
Loveful Heart

We've all had childhood crushes, right? Some turned out well, while others did not. Unfortunately, in this story, things don't work out so well; it starts out great, but the end... well, you'll see for yourself. This story begins with Childhood friends, who soon turns into a crush. (Based on a true story)

Miaarora_1216 · Teenager
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9 Chs

Only The Start

Chapter 9

Nisya wasn't really in the mood to talk, so she sat there listening to Myra and Lacy's conversation. That's when she noticed Aayan and his friends laughing as they walked through the door. Just looking at him now irritated her, and she hated how oblivious Aayan was after what he did while she was going through heartache. As Aayan was looking towards the bench, she looked away from his gaze, so she couldn't see him and he couldn't see her.

Lacy noticed that Nisya wasn't feeling comfortable, so she asked her, "Do guys want to go somewhere else?"

Nisya was glad to hear her say that. They all left and went to a different hallway, far away from Aayan. Lunch was finally over, and now she had geography class. She was sitting with her friends when Jasmine noticed that the smile on Nisya's face had faded. She asked her if she was doing okay, and she just smiled and nodded. All her friends were curious about the situation between her and Aayan, so she broke the news to them. Both Tiffany and Ria were Shocked by Nisya's news, while Anna was shaking her head in disappointment. She gave her a pep talk to cheer her up, and all her friends agreed with Anna's statement about Anyan being a rat face and a jerk. Nisya knew they were right, but getting over Aayan was going to take a lot longer than she thought. Later in Religion class, she texted Lydia about the bump in she had with Aayan. A few hours later in the afternoon, after she was done with her homework, she was scrolling through her text messages with Aayan when she noticed he had blocked her as well. She didn't give it a second thought and ignored it. Lydia finally replied at night and felt upset for Nisya while also stating how rude Aayan was at the same time. Nisya was also not so happy, to make matters worse. Lydia had sent a screenshot of what Devin had said when Lydia sent him the screenshots of the conversation between Aayan and Nisya.

He said, "Hahahhaha, that's actually hilarious the way he is like, "So do you like like me?" and he's like, "I don't like you." What do you even want me to do now? I told you like a million times that he is not my friend,"

while Lydia replied, "It's not funny at all, but okay, and honestly, who even says that it's so offending."

Nisya was glad that Lydia supported her. Nisya also told her that Aayan had blocked her, but she was proud of the fact that she had done it first, and Lydia was all in for the energy she gave off. Lydia suggested her to look for another guy to make Aayan jealous, but neither Nisya nor Lydia had anyone in mind. Lydia additionally disclosed some shocking news regarding her decision to extend her stay in Sri Lanka. Hearing that devastated Nisya, since she missed her so much. A couple of days later, she kept having awkward bump-ins with Aayan during lunch. She even tried going to different hallways and areas in the school where he might not be, but unfortunately for her, he was literally everywhere. Every time she saw him, there was awkward eye contact and only passing glances. He irritated her so much, and the fact that she saw him every day made it difficult for her to forget about him.

Things got even worse later that afternoon. Nysia had been doing taekwondo for the past 6 years, but the old place where she was usually going closed, so now she was going to a new place that was near her school in the plaza. As Nisya was putting on her uniform, she thought about how awful it would be if Aayan attended the same taekwondo place. She simply laughed while shaking her head. When she arrived, she was surprised to discover another student from her geography class; however, it was still better than Aayan's presence. Ten minutes into the class, they were doing stretches sitting in a big circle.

For a quick second, she thought she saw Aayan sitting across from her. She looked again, and the guy looked exactly like Aayan. She kept staring at him in confusion and thought she was hallucinating or something. She looked around to see if his mom was here, and she was, so she knew that that guy was Aayan. She was in utter shock and not happy. She wished she could leave right then and there and never return, but sadly for her, her problems had only just begun. Once the class was over, she rushed towards the exit and quickly wore her shoes, as she was ready to leave.