
Lunatic by J.A Barrientos ing

Between violence and seduction, madness and friendship, a journey filled with horror and beauty, where the hallucinatory and the dark merge into a mystery that interweaves all the characters and forge them at every step they take on this fantastic journey, while the world is filled with absolute terror at the hands of the subject carrying a red moon on their back.

DaoistviT5Rj · Fantasie
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12 Chs

chapter 2 between tombs and princesses part 2

- Diane...- the name came out as if it were a sigh, from the thin lips of an astonished young man with blue eyes like sapphire, blond hair like gold, and white skin like marble, which barely opened to pronounce it, while contemplating his "living goddess" in astonishment, to kiss that insignificant child who had appeared a few moments ago, staggering in such a way that it was practically a miracle that he was standing when he appeared.

"Why are you helping this worthless?" - he wondered to himself, unable to antagonize his lady and mistress out loud, the young man, a tall and thin boy, with a body that seemed carved by the gods themselves and an almost angelic beauty, possessing such a fierce look that He bordered on violence and like the other two he wore the same uniform, his eyes like two blue headlights that illuminated the night fixed on that inexplicable scene for him, however, that was not important, he had to fulfill his mission, protect Diane At the cost of his life if necessary, the young man stood between the monster and his priceless Diane.

Behind him, the white and silent Diane, with her beautiful almost red eyes and her hair of a color that matched the intensity of the blood, she even possessing a fragile body of thin build was provided with charming rises and falls that adorned with wonderful curves her elegant figure, to go as unnoticed as possible, she used to hide them in very baggy clothes, her uniform a few sizes larger than usual did that job well, the same one that looked so innocent and so calm in class, did not do many weeks that he entered the school, along with his companion, but that short time was enough to win both admirers and detractors alike, and that there would hardly ever be his mouth.

Diane raised her face adorned with a pleasant smile, revealing in the night light her red lips bathed in the blood of that poor soul who ventured unluckily into the cemetery, she knew his name, how could she not?, after everyone was the first to see her with that look, a look without fear but with fascination, a look without submission but that reflected unconditional loyalty, a look that she never saw in the eyes of her peers, or vassals, and it was that look that that caught her attention, even enough to know that his name was Jack.

He slowly passed his tongue over his lips, while he closed his eyes and delighted in the taste of pure blood, blood without hate, innocent blood, which brought him a great accumulation of sensations unknown until that day, he picked up a drop that was escaping through the corner of his lips, licking his lips for the last time and enjoying the last spasms of pleasure, he finally looked at his partner, who was facing the monsters like a professional, however, his efforts seemed useless, since they did not seem to suffer more damage and instead they became stronger, she had not had time to detail them, their appearance was like that of a decaying mummy, however, their fast and fluid movements together with their powerful blows, did not seem to belong to a rotten being , but a fearsome demon, the mummies stood up again without difficulty even when the handsome young man served him a whole crew of blows, so fast that no human would have seen them and received them. go them, survived.

-Is he stronger than you?

Diane asked the handsome boy, to which Jack blinked, his head was resting on Diane's legs, and he could feel his cold hands caressing her face tenderly, he felt confused and confused, what had it happened? Where was she?, she heard her again, but she almost didn't recognize her, at school she had a timid and muffled voice, but now she was authoritative and sure, Jack tried to stand up but it was impossible, he had no strength, he felt like someone battle to wake up from a nightmare, he couldn't move his body even though he heard what was happening around him.

-Of course not- The young man answered calmly, who had already tried everything that his human form allowed him against that monstrosity -Lady Diane, I'm sure she would collapse in a few moments- the young man kicked him in the face of the mummy and with the momentum of this, he threw himself backwards spinning in the air as if he were an Olympic acrobat, he landed with elegance and softness as if it were a feather, in front of Diane and taking one of her hands, he kissed her,- for the honor of the royal family I swear that I will defeat them.

- Shut up...- something awakened Diane's acute senses- there is someone very dangerous near... - Diane's sentence was interrupted by the sound of a shot that hit the mummy directly, immediately after a burst of other shots They knocked down the other demons, who apparently were of lower rank because with only one bullet each one disintegrated on the spot.

Diane turned towards the source of these, where she saw a man who looked like a bad disguise for a drunken archaeologist, firing two guns…in fact it was impressive, two huge firearms and he handled them with incredible mastery, each shot besides. I hit the monsters head straight

"What are you brats doing?" snapped the armed drunkard, "run away!"

