
In the bakery

Yes, my friend." Ella repeated loudly to his hearing. She rolled her eyes after.

He decided not to ask any questions further since he noticed her mood changed and she wasn't comfortable with his many questions.

"You look around my daughter's age," he said with a sly smile.

Ella was pissed off and she wondered why he was talking too much. What was her business with his daughter and her age? She wondered as she looked at him, waiting for him to say more, but he didn't, so she simply said "okay".

They finally arrived at the bakery and he stopped the car and waited for her to alight. "Thank you." She said bluntly and he replied with a smile and waved at her.

Ashley Bakery and Café was boldly written on the signage at the top of the bakery's building. The door was made of transparent glass. At the front were different flavors of decorated cakes sitting beautifully in a glass showcase.

When Ella walked in, she was raptured by the warm scent of the cakes, mixed with the enthralling aroma of bread loaves.

The inside was well illuminated and everything was well arranged. There were so many shelves. On the first shelf close to the glass window and entrance door, there were different varieties of bread loaves wrapped in beautiful packages with the name-Ashley baked bread on it. On another shelf, cakes were placed on it, ranging from small sizes to large sizes, all neatly arranged. The rest shelves had different snacks- Meat pies, cookies, and pastries.

Ella loved coming to the shop as it was always a beauty to behold. Also, one could find any baked goods they desired as it was a big shop.

Ella looked up and saw her friend with the receptionist. Ashley was in the middle of an important discussion when she saw Ella.

"Hey girl, what's up?" Ashley asked, moving to hug her.

"I'm fine. How about you?" Ella asked with a grin.

"I'm good, just a little busy inspecting things.

Ashley had moved and was now surveying some cakes on the cake section. Ella followed, walking by her side.

"Let's eat, I'm famished," Ashley said in a yawn and walked towards the café section.

She hadn't had her breakfast yet so she walked to her staff in charge of the café to serve them, cake and ice cream.

"What flavor of ice-cream would you like?" Gabriel, the male staff asked with a polite smile.

"I'll have vanilla," Ashley replied.

"Chocolate is fine," Ella said quietly.

They walked over to a table and sat patiently as they waited for their orders.

"How's Danny?" Ella asked as they started conversing. "He's good, busy with work" Ashley shrugged.

"Guess what girl!" Ella said with a squeal.

She remembered her discussion with William and decided to share with her friend. Ashley smiled slightly, trying to search through her mind to know what excited her friend.

"Is it about an audition?" Ashley finally spoke after racking her brain, guessing that would be the cause of her friend's excitement.

"Not really, but you're close" she replied.

Gabriel walked over to their table and the ladies paused their conversation. He was carrying a tray with cakes on two separate plates and two glass cups of ice-creams, serviette papers, and two bottles of table water.

He had good customer service as he put on a smile and pleasantly greeted them.

"Here's your order, ma'am." He said, the smile plastered on his face.

Ashley couldn't help it so she let out a chuckle. The way he said it was the reason for her chuckle.

"Thank you." They replied in unison, returning his smile.

The tray and its content appeared attractive, and the packaging was alluring.

"Okay, Let me save you the stress of thinking hard." Ella giggled as they returned to their conversation.

"William called me this morning and said he gave my songs to the owner of HIJ record label and the guy says it's good. He wants to audition me, so I'm hoping he might sign me in his label." Ella raved.

"Interesting! At least even if winning talent shows auditions were hard, we can see the light in this. Hopefully, you'll get signed and make a contract deal." Ashley cheered.

"William said he would take me there as soon as he returns from work."

They continued eating their dessert. When a man and a woman walked into the shop, Ella and Ashley darted their heads towards the direction of the door and watched them quietly.

"Darling this place is beautiful!" The woman squealed excitedly and held her fiancée's hands."

"I told you you'd love it." They heard him say with a satisfied smile.

They walked up to the receptionist at the counter and greeted with a smile.

"Good morning," Anna responded. "You're welcome to Ashley's Bakery and Cafe." The words came out perfectly rehearsed. She was new. "What would you guys like?" She added.

"Our wedding is coming up soon and I intend to order a cake from your shop for my wedding.

I heard Ashley's bakery produces the best cakes in California and that's why I brought my fiancée here to select from the best". The man said as he kissed his fiancée on the back of her palm.

"Congratulations to you both. You guys look cute together. You sure would make a wonderful couple." Anna complimented, trying to make good customer service. "Be sure you'll get top-notch cakes and confectioneries that tastes as good as they look". Anna said with a beautiful smile.

"Follow me let, I'll show you around," Anna said.

"This is a Strawberry and Cream three-layer cake," she pointed and they went closer to admire it. Anna pointed to the next cake and continued. "This is a Chocolate Cappuccino two-layer cake, This is a Red Velvet simple cake..." Anna continued and the lady became indecisive about which cake to order.

Ashley caught a glimpse of the lady's face and recognized her. She was her friend in high school before she relocated and changed school and that was how they lost contacts.

"That's Janice," Ashley whispered and went on to tell Ella about Janice and how they were close friends then.

"Janice!" Ashley called out.

Then the lady turned and saw Ashley walking in her direction. She quickly recognized her and ran to hug her.

"Wow! Janice, I can't believe it's you I'm seeing." Ashley said astonished. Janice's appearance had completely changed and she was even more stunning. They hugged again.

"What are you doing here?" Janice asked.

"I own the shop," Ashley replied.

"Aww! It's so beautiful and your goods tastes are one of a kind too. It's one of the best selling in the market." Janice commended.

"And who is the guy you came with?" she asked looking at the man who stood from a distance looking at the ladies as they chatted.

Janice gestured towards her fiancé to come close.

"He's my fiancé, she said blushing"

"Oh my God! You're getting married soon." Ashley screamed excitedly.

She was surprised but happy for her. She stretched out her hands to shake the guy.

"I'm Jayden." He said smiling as he introduced himself to Ashley. "We came to order for our wedding cake" He added.

"Congratulations to both of you," Ashley said beaming broadly. "Hope I'm invited to your wedding," she said blushing.

"Yeah definitely!" Janice dipped her hands into her cross-shoulder bag and bringing out an invitation card, she handed it to Ashley.

"I would like to request my style and how I want the cake to be". The lady said politely. Her fiancé looked at her in surprise and sighed.

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