
Loveful Heart

We've all had childhood crushes, right? Some turned out well, while others did not. Unfortunately, in this story, things don't work out so well; it starts out great, but the end... well, you'll see for yourself. This story begins with Childhood friends, who soon turns into a crush. (Based on a true story)

Miaarora_1216 · Teenager
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9 Chs

Love Story?

Chapter 7

Nisya didn't notice him until she was finished paying for her candy and turned around. She zoned out and just made 30-second eye contact with him. It seemed as if time had stopped and she was paralyzed. Her friends then snapped her back to reality and pushed her out of the store. Nisya, still stunned, had no idea she was in the presence of one of Aayan's friends at the time. Until he said confidently, "Hey, Aayan likes you, by the way." She was so flustered by the statement that the only words she could think of to say were "OK, thanks."

She left immediately after saying that, and her friends followed. They began discussing the situation that they had just witnessed; Myra was happy for her and teased, "Ooh, will you guys get together now? Oh my god, this might be the beginning of your love story!"

"Well, maybe we'll just have to wait and see. My hands are literally still shaking; what the heck?" Nisya spoke in a concerned tone.

Myra was excited and asked, "So, are you going to text him and ask him?" "What if he says yes? Are you going to confess as well?"

"I mean, yeah, if that actually happens!" Nisya expressed uncertainty.

"Well, let me know how it goes," said Myra as they walked towards their classes. "Yes, me too!" exclaimed Lacy. Nisya assured them, "Alright, I'll let you guys know!"

They parted ways as they were heading to their own classes. When Nisya sat down with her friends in Geography she told Jasmine and even Tiffany, Anna, and Ria everything that happened during lunch and caught the others up starting from the beginning.

Jasmine was shocked, happy, and excited all at the same time, as well as Tiffany, Anna was just concerned about the situation and said "Ooh childhood friends to lovers tsk! That usually doesn't end too well but good luck!" Ria knew exactly the guy Nisya was talking about because he was in her class and said "Oh wait I know Aayan he's in my Science and English class. He's so weird."

"Wait what?! Wow I can't believe I didn't know that," Nisya said in disbelief while shaking her head.

Later on in class the teacher decided to play a movie for everyone to just chill and relax. While the movie was playing, Nisya texted Lidya about the whole situation that occurred at lunch and was so excited that she wanted to text Aayan right away, asking if he really did have feelings for her. Although Lydia was happy, she advised Nisya that it would be best for her to wait for Aayan to text her first. That's when Jasmine looked over and saw Lydia's name. Jasmine and Lydia weren't really as close but they bumped into each other a few weeks back, got to talking, and now they're friends thanks to Nisya's mutual connection. "Ooh it's Lydia," Jasmine exclaimed. "Oh wait, you know her?" Nisya questioned.

"Yea I actually met her a few weeks ago but I haven't seen her in awhile," Jasmine answered.

"Oh ok and yea that's because she went to Sri Lanka for 2 weeks," Nisya replied. The two of them continued talking, took a few pictures, and sent some to Lydia.

A few minutes later, Jasmine suggested she text Aayan asking about what happened at lunch, and Nisya agreed, but she didn't know how to, so once again, Jasmine asked for her phone so she could help her. Nisya handed her phone to her and opened Instagram so she could see the messages between them. Jasmine saw their texts from two days ago; she just smiled at Nisya and began to text him.

(Guess Nisya's plan not to text him for a week didn't work out so well because he was still texting with zero emotions. Ugh anyway.)

She began with "Hey hey hru." They waited for his reply, but he just left the message on "seen" so Jasmine replied, "Wow seen". After that, he finally replied, "Huh."

"You left my hi hru on seen smh," she responded. "Cuz there's a thing called school," he replied. She smiled deviously and texted, "I'm more important." There was no response after that. It was the last class for the day (Religion). She was scrolling through Instagram for the last 50 minutes of class when she finally got a response from Aayan saying, "Eh depends," so she replied with the only thing that sounded right to her, "On what?"