The 2 boys looked at him confused, not understanding what he was saying, he was so drunk that they couldn't understand his words even though she yelled them very loudly, the mummy that didn't disappear wasted no time and lashed out at the drunk.

Diane looked at her companion and then at the drunk, who seemed to be narrowly dodging the mummy as she shot him accurately in the head, never missing a shot.

"I think he wants us to get out of here," she said, a little confused by what she was seeing.

"Yes," said the escort, "my mother said never to get into drunken fights." She took the semi-conscious young man and lifted him over her shoulder and ran with her in the opposite direction of the newly arrived man.

- Go away! I'll take care of it- Albert yelled at the boys, while he "chance" evaded an incredibly fast slap from the mummy, when he dodged it he tripped over a root on the ground, falling backwards, he rolled to the right and evaded a stomp from the mummy , lying on his back and holding his hat, he immediately shot at him, detaching his jaw, the mummy stepped back and he tried to stagger to his feet, the mummy rushed at him, but the drunkard in his instability went to one side, which made him He dodged it again by "chance", he pointed his gun at the mummy and shot him in the head, blowing off another half of his face- by the way... is the boy okay?- the drunk asked them

"I think he's talking to you," the boy holding Jack told her, Diane turned and walked back until she was dangerously close to her.

- What did you say? – She asked him kindly.

"Go away!" she answered him in a shout

"No, after that!" She replied, now indignant.

- What if the nerd is okay?

- Yes, she just fainted, her wounds are just scratches - replied the girl who dodged a rock that was going straight to her head thrown by the mummy, if she hadn't dodged it she would have been dead, even so, she didn't seem to have the slightest fear of the dangerous creature.

- Good, now can you get out?, you distract Atem.

-"Atem?"-Thought the girl, amazed and confused- "Did he name the mummy...?"

Albert pointed his gun at the mummy again and pulled the trigger but did not fire, he was out of bullets, The mummy roared when he saw that the bullets had run out and jumped on the man, grabbed him by the shirt and threw him against a tree, roared at Diane who didn't flinch but didn't manage to touch it, another shot shook his neck, he looked back at a smiling man who pointed another gun at him from God knows where, while he drank from a beer can of the same mysterious origin.

- Why do you meddle deadly? -asked the mummy that she was already tired of dealing with that drunk.

- Ah well I have nothing better to do... by the way Atem what devil are you?

The mummy seemed confused at being called that way, but after a moment it ran towards the man who scrambled to his feet but was unbelievably unhurt, even after being thrown that way, just as the mummy was about to hit him. his hand the archaeologist's head, he seemed to wobble and almost fell, evading the blow again by the hair, just as he had been doing since the beginning of the fight, but not only that, he placed the palm of his hand under the recently regenerated jaw of the mummy, and striking his own elbow with his other hand he propelled his arm to deliver an incredibly powerful blow to the mummy that took its head off, evidently it was a martial arts technique, the blow decapitated her, and not only that, it sent her flying .

The mummy fell, destroying several tombstones in the process, that was when both the mummy and Diane understood, that man was even more dangerous without his weapons, the mummy took his head and placed it on his shoulders as if it were made of some liquid it fused together. with his body again, again the mummy attacked him.

When the mummy was a few centimeters from Albert, he staggered, falling on top of her, anyone who saw the scene would have the impression that the drunk wanted to kiss her, since he placed his arms around his neck in a romantic hug and brought his face close. The mummy tried to take it from her as if it were a freak, but he, taking the mummy's head in his hands, jumped giving it a knee that left her headless again, when he fell after kneeing, the drunk walked away staggering, he took out one more weapon from between his pants and shot between the legs of the mummy who screamed even without having a head, it was not known if from rage, shock, or pain; thereupon, he lunged at Albert, but he reached down to pick up a branch from the ground and dodged it again, the mummy fell on its face as Albert broke a small piece of the branch and inserted it into his weapon, then said .


The mummy did not understand but a bullet passed through it and simply disintegrated it

Albert stood upright and cleaned his clothes, but still walking drunk.

