
A new Discovery

Chapter 8


* * * * *. * * * * *

Crystal woke up the next morning, experiencing a whole lot of pain round her thighs, neck and arms. She rubbed her throbbing eyes for the umpteenth time and gazed at the side of her bed. She jerked the covers off herself after realizing it was empty. She reached out to her phone to check what it was by the time. It was then it dawned on her. She had woken up later than normal and she's certain her husband must be at work already.. She climbed off her bed, heading to the washroom for a short bath.

* * * *

She turned the water heater on and soaked herself in the bath tub. As soon as the water touched her skin, she felt a tingling yet burning sensation on some parts of her body. She stepped out of the tub to face a mirror in the bathroom. Crystal could see it... Some parts of her skin were reddish from something. Right beneath her neckline, she saw a bite mark.. a teeth bite. She inhaled deeply.. she really hoped it wasn't what she had suspected. Not Marco Giovanni.. not one of his stupid experiments..

She switched the heater off, took the quickest shower and dressed herself in a light robe. She went down the stairs into the compound in search of Jason. Today is the day she was gonna confirm if her thoughts are really true... If what she's suspicious of for the past three months was real..

She walked round the compound in search of him. She could have asked the guards or maids to find him but this is a private issue and no one is gonna get involved.

" Good morning Mrs Giovanni..." Workers who saw her greeted politely.

She simply inclined her head to their greetings, more concerned about how she'd find the one she's desperate to see.

" Hello madam.. do you seek me?" A familiar masculine voice boomed.

Crystal could feel the rush wave of relief hit her. Her eyes roamed around to confirm if any one's lurking around, watching them. When she was sure there was none, She started the conversation.

" I need the laptop now" Crystal demanded urgently

" A minute ma'am. Stay right here" he asserted and disappeared. He re appeared few minutes later, stretching the laptop out to me.

" It's in there ma'am. "

She mouthed a thanks and left for her room as fast as she came.

Crystal settled on the comfort of her bed, unlocked the computer and readily concentrated on what the screen was ready to display. Two days ago, she had installed a CCTV camera at a private corner in the room. For some reasons, Jason had encouraged her to do so, as if he knew about all of the weird things that were happening to her. She inhaled sharply and hit the play button.

* * * *

He came in, carrying her in his arms and used his legs to shut the door. He gently placed her on the bed, went back to the door to bolt it. His eyes darted around the room, as if searching for something hidden. Soon enough, he carefully stripped himself from his clothes. Crystal glared in horror as she saw him stroke himself for minutes. Looking satisfied, he started with her, stripped her naked and engaged in a little romance by kissing her, stroking her nipples and inserting a finger into her V area. He repeated the process severally before trying to make love with her. He pressed the tip of his penis to her opening, attempting to enter her completely... Frustrated at his failure to do that, he started to lash at her, hitting her severally, grabbing her neck harshly and continued trying.... Crystal snapped the laptop close, unable to continue watching what he was doing to her. So this explain it... The slight pain she always feels when she wakes up at mornings, the discoloration she sometimes noticed on her skin, the bites.... She was right all along, she had known this but had always stopped herself from believing it.

Crystal shut her eyes, series of questions running through her head. Had he been adding sedatives to her drinks because of this?

Why was he doing this to her?

* * * *

Enola has been acting all nice to him since he started the job and has started to enjoy his home once again. And now, he wants it to continue being like that. No fights, quarrells just a lot of joy in his home but he knew it can never be possible. Someday, Enola would ask him to get some job that'll fetch him some more money.

Pietro made sure to keep his distance from other workers and didn't converse with any one of them either, including Jason. The previous day, Jason had told him about some weird rules about workers not communicating with each other while in the mansion. Whatever made the man lay down such rule still remains a mystery to Pietro.. is he insecure or afraid that his workers will conspire against him if they get too familiar with each other?

" Well, that doesn't make sense to me" Pietro muttered to himself.

The sun has started to get scorching and Pietro paused his half completed work to settle down under a shelter. As if on cue, his phone chirped.

" Enola!" He beamed as soon as he answered the call.

" Hey honey. How's work?"

" Fine... Very fine" Pietro answered.

" Well.. I've got a new job" she announced merrily

" A new job?!!. When, where? Why didn't you inform me earlier?!"

" I just got picked now. I decided to share the good news with you"

" Ohh. Yeah... I'm happy for you" Pietro congratulated.

" Thanks"

" So what kinda job is it?"

" I'll give you details when you get home" Enola promised and ended the call.

Pietro furrowed his brows in a puzzled state. Whoever convinced his wife to get a job must be really good at convincing people. He recalled years ago when he had pleaded intensely with her to get a job at least. She kept turning him down, reminding him about their agreement before they got married.

" You seem to be deep in thoughts.. is anything bothering you?!" Jason's hoarse voice asked.

Pietro stared up at him with a knowing expression.

" I know but it's not bad if we break some rules" he shrugged.

Pietro pursed his lips together, determined not to say anything to Jason.

" I understand the fact that you are trying to abide by the rules but no one's here for now so we can say something to each other" Jason continued.

Pietro glanced around to confirm if no one was really around.

" Okay. So what's up with you?" He responded.

" Nothing much. Have you sent flowers to the Lady today?"

" Flowers?. I don't understand you"

" Didn't you get enlightened on your duty as a gardener?!"

" Not really"

" You are meant to send her flowers twice every week"

" Why should I do that? I'm a gardener"

" I'm not sure either" Jason grumbled.

" I don't think I should do that now. I'll confirm from our boss first"

" It's all left to you"

* * * *

The maids didn't hesitate to describe Mrs Giovanni's room the instant I told them I was to deliver the flowers. I trailed through a hall way into another segment of the mansion. There were fewer maids here but all seem to be more professional and versatile than the others.

The moment they noticed that I stepped in, they turned to look at me.

" How can I help you?" A tall, slender lady inquired...

I stretched out the flowers to her direction.

" I'm here to hand these flowers to the Lady of the mansion"..

They all glared at each other after I uttered the words, as if something was wrong.