
Scene 3; Love


Do you know for what a wolf stands for in literature?


Uhm, sure. It's a creature of deceit. Unlike the fox who is smart and cunning, the wolf is a predator, a manipulator, a beast that would betray anyone for their own gain.


Yeah, that's kinda what comes to your mind, right? It's because of all the fairy tales. There's also another interpretation for the wolf, though.


Ah, I know another one. For native americans, the wolf symbolizes strength and filial piety. They are also known for their strong bonds and emotional attachments towards another, ah, kinda like Eve to his sister, don't you think?


Uhh, I actually didn't know about that one. I think it would be easier if I just told you. You know the fable of 'the boy who cried wolf', right?


Ah, I haven't heard that for a long time.


There once was a shepherd boy who was so bored, to amuse himself he took a great breath and sang out, "Wolf! Wolf! The Wolf is chasing the sheep!" The villager ran frantically just to find out there was none. Later on, he started calling out again, "Wolf, a wolf is chasing my sheeps". And to his delight, the villagers started running towards him, but there was no wolf again. One day, that boy saw a real wolf chasing his sheep. He cried as loud as he could, but no one came to help him. In the end his sheep all died. So a wolf also represents a liar.


Oh, didn't know that. Real sob story though, for that kid I mean.


It is. But it there's a saying that your choices are the foundation of your consequences. I wonder what would have happened if he hadn't learned his lesson? I'm sure his lies would have grown heavier and heavier and ended up burdening him. He might have lost more than just his sheep, for example, like me, his family.


Oh, what's that?


My dad would always had to work, to support his family, so I was mostly only with my mother. She cooked meals and did the laundry, just what a typical housewife would do. But she only rarely smiled. It is said that 1 out of 4 marriages are unhappy, guess we were one of them.


A sad family is the worst kind of family after all.


When I was only a kid, I had never felt the love of a mother. I never thought anything about it though, only when I met other children, I found out that that isn't normal.




So i tried to cheer her up, but with no avail. I always tried to be a good kid, but it didn't work, there was never a reaction. So i started lying. I made up stories, trying to catch her attention, and guess what, it worked. Soon, those lies became heavier and heavier, and they crumbled. A life build on lies, is after all, a life build on a weak foundation.


Like the kid who cried wolf, huh.


On that day, I lost something important. I lost her trust, and she never smiled at me again.


Isn't that a bit harsh?


It might seem like it for others. But people never learn if you aren't overbearing, right?


Still, she is your mother.


No, she became a stranger after that incident. We never really talked anymore and soon, she would bring me to the psychiatrist for a check up. And that is what defines the me today.


That's really sad, I don't know what I would do without my parents, who stood by my side.


It wasn't all bad. I learned a valuable lesson from that incident. It Is that the truth will always find it's path.


Is that why you always search for the truth?


I don't search for the truth. The truth doesn't need someone looking for it. I merely guide it, towards its destined path. You should try it too.


I should what? Why should I?


Aren't you the same as Eve, denying the truth doesn't change the facts, you know.


Which fact?


That his sister is gone.


No! No she isn't! And unlike Eve, I'm not dressing up as her, trying to live her life.


Well no, but you are also lying to yourself.


What's that supposed to mean?


Let his sister go, it is time for both of you to move on already.


No, I (beat) I can't.


You can, it isn't too late for you, yet. Sooner or later you'll have to face reality. Eve can't stay the way he is, forever.


I know, but letting her go would mean, would mean.


It would mean you could finally snap out of that illusion of yours.

Cael grabs Luzy by the shoulders.


I know how it feels to live in a lie. It might feel good at the moment, but in the end, it will be more pain than it's actually worth.


Just stop, you wouldn't understand anything, what I've been through, what I had to do. What-

Luzy pushes Cael away and runs.


I know it's not what you wanted to hear, but unlike Eve, you still have a chance to turn your life around. It's not too late, yet.

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