
Love you seven times

Feng Xiaoyi is the fairy princess who fell in love with a handsome boy she saved. When war came, Feng Xiaoyi got to know that Lu Yi, the boy she saved was a devil and only met her because he wanted to infiltrate their kingdom. Feng Xiaoyi was torn because love and betrayal. Lu Yi infiltrate the fairy kingdom as a spy but fell in love with the fairy princess. It was a forbidden love but he couldn't stop it. Which choice will Feng Xiaoyi choose, to forgive or to revenge. Read to find out.

adeola_ajagbe · Fantasie
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38 Chs

Chapter 13 Framed

"Were you the one that poisoned my sister, Qi Youyue asked.

Her statement created tumult among the students.

Xiaoyi was abnormally calm.

"No, I wasn't, Xiaoyi replied with a straight face.

"Then, why are you so calm, a student among the crowd retorted.

"Why wouldn't I, I am innocent, Xiaoyi said again with a calm face.

"But you guys just finished sparring and she was poisoned, who knows if you used hidden weapon, Bai Xiaoting said and almost everyone chorused yes.

"Xiaoyi, I know you have always hated Jingyue but you shouldn't endanger her life, Xiaoting added and everyone gaze towards Xiaoyi changed.

The door was opened and Fairy Zhen came out with Li Yan.

"She is out of danger. This poison is not that deadly but it aims at destroying spiritual essence. It is in two forms, solid or liquid and is very rare. The one in Jingyue body is in liquid form. The needle used was probably immersed in the poison which left no trace, Fairy Zhen explained.

"Xiaoyi, how vicious of you, Bai Xiaoting said and was about to pounce on Xiaoyi before Fairy Zhen stopped her.

"Xiaoyi, I hope you can vindicate yourself but before that, we need the antidote. The poison and antidote can only be found in Qing Hua Mountain in Mortal Realm. Jingyue has to be awake before any questioning, Fairy Zhen said.

Fairy Zhen statement seems to make everyone calm down.

Fairy Zhen then faced Xiaoyi.

"Xiaoyi, you are to find the antidote, Fairy Zhen said with a smile.

Xiaoyi understood what Fairy Zhen meant. If she was the one who poisoned Jingyue then she will free from any punishment if she brought the antidote back.

But if she wasn't, she could vindicate herself.

"I'll set off immediately, Xiaoyi said and looked towards Lu Yi.

"Let's get going, Xiaoyi said when she got to Lu Yi's side and he complied.

They both left the academy with Liao Man and Liu Jin to pack up.

"Are we going on foot, Liu Jin asked reluctantly.

"I have a divine artifact that can transport us to the Mortal Realm but how to get to Qing Hua Mountain is probably by foot, Xiaoyi explained as Liao Man began to pack some dress.

"I noticed you don't have much dress. This can be a journey for us to get you more clothes, Xiaoyi said looking at both Liu Jin and Lu Yi.

They set off and arrived in Mortal Realm in a blink of an eye.

"You are not completely useless, Lu Yi said while Xiaoyi nodded her head.

"Hey, are you complementing me or insulting me, Xiaoyi asked but Lu Yi just ignored her.

They then found themselves in the crowdy market after a short walk.

Xiaoyi got excited.

"I haven't gotten out for a while now, Xiaoyi said happily.

''I am assuming we can't find Qing Hua Mountain today so let do a little shopping before finding shelter, okay, Xiaoyi said and ran towards a stall.

Lu Yi and Liu Jin just followed.

"It's getting late, it is better to find a inn now, Lu Yi said feeling extremely bored.

"Look at that, Xiaoyi said and moved to another stall completely ignoring Lu Yi's remark.

"Miss, you have good insight. This is Phoenix Hairpin and it is the best hairpin you can find around, the old man said trying to flatter Xiaoyi.

"How much is it then, Xiaoyi said admiring the hairpin.

"Just 3 taels of silver, the old man said using his hand to indicate.

"Three taels, am not buying, Xiaoyi said and dropped the hairpin.

"Young man, buy it for your bride. Without phoenix hairpin, the wife is not completely beautiful, the old man said facing Lu Yi.

Xiaoyi dragged Lu Yi away while Liao Man and Liu Jin struggled to catch up with them.

They finally arrived at a inn with an inscription 'Slice of Spice'.

The rooms were quite expensive so Xiaoyi only booked two rooms.

We shall continue tomorrow, Xiaoyi said with fatigue clearly written on her face.

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