from it. Well, I don't plan to add it in my team. So, I guess I had to sell.

Okay, let's continue my journey.


As I was searching for a new Pokemon in the forest, I noticed a Zigzagoon ahead of me. It was a level 8 Zigzagoon, and it looked ready for battle. I knew I had to be careful, but I was also excited for the challenge.

"Go, Shinx!" I said as I threw out my Poké Ball. Shinx appeared, ready for battle. The Zigzagoon looked at us with a determined expression, and I knew this wasn't going to be an easy fight.

"Shinx, use Tackle!" I commanded. Shinx ran towards the Zigzagoon and tackled it with full force. The Zigzagoon stumbled back, but quickly recovered and retaliated with a Quick Attack.

"Good job, Shinx! Now use Thunder Shock!" I shouted. Shinx's cheeks sparked with electricity as a bolt of lightning shot towards the Zigzagoon. It hit the Normal-type Pokémon, causing it to cry out in pain.

The Zigzagoon shook off the attack and charged towards us again. "Shinx, use Charge!" I yelled. Shinx braced itself, its body glowing with electrical energy. The Zigzagoon's attack hit Shinx, but it didn't do as much damage as before.

"Now use Thunder Shock again!" I commanded. Shinx unleashed another powerful bolt of lightning, hitting the Zigzagoon and weakening it even further. The Zigzagoon tried to fight back, but it was clearly struggling.

"Shinx, use Tackle one more time!" I said. Shinx ran towards the Zigzagoon and tackled it with all its might. The Zigzagoon stumbled back and fell to the ground, defeated.

I captured it with Inferior pokeball.

Noa, let me check it's info.

[Here's the appraisal information for the Zigzagoon:

Zigzagoon - Level 8

Height: 0.4m (1'04")

Weight: 17.5kg (38.6 lbs)

Potential: Normal

This Zigzagoon is a decent Pokémon, with average stats and potential. It shows some potential for growth, but it will require more training and experience to become stronger.]

After the battle with the Zigzagoon, I decided to take a break and have lunch. I pulled out the lunchbox that my girlfriend Selene had prepared for me that morning. The smell of the delicious food made my stomach rumble with hunger.

I sat down under a nearby tree and opened the lunchbox. Inside were some sandwiches, fruit, and a small cake. I smiled at the thoughtfulness of Selene and eagerly started eating.

As I ate, my two Pokémon, Shinx and Mudkip, sat beside me, watching me with interest. I smiled at them and offered them some food. Shinx eagerly gobbled up a piece of fruit, while Mudkip seemed more interested in the sandwich.

We ate our lunch together, enjoying the peaceful atmosphere of the forest. The birds chirped in the trees, and a gentle breeze blew through the leaves. It was the perfect way to recharge after the battle.

After we finished eating, I leaned back against the tree, feeling content and relaxed. Shinx curled up beside me, while Mudkip settled down on my lap. I stroked their fur gently, feeling grateful for their companionship.

I closed my eyes and breathed in the fresh air, feeling completely at peace. It was moments like these that made me appreciate the beauty of the world around me, and the bond I shared with my Pokémon.


As I relaxed under the tree with my Pokémon, I looked out over the expanse of Route 116. It was a beautiful place, with rolling hills and lush greenery as far as the eye could see. I felt lucky to be able to share this moment with my two loyal companions.

Suddenly, I heard a rustling in the bushes nearby. Shinx and Mudkip both perked up, sensing the presence of something nearby. I tensed, wondering what could be lurking in the undergrowth.

But then, to my relief, a small Pidgey emerged from the bushes. It chirped at us curiously, before flitting over to perch on a nearby branch. Shinx and Mudkip watched it intently, but made no move to attack.

I smiled at their behavior, proud of their restraint. I patted them both on the head, feeling grateful for their companionship.

As we sat there, enjoying the peaceful moment, I felt my body start to relax. The fresh air and natural surroundings had a calming effect on me, and I found myself feeling more centered and grounded than I had in a long time.

With a contented sigh, I closed my eyes and leaned back against the tree. I was grateful for this moment of peace and quiet, and for the chance to enjoy it with my two best friends.

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