
love under bedsheetsgelove

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What is love under bedsheetsgelove

Lesen Sie den Roman love under bedsheetsgelove des Autors vanshika_Gupta_9536, veröffentlicht auf WebNovel....


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It cant be explained, it cant be described. It can only be expressed amongest those who have gotten a chance. I have lived all my entire life trying to understand this feeling but till date i have failed out. Though i want to give it a try, am still afraid, afraid of being hurt. Hurt because its in record that nothing hurts much more than it can take in this whole world. It is just an experience. An experience that has hurt 99.99% of the human kind nature that has lived on and on for ages. But still its un avoidable. An avoidable because it has the power to choose you even when you try to avoid it. I was least aware when i found myself in the same situation. And by that time there was no turning back. That is when I understood that this world has its ways. Just like the existence of darkness, light takes it away. Just as the stars occupy the empty sky, the moon does too. Flowers blossom, in the same way they wither. The magic of a river flow also has its end to the sea. Same to this feeling when it begun i never thought it could come to an end. But who knows, at its own wish it ends. For always and forever, all that has a beginning has an end. LOVE !!!! Having alot of meanings to different people. To some it is PAIN, it is SORROW, it is MADNESS, it is STUPIDITY, it is that feeling that drives the living kind to the ends of the world. To scientists, it is a fantasy that arise as a result of hormonal changes in the human body. To philosophers, it Is something that is triggered in human consciousness when two souls meet and connect. To some it is just an ecstasy. Yet to some it is simply an emotion, a feeling that can not really be explained. Something meant to just be felt. What makes it more complicated is that it has no garrant that you are to be loved back in return. I had no choice but to love him and he had no choice but to love me. This is my love story which is the strangest but also the most beautiful ever told in this existing world. *THIS IS MY CHOSEN LOVE TO TELL.* PLEASE BARE WITH ME TO THE VERY END.

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