
Lunian Novels & Books - WebNovel


  • King's Will System: My Desire Comands The World!

    "Block swords with your [Strong Will] skill hahahah" -Humph, I will materalize swords with my mind and Cut you! "What you gonna do? Convince the dragon to f*ck off?" - Excuse me sir Dragon, can you please let us Pass? *winks "Please Lord! Don't turn me into a sandwich!" - TOO **CKING BAD [You use the King's Will and turn your Enemy into a delicious Sandwich] I have nothing but a strong will! but that's enough, bow for me! Author: It will be a dark story with comedy elements in the middle! Don't expect either a retarded emotional MC or a Ice cold one. King tries to do his best, but won't sacrifice himself and be at the mercy of plotarmor. I hope you all give it a try, I won't dissapoint ya :D.

    Luni · Fantasy
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  • I want my humanity back!

    Iago dies and reincarnates as a Skeleton in a undead Dungeon. his feelings, emotions and desires slowly becoming dull as time passes. Desperate into keeping his humanity, he searches for a way to become Human again.

    Luni · Fantasy
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  • ᴘᴀꜱᴜʟ ᴏᴛʀĂᴠɪᴛᴏʀʸᵒᵒⁿᵐⁱⁿ

    Park Jimin este un demon, succesorul tronului din Khanny, o țară a demonilor. Cu trei luni înainte de încoronarea sa, este pedepsit aspu de către tatăl său, astfel că este alungat într-o eră interzisă, în mod normal, pentru el. Min Yoongi este îngerul bun, cel care mereu ajută la nevoie și vorbește frumos, prințul regatului său. Cu cât este de iubit de poporul său, cu atât devine complicat pentru el. Tot ce vrea este o zi liniștită cu el însuși. Dar, în mod sigur, asta nu i se poate permite atât timp cât Park Jimin este sub conducerea sa pentru 3 luni. "Să-l dresez? Nu e... un animal!" "Nu, e o fiară fără suflet"

    H_wanna_21 · Fantasy
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  • Stacy (Standrew) A story of Genderfluid and Love (Continued)

    Stacy is genderfluid. I was borned a boy but likes switching sometimes She met some friends who are judged just like her. Bernie and Dice for being lazy and super messy.. Luni for being a lesbian and actually putting up with Bernie and Dice Star for being gay and acts and talk strangely. And even more people This is a LGBT+ story How we have to see that these people are just like straight people So on Greeps_boy is the first two chapters. That was my previous acount but I got locked out. So Just read here if you want to continue

    Greeps_boy2 · LGBT+
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  • Yuneka

    It was just another normal day for Yuneka and her- "Stop biting me Yuni. Do it one more time, and I'll drive you to the vet!"  "Werewolf, hmp!"  "Leo last one to touch the pole pays $1,000 to the winner." "Make it $5,000, on normal speed and no acceleration!" "Keo, Leo, how many times do I have to tell you two not to transform in public places!" "Mom, Luni is trying to bite a child!" "Excuse me but, we will have to escort you out of the supermarket."  Yup, just your average ordinary Tuesday with the Raquez.

    Ariethxx · Teen
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