
Love of the devil

love_writing · Fantasie
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2 Chs

Chapter 1 + Introduction

Main characters:

Male lead:



Dangerous Mafia

CEO of the biggest business

Female lead:



Just graduated and is finding a job

Wants to be independent

Let's start the story:

Martin's Pov:

I stormed out of my office building. Those stupid workers as always did the project in the wrong way even after I explained to them how to do it. I hoped in the car and went to the nearby cafe, so I could buy myself a coffee.

I park my car in the cafe parking lot and hoped out and that's when all the girl's eyes landed on me. Don't the annoying girls have other work apart from staring at boys?

God, they make me feel irritated!

Brushing off all the thoughts I go inside I

placed my order and waited for it to be ready. As I was waiting my eyes landed on a beautiful girl who just entered the cafe.

She also ordered her coffee or drink and took a seat. From the corner of my eyes, I could see some boys looking at her with lust. I wanted to take their eyeballs out and feed them to animal.

One boy approached her. She turned her attention to that boy from her book. They were talking about something but I couldn't hear properly. I hoped the boy didn't ask her out.

After a few mins, I saw that some boy returning to his place with a sad expression. I felt relieved.

I came back to sense when the waiter called my name. I wish I could look at her a bit more but I do have to leave

Hopefully, we meet soon principessa

The End!