-Incredible...- Diane said stunned, who had remained standing there without moving looking at Albert, and already had her partner next to her still carrying Jack- that's the legendary drunken fighting style right? - I ask

"Well, I'm not sure, but... I think so" she answered, he really looked in bad shape, he didn't take a hit but his physical appearance was depressing.

"But what was that last shot?" asked the young man.

- Vital energy, it is the most powerful energy in the universe, in this case I took a little from the tree, since that mummy was not very strong, and I projected it using my weapon as a transmuter, or so it said in the instructions on "how to kill a mummy in 3 simple steps".

"What the hell is this guy, Lady Diane, talking about?" asked the young man, puzzled by such a stupid response.

"Tell me who are you?" Diane asked biting her lip, she was beginning to suspect who that subject was.

-I? Well you see, I am a manifestation of your imagination, which materialized-Albert patted the head of the girl who seemed annoyed and without thinking slapped her so hard that she knocked him down.

"Well, I feel very real to you," she said quite annoyed.

- Wait! Are you like a certain purple dinosaur? - Said the young blonde blinking in amazement, what really surprised Diane and Jack himself was that they didn't notice a bit of sarcasm in the blonde's words.

-Exactly! - Albert said- boy you are brilliant... - after that he fell asleep right where Diane had left him lying, she kicked him in the ribs waking up again.

"Tell me, have you fought against those things before?" Diane asked, throwing herself at him and grabbing him by her shirt.

"When I was someone...yes...now I'm just a piece of myself," the drunk's sad look surprised Diane, was it really possible that he was "that" person? What could have happened to him? destroy him to the point of turning him into the stupid drunk he was now? .

"Once I faced a winged lion," Albert said grandly.

- A chimera? - the girl said in amazement, the chimeras were legendary creatures, of which it was said that absolutely no one had seen them and survived them.

- No, it was my father-in-law - the subject laughed and fell asleep again, Diane slapped him until he woke up, and then helped him to stand up, Albert approached him, the young man staggering, I look at his torn clothes and full of blood without However, he had no injuries, in fact he had none.

- This boy... has no injuries, how is that possible? - Albert asked, taking a hand behind his neck, very disconcerted.

-Surely they were magical wounds- Diane intervened with a nervous smile, moving her hand to minimize the matter- when she defeated the monster her wounds closed.

- Well, you're sure right- Albert said and concluded with - there are no more explanations, take good care of him, he's a good boy, treat him like one of the pack,- he said looking directly into the fierce eyes of the blond boy who understood him, that man he knew exactly who they were.

"Yes, we will" the boys answered in unison while Albert seemed to leave, but he turned and went towards Diane's companion again and looking at him fixedly told him.

- And you don't steal his girlfriend...

-Idiot, that's not possible I'm just a...- Diane stomped on his foot so hard that she fractured her little toe, she covered her pain as best she could, then she backed away from the man due to bad breath her.

"He's my cousin, we could never go out together" the girl finished the young blonde's sentence.

"Okay then, there's nothing to worry about" Albert concluded and turned around and left while the boys looked at him.

"Do you believe what he said?" asked the young man.

-Exactly what do you mean?-In fact, she herself had many doubts about the man in her head. Could it really be "he"?

-That thing about being like the purple dinosaur- Diane slapped him so hard that she threw him with everything and Jack to the ground.

-Of course he has nothing to do with purple dinosaurs! Although I doubt he's from the Vatican or a Seedi, he doesn't have any of his auras.

"Aren't you going to tell me," said the boy with fierce eyes, standing up with his cheek completely red and swollen, "that you think that hunk of man could be the legendary god of war? The one who destroyed the Vatican in one night, humiliated the Seedi and defeated our entire army, the master of all martial arts and all weapons, the great god Ares.

-At least it's more coherent for him to be a purple dinosaur, -she looked at him contemptuously- I really don't know, but I'm sure of something, he's not an ordinary drunk.

The young man moved a little dizzy from the blow to the cheek.

"I admit it, it's incredible that he could walk after receiving so many of your slaps" said the blond letting himself fall to the ground, and letting Jack roll, when Jack stopped he opened his eyes and asked.

-What happened?

"Are you fully awake yet?" Diane said, affectionately placing her hand on her forehead, "to sum up, you're dead."

"What?" Jack said surprised, in fact he felt more alive than ever.

- What I said, now you are not alive, although technically you are not dead in the strict sense of the word, welcome to my world... Jack Otersek.