6 The Breakthrough

I got to Crunches at exactly 9:33 am. I'd walked all the way, but thanks to the air conditioners that dried up the profusion of scented sweat on my body. She walked in at 10:02am. I was wearing a red, white and black striped Lacoste T-shirt with white collar on black jeans and black leather slippers. Despite the odds, I still noticed that she was gorgeous in that black skinny jeans; flowered silk top, and shiny black sandals. She humbly filled the air with her sweet smell. I stood up as she took a seat opposite me. I was still thinking of how to pay for whatever we were going to eat, so I prayed silently within me, it was more of a silent wish. A wish for a miracle.

"God will not forgive me if I don't tell you how breathtaking you look this morning," I said meaning every word.

"What should I call you, Shakespeare, John Milton or Alexander Pope?"

"Anything, call me anything, aboki, or even Taliban, as long as it comes from you, it will sure sound beautiful."

He gentle laughter filled the air as she said "Then I will call you Denzel Washington."

"Hmmm, I will not accept that 'cos I don't have his attributes." I rested my elbow on the table and watched her laugh.

"You've got his looks, his self possession and all…" A waiter came and she whispered something to him and he was gone.

"I will like that to be on me,", her eyes added the please.

I was almost done with half of my meal when she asked suddenly

"Where will you like to work?"

I had never had a specific place in mind. Four jobless years has resigned me to any kind job in any kind of industry in any kind of town or even village.

"I don't know. Anywhere that is legit." I answered honestly.

I began wondering where she was heading to. I was 26 years old and she wasn't more than 23years. How can she help? Well, you never can tell these days.

"Will you like to work in a bank?" Her face was business like. I looked intently at her before replying her question.

"Yes, I will like that," I answered. , he slid a card across to me, glance at her watch and got up.

"Call that number tomorrow morning." She pushed back her chair and beamed a smile at me; lowered her voice to a whisper.

"I have settled the bill," she said, "thanks for your compliments, and for starting my day with your sunshine. I should say that you are much more handsome in casual wears," and she was gone. The last I saw of her was when I looked out of the window and she waved at me from her car.

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