
Chapter 1


Wealth was something I always gave high standards to. It was something I was willing to do anything for, just to get it in my possession. And to that person who said, "money doesn't buy happiness?" I'm pretty sure Ariana Grande proved you wrong in one of her songs but I'm here to also remind you that it does.

I mean... this was something that could make your haters love you. It gives and takes life, buys you whatever you want, and whoever you want. Having it is having the world.

Well, that was what I thought until I got proved wrong. There's one thing it can't prevent you from losing, and that's family. To get all these, one must make a sacrifice and not all of them are pleasant.

I guess Ariana should have placed a warning on that lyrics to make us aware that it does not guarantee a happy life 100%.

Here I was. Seated on a couch between two strangers. Two adults sat in front of us with their eyes buried deep into the wooden floor.

"Is she.... My daughter?" The woman sitting beside me asked the one in front of her. My head instantly jerked to face her as she stared down at me with eyes full of hope.

After a long minute of silence, she replied with a simple "Yes" without raising her head.

Who are we talking about?

The man who came along with the woman beside me pulled me into a hug. "I knew it! I knew I'd one day find my princess" he said whiles letting me go to hold my face "Finally" he whispered in a shattering voice.

My perplexed face kept quiet trying to understand what they were talking about.

"Do you have proof? I'm sorry but I've fallen for these skits way too many times. I don't want to accept her and later get my heart broken" The woman beside me said

The one in front of us who was my mother finally decided to bring her eyes up. But for some reason best known to her, she did not spare me a glance.

She stood from her chair and began gently stepping towards me, she placed both hands on the neckline of my shirt and pulled it apart, revealing my upper chest.

The woman peeked at the red triangular mark that sat on me and her hand promptly flew to her mouth.

"It is you. My Alesia, it's you" She wrapped her arms around me in an eager way making me uncomfortable.

"What is going on?" I asked in a tiny voice looking at my mom as she stood to the side but her eyes kept avoiding me. "Can someone explain what is going on here?"

At this point, it was beginning to hint at me, especially when I gazed at my Dad who still maintained his posture but I kept pushing that thought away.

"Alesia, I am your mo-"

"That is your parents and they're here for you" my mom cuts her off.

"Haha, what?" I asked still confused

My Mom, raised her head to look me dead in the eye, not a single emotion in place "Those are your parents. Your REAL parents," She emphasized " That's your mother and your father" she points at the strangers " They are here for you so start getting ready"

My heart sunk to my stomach as every single word escaped my Mom's lips " I don't understand you guys, is this a prank? It is, isn't it?. You people play too much"

"Jackie- I mean Alesia, be serious for god's sake!" my Mom yelled at me.

I turned to look at the strangers, then to my parents, and broke into a fit of a laugh.

The three of them eyed me like I had two horns on me. My Mom gave me a look that said she was pissed.

"Wait... Are you being serious right now? How is that possible? I mean there has to be a mistake here"

"There is no mistake here my darling, we ARE your parents. We've looked everywhere for you but couldn't find you. You don't know how happy I am right now"

"No, you all are being jokers right now, I'm leaving to my room" I picked my bag off the table, preparing to climb the stairs when the loud voice of my Dad stopped me.

"Where do you think you're going to?" the voice I had yearned to hear all night said.

"To my room?"

"You think we're joking here? You have no room here. We just took you in then, but now, that they are here for you, you have no choice than to follow"

I slowly walked to him as his words gradually processed in my head. A tap of tears immediately got released flowing down my face.

I tried my hardest not to take it seriously but his words woke me up. "What did you just say?, 'You just took me in?. How dare you say this to me! How dare you say such mean words to your own flesh and blood!"

"You are NOT my flesh and blood, Alesia"

"It's JACKIE! How hard is it for you to understand? Oh, and Yes I am. I've lived all my life with you and my sister yet this! This is what you're throwing at me! God! I hate you for this!. The fact that you refuse to look me in the eye like I have turned into a total stranger overnight is extremely heartbreaking. Do you even care about my feelings? Do you even care about what I'm going through now?. I've trusted you all my life and you just wake up one day and decide to ruin that trust?. There is no way I'm allowing that to happen!"

"ENOUGH!" he shouted harder making my world come crashing on me. It got drawn to me that this was no dream, it was a living nightmare.

And I was more than present in it.

"Don't raise your voice at my daughter you fool!" the man warned.

"Who are you to tell my Dad how to treat me!!" I redressed

"ENOUGH! ALL OF YOU!" my mom said " I am sick and tired of these. Take your daughter away"

"What?" I asked in a shaky voice "You called me to come back home from work even though my times not up, avoided my eyes all night and refused to talk to me. And this this what you throw at me?. Come on Mom, you can do better".

I picked up my purse from the table and walked out.Their voices subsided as I when I reached the main street.

Is this real?