
Love: The Hazardous Emotion

It was Micha's first suspicion that the rumors her college friends were telling about her lover might actually be true. Even though she was doubtful at first, endless questions began to creep into her thoughts. However, nothing could have prepared her for what happened when she witnessed it firsthand: So Hyung, her boyfriend, hugging and kissing Hea. Her heart was broken into a million pieces by the sight. She felt as though she had lost her sight from despair and had become mute as the world around her appeared to collapse. She got back home and made her way into her bedroom feeling confused. Tears were falling down her face, uncontrollably, and she fell onto her bed. She was in excruciating pain in her heart, and every cry she let out made her body hurt even more. Micha struggled to accept the truth of what she had seen and felt completely destroyed by the betrayal. All she could do was lie there, tears mixing with the murmurs of her dashed hopes, her once-bright world now black and chilly. She think ,"How can I ever forget him when I once considered him my love and felt he was my entire world? The memories of us together are etched so deeply in my heart. Can I truly live in this world without him? The thought of moving on feels impossible, and the emptiness he left behind seems unbearable. Will I ever find the strength to heal and the courage to face each new day without him by my side?................"

somxin_elsher · Fantasy
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26 Chs

Ch5- Passing three years.....

Micha awoke the following morning with a fresh feeling of direction. She was confident in her love for So Hyung and prepared to face whatever the day held. She had a spring in her step as she got ready for the day since she knew they would confront whatever came their way. Though the voyage ahead would be lengthy, Micha was confident that they could overcome any obstacle if love served as their guide.

Micha and So Hyung balanced their academic obligations with the development of their relationship throughout the course of the following three years as they became accustomed to the routine of their individual business degree programs.

As their relationship matured, it became more resilient, formed of a profound affection and respect for one another, enduring the normal ups and downs.

Both of them were committed to their studies, and they managed to help one another by holding study sessions under the cherry blossom tree, acknowledging little accomplishments, and providing support when the pressures of college life got to them.

Micha and So Hyung balanced their academic obligations with the development of their relationship throughout the course of the following three years as they became accustomed to the routine of their individual business degree programs.

At last, the day of their graduation arrived, signifying the achievement of years of arduous effort and resolve. Micha, looking stunning in her graduation gown, exuded confidence and achievement as she crossed the stage to get her certificate.

Her family was beaming with pride in the crowd, and So Hyung was cheering them on with his eyes gleaming with love and admiration.

It was a great moment, a turning point that represented not just her academic achievement but also her personal development and the strengthening of her bond with So Hyung.

In the company of loved ones following the wedding, Micha paused to consider her trip. She had faced many obstacles and experienced many victories over the years, but she had persevered because of So Hyung and her family's love for her.

Micha was overcome with gratitude for everyone who had supported her, encouraged her, and assisted her in realizing her goals as they celebrated.

But graduation also came with it new challenges and adjustments, just like with every shift. Micha's parents expressed their wish for her to join the family firm, Min Family Company, after noticing her talent and commitment.

Micha was thrilled at the chance to use her recently learned knowledge and abilities in a practical situation, and she was also humbled by their confidence in her.

She was aware that this was an opportunity to have a big influence and contribute to the expansion and development of the company that had been in her family for many generations.

However, this fresh era also brought about a big shift in her personal life. Micha had to leave the city she had lived in throughout her college years because the Min Family Company's headquarters were in a different town.

Realizing that she and So Hyung would have to manage a long-distance relationship was a painful time for her. Being physically apart was unsettling because they had always been there for one another.

Micha and So Hyung entered this new stage with optimism and commitment despite the obstacles.

Over the years, they had solidified their relationship, and they remained dedicated to keeping it going despite their distance.

They made a commitment to one another as they packed their things and got ready to move, promising that their love would last and that the distance between them wouldn't weaken the relationship they had built.

Micha and So Hyung were holding hands and feeling a mixture of anxiety and excitement on the day of their departure. "We're capable of handling this," So Hyung declared with assurance in his voice. "We've come this far together, and we'll keep going."

