

"Look at the new male lead, isn't he so handsome?" said one staff member.

"I know right! But he looks familiar," answered another staff member.

"Wait, isn't he Sabrina's manager?"

"Oh right he is!"

"With that handsome face, of course he shouldn't be just a manager."

"Do you think he's still single?"

"Oh please, he will never spare a look at you. I bet he already has someone."

"Yeah, see how he looks at Sabrina."

"Do you really have to do this?" Sabrina asked Alexander.

"Of course," Alexander smiled. He leaned forward near Sabrina's ear, "Can't let anyone have this role other than me," he whispered. He looked at Sabrina then winked.

Sabrina just sighed heavily.

"Hey love birds," Julian placed his arms around Sabrina and Alexander's shoulders, "You guys ready?" he asked them.

"Yep," Alexander answered.

"Okay then, we'll start in 5 minutes," Julian tapped their backs and then turned to leave.

Alexander turned and faced Sabrina, "You know baby, it's either we do this or we do this. It's that simple," he said.

"Do I even have a choice?" Sabrina rolled her eyes at Alexander.

Alexander stood up from his seat and kissed Sabrina on the cheek, "Good luck kiss," he said. He offered his hand to Sabrina, "Let's go?" Alexander asked.

Hiding the smile that was trying to form on her lips, Sabrina crossed her arms and walked out on Alexander. Her face was starting to heat up and she couldn't let him see her like that.

She can't lose to Alexander.

"Okay actors in place!" Julian shouted, "Everybody quiet on set!"

Kenzie who was watching from afar along with Grey contain her emotions.

"Aren't they cute?" Kenzie said.

"You said that for the nth time already," Grey complained, "You're really their number one fan aren't you?" he asked Kenzie.

"Of course!" Kenzie answered, "I'm Sabrina's loyal fan! Of course I will support her no matter what," she said.

"You pay too much attention to other's love life, what about ours?" Grey suddenly asked which made Kenzie freeze for a moment.

"W-what?" Kenzie stutteringly asked.

"When will you officially date me?" Grey straightforwardly asked, "You can't let me be envious of Sir Alexander all the time, I want to do things like hugs and kisses too," he said, which made Kenzie's face turn red.

Kenzie immediately fanned herself, "Oh gosh. Why is it suddenly hot here?" she asked and then turned around, "I'm going to get water," she said, trying to avoid Grey's question.

Grey just sighed and then chuckled. He was really helpless towards Kenzie.

"Okay, everybody quiet now. Lights, Camera, Action!" Julian shouted.

Opening the scene, a camera was focused on Sabrina who was sitting alone on a bench. Her face expressed a mixed expression of worry and uncertainty.

Her head was bowed down as she fiddled with her fingers.

"You're here," a voice spoke behind her, "I've been looking for you all over," he said.

It was Alexander.

Sabrina looked at him for a moment then returned her gaze on her fingers.

Alexander walked towards her, "Can I sit?" he asked.

Sabrina nodded, her facial expression immediately changed from melancholic to a bright one

"Can we talk? I have something to tell you," he asked.

"Sure," Sabrina smiled at him.

Alexander locked his gaze onto Sabrina's eyes and looked at her seriously, "I don't know how to say this properly," he said, "But I think I'm in love with you Hannah," Alexander confessed.

Sabrina lifted her head and looked at Alexander. She was instantly amazed by how well Alexander was portraying his character right now.

His eyes were looking at her with so much emotions, it was mesmerizing for Sabrina. She can't help it but stare back at his sparkly, gray eyes.

The eyes she fell in love with.

"I…" Sabrina tried to speak her line but she was rendered speechless.

A minute had passed and she was still not saying anything.

"Cut!" Julian suddenly shouted, "Sabrina why are you only looking at him?" he asked.

Snapping out in reality, Sabrina immediately realized what she was doing. She stood up from her seat and bowed, "I'm sorry," she apologized, "Let's do it again," Sabrina said.

"Okay, cameras ready?" Julian said, "Action!" he shouted.

But then again, Sabrina kept on getting stuck in the same part of the scene.

Her tongue kept on freezing by itself letting her have 6 bad takes already.

"Why is Sabrina suddenly having a mind block?" asked one staff member.

"I know right? She used to do her scenes in one take only," said another staff member.

"Could it be that the new male lead is rendering her speechless?"

Feeling a little worried, Julian stood up from his seat and approached Sabrina.

"Are you okay Sab? You're having too many bad takes today," Julian asked worriedly.

Sabrina looked at Julian apologetically, "I'm sorry, let's take again," she said.

Julian shook his head, "Take a 10 minute break first, we'll resume after," he said then tapped Sabrina's shoulder.

As soon as Julian left, Alexander walked towards Sabrina and leaned forward near her ear, "I told you my good looks would render you speechless," he teased.

Sabrina glared at him, "Fine, you win," she spoke bitterly.

Alexander then, chuckled at her, "You know, you were really cute earlier," he said.

Sabrina rolled her eyes, "More like embarrassing," she scoffed, "This is the first time in my life that I had 6 bad takes," Sabrina complained.

"It's because your brain is too bothered that I'm your leading man," Alexander said which was true.

Sabrina was really bothered.

Alexander held Sabrina's shoulder, "Okay let's just do it this way," he said, "Just imagine, that we're really in that kind of situation. Think of it as my real confession to you. Don't think of me as Jaden, think of me as Alexander," Alexander suggested.

"You think that will work?" Sabrina raised her brow at him.

"Maybe?" Alexander shrugged, "I mean, as Sabrina, don't you want to hear a sweet, cheesy, confession from Alexander?" he asked her.

Sabrina was suddenly silent because Alexander was right.

She did want to hear a confession from Alexander.

Remembering the time they had at the seaside when Alexander formally confessed his love for her, she wanted to hear those words coming out of Alexander's mouth again.

His confession of love.

[Sometimes the hardest thing and the right thing is the same.]

bbrightvcscreators' thoughts
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