
Lover’s Dawn

Fantasy Romance
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What is Lover’s Dawn

Lesen Sie den Roman Lover’s Dawn des Autors Elisabeth_Weaver, veröffentlicht auf WebNovel....


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ARTS; Dinastiya

Broken pieces of ones remains, a shattered heart driven to insanity and cruelty. "You know... I really loved you... I truly do..." as she whispered those words into my ears, I thought to myself 'How come... it had to come to this...?' as she slowly buried the dagger engulfed with the pitch black Divinity into my heart. "#£+&... I'm sorry..." She then slowly let go of the dagger and were eaten by the Gods Nemesis. Seeing her entering the foul creatures mouth, my Divinity started to wither away as my true Gods body starts to disintegrate along with everything else. '...' '... You could've just saved yourself... you fool...' '... but... nevertheless... Thank you... for standing up for us... my beloved' I then opened my eyes and saw that it was all just a dream. "What was that?" A sage living in some mountain started to dream of the same dream and so forth for countless reincarnations. Reminder to the readers: 1. The story is fast paced 2. The dialogue are separated 3. Read from Down to Down, though there are special cases where the dialogue goes first but rarely 4. My style of writing is blunt, I won't go over what I've already stated 5. There's already a note left to avoid confusion 6. Use your imagination while reading it 7. The change of perspective may not be always linked to the former perspective and will be a new plot for the story before intertwining with each other 8. Have and enjoy reading my story 9. It's all real 10. '_' means it's an inner thought or a whisper 11. "_" conversing/trying to converse with someone 12. It's a combination of novel writing and script writing Recommended music while reading. 1. Dynasty by Mia 2. Spectre by Alan Walker 3. Stitches by Shawn Mendes Written by a Filipino author (NoveListsArts). A story of all the past lives the author lead. If you believe in reincarnation, Rebirth, Traverse then this is specifically for you to read. Note: Full Map of the Ysra Continent, Being Glory City as it's center, followed by Eren, Theian, Clonos, Heseria, San, Ferlan, Androeia, Losien and Zanatic. The City's are in the form of ten circles, the more far out you're at the inner City, the circle keeps on getting bigger and bigger and the life style of each City's are completely different per City's, with the Glory City being the most flourishing city among the ten. The Zanatic City is a kind of City that is uniquely prone to death and alien Beast's as it is beyond and outside the protection of the Losien Frontier, it's now a City filled with the most wanted criminals, it also has many existing black markets and slavery's. The revised chapters and the rest of the story will now be uploaded from this day onwards to RoyalRoad.com New Title Name: God's Scourge: Return of the False God

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Moona wanted to stop him, to ask him not to go, because deep down she was afraid. She was sfraid of loosing him, she was afraid that she might not see him again. A tear rolled on her cheek as she watched the closed door... After all he was a police officer. She knew he was busy in some foolish mission. With heavy heart she walked over her bedroom where she laid down and when sleep took hold of her she didn't know. ........................... Do you accept this Nikah?" The man with a beard asked him. "I do!" He heard his voice. "Do you accept this nikah?" "I do!" "Do you accept this nikah?" "I do!" "Congratulations! Let's raise our hands to ask Allah Almighty to shower His endless blessings on this couple." The man raised his hands. He looked at her bride, she was also looking at him with a bright smile on her face. And his eyes were open. He looked around frantically. The only voice in the room was of his panting. His throat was sore. He sat up in his bed. The light coming from the street through the window was the only source to reduce the darkness in the room. The habitant was now drinking water from the glass which had been on his bed-side table. After drinking the water he picked up his phone and came out of his room. Entering the lounge, he turned on the lights and sat on the couch. There he started recording a voice note. "I just had a very bad dream and I am not feeling very good about it. I saw I was getting married." He stopped the recording and pushed the send button. .................... This is a story of a widow, Moona, who meets a guy, Zain, who is an intelligence officer, after the death of her husband. They both investigate the murder of her husband with the help and support of their family. This is a family story. This is a friendship story. This is a love story. Who is their enemy? Who is the person behind the two murders? To know these facts, read WIDOW. Love, Hibba.

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