Micha nodded, love swelled in her heart. "I'm sure we'll. No matter where we are, we are stronger when we are together."

They gave each other a deep embrace as they supported one another. After exchanging a farewell kiss, they separated, each starting a new adventure with their hearts still connected despite their physical separation.

As So Hyung resumed his journey, each day bringing them closer to the day they could be together once more, Micha proceeded to her new town, ready to take on the responsibilities of the family business.

Micha put all of her energy and passion into her work in her new position at Min Family Company. She met the challenges of the business world head-on, using all she had learnt and pushing herself to new limits.

Every accomplishment was a result of her diligence, her family's encouragement, and So Hyung's unwavering support.

Micha and So Hyung kept in touch by sharing their successes and setbacks, as well as their aspirations, through phone calls, video chats, and infrequent in-person encounters.

Although the distance presented difficulties, it also increased the value of their time spent together. They discovered fresh means of communication, constructing a bond that was durable and flexible enough to stand the test of time and space.

As the months grew into years, Micha demonstrated her value as an employee of the Min Family Business, winning the respect and affection of both her parents and coworkers. She assumed her role with confidence, understanding that each action she performed moved her closer to the future she was creating with So Hyung.

Their narrative of love, one of development, resiliency, and unshakable dedication, went on to take new forms. Their relationship became stronger as they overcame each obstacle, and they confronted whatever lay ahead of them together with optimism and determination.

Although Micha assumed her position at the Min Family Company with ease, she did so in secret. She effectively managed her staff using the newest digital management tools while remaining anonymous to all but the CEO of the company.

She did this by operating from behind a virtual curtain. Micha maintained the small, family-run business reputation that her parents had worked so hard to establish. So Hyung, her partner and closest confidant, thought she and her family were part of a small-scale scheme.

Micha made a purposeful and calculated decision to hide her identity. She wished to evaluate her staff members' moral character and behavior independently of her family's social standing.

She felt that genuine kindness and sincerity were shown in day-to-day deeds, untainted by the desire to win over the company's upper management. As a result, she lived her days as an invisible power, directing and reshaping the company's course without being noticeable to her staff.

Micha was thorough and kind in her digital domain, making sure that the business functioned well and that her staff members felt encouraged. Her expectations were high and her instructions were explicit in the emails, virtual meetings, and digital memos that she sent out.

She created a supportive and productive work atmosphere where staff members were inspired to innovate and succeed despite her secret identity.

She was able to concentrate on instilling integrity, kindness, and quality in service as the company's basic principles thanks to her covert job. Micha was able to determine who truly lived these principles by her refusal to disclose herself.

She paid close attention to who went above and above the call of duty and who showed respect for both customers and coworkers. It was a morality test, and only she was aware of it.

As a result, Hyung, like many others, was unaware of the full extent of Micha's duties. Her dedication to what he believed to be a little enterprise was admirable, and he was impressed by her enthusiasm and diligence for her family's business.

Micha constantly anchored their discussions about employment in the reality she portrayed, which was a small but expanding company run by a close-knit group of employees.

Micha wanted to shield her relationship from the complications that her actual role would bring, which is why she chose to keep her personal and professional lives apart.

The CEO of the company was the only one who knew Micha's true identity, and he honored her request to remain anonymous. The Chief Executive Officer recognized the worth of Micha's strategy and aided her in her endeavor to foster an authentic and real business culture. They collaborated to make sure the business's operations ran smoothly and that its principles were respected.

As she watched how her employees interacted, Micha's plan started to pay off. She observed real instances of professionalism and kindness, where staff members went above and beyond to help a client or encourage a fellow worker.

Granted, there were some instances of disappointments when individuals failed to uphold the organization's principles, but these were infrequent. All things considered, Micha began to feel more and more proud of the group she was steering from the background.

Based on love and respect for one another, her relationship with So Hyung remained strong. Micha took comfort in the knowledge that he loved her for herself, not for her position or authority. Knowing this gave her the willpower to keep her secret because she knew that one day, when the time was right, she would tell him everything.



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