
Love Must After Study

Title: Love Must After Study (恋爱要在学习之后) Author: 路過的中二少年 (A middle schooler passing by) Genre: Harem, school, slice of Life, romance, comedy Synopsis: In Shuchi'in Academy, a second-ranked student of the exam, is known as the Second Unshakable King. Now he is the first rank, Asada Shinichi, the 69th Student Council President. In his address to the whole school, he said: “Sensei, in my not-too-distant life, I have realized a truth... The more hypocritical we are, the more we stop moving forward. The more we look ahead, the more things are missing. The more we care about the shackles of law and common sense, the less we can see the shadows of freedom and happiness. Everything is wrong! Human beings have limits, so I...” The principal very nervously rushed forward. “Asada Shinichi, exactly what are you trying to say!” Shinichi waved his hand, a group of beautiful girls came forward holding a novel with around a few million words. "There's only one thing I want to say, and it's only a very simple thing, Love Must After Study!"

TranslatorFanfict · Anime und Comics
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982 Chs

Proof of liking someone

  "Ishigami, what's wrong? Give me another skewer, I'll try the taste of the vegetables." Shirogane asked hesitantly.

  Ishigami slowly turned his head, gave an ugly smile, and let out a hoarse voice like a dying person.

  "President, I feel that the Feng Shui here is suitable for funerals, so I will dig my grave first…"

  Shirogane was surprised, "Oh...oh, see you. Don't dig too much. Remember to come back early…"

  "Haha, a kind person like the president is very compatible with evil spirits..."

  "What are you talking about..."

  "Last words."

  Shirogane's face was filled with confusion.

  Even though he felt cold all over his body, Ishigami walked slowly in front of Kaguya, like a death row prisoner about to be tried.

  Kaguya just saw him coming, and her tone was very gentle.

  "Ishigami-kun, do you need me to lend you a shovel? Digging with your hands is too inefficient. Besides, I am not an evil spirit."

  "No." Ishigami shook his head, with a look of despair as he handed her a plate full of food, "After that, please give the president the food while it's still hot, otherwise he won't eat…"


  Kaguya's eyes lit up.

  The originally cold smile became very bright and cheerful.

  "Uh, me? This isn't good, right? But the president really needs to reflect on it. If we don't care about what we do for others, we won't feel anything..."

  "We subordinates have to think about the president. Originally, it would be better if Ishigami-kun came... But, if you want to see the view, I can't stop you. The President needs people to help feed..."

  "Ah, okay, okay, I understand. I ask you to do this. Just tell the president and the others."

  Ishigami handed the plate to Kaguya and headed towards the beach like a ghost.


  Kaguya looked at his retreating back with some worry, then looked at Iino who was eating skewers at a very fast speed and her cheeks were puffed up after eating.

  "Iino-san, I'm worried that Ishigami-kun will do something stupid. Can you go see him? By the way, bring some food."

  "Ishigami?" Iino looked around, and didn't find Ishigami, so she swallowed all the food in her mouth, wiped the corners of her mouth and stood up.

  "What did that guy do again… Forget it, since Kaguya Senpai said so, I'll go and bring him back."

  "Then I'll leave it to you."

  (Actually, it doesn't matter if it's not brought back. Stay on the beach a little longer, for the sake of peace between the two of me and the president)

  With this thought in mind, Kaguya watched Iino leave with a plate full of food in one hand and a skewer in the other.

  Holding back her excitement, she took a few deep breaths, she held the plate lightly and floated towards Shirogane.


  Grill on the other side.

  "Fujiwara Senpai, if you have a nosebleed, please stay away from the food, or I will turn you into a roasted pink octopus head."

  Shinichi turned over the meat skewers and gave a warning to Chika, who suddenly covered her nose and dripped red blood for some reason.

  Chika looked down and took the tissue that Kei handed over in panic, her face turned red and she flinched slightly.

  "I'm sorry, I saw some interesting scenes and couldn't help but..."

  "Exciting scene?" Shinichi saw Ishigami's pale face.

  "Anyway, just take your nosebleed and walk away. Now I am the chef, I call the shots."

  "Wow, Asada-kun is so cruel…" Chika smiled as Shinichi handed him a skewer of grilled meat, and went to the side to wipe a nosebleed.

  "Asada-kun's skills are really good~"

  Rui sat beside her, calmly looking at Chika's back. She put a bunch of roasted green peppers into her mouth, and she chewed it expressionlessly.

  He was indeed good at cooking, and the pasta he put out on the long table was well received by everyone, but his baking skills were only average. In addition, Shinichi willingly showed off his skills, so he gave it the heavy responsibility of feeding.

  As a result, the roasting is quite good. Although it's not as fast as the grill next door, it's still better than the ones sold at the barbecue shop outside.

  But for some reason, Rui's mood couldn't be any better.

  She looked at the next girl who took the grilled meat from Shinichi's hands.

  "Thank you, Senpai..." The girl's lips blew hot air, and her fingers pushed the silver hair behind her ears. She lowered her head and bit the flesh.

  She lifted her neck and swallowed. Then a faint smile appeared on her beautiful face.

  "Nice. Senpai is really good at that."

  Shinichi pretended that it was nothing important, but a faint smile revealed the fact that he was actually very happy.

  "It is nothing. There are men with better skills. I just learned some skills from him. I just want to satisfy you."

  Kei nodded in understanding and stood opposite her, eating and chatting.

  Rui was still sitting on the small bench.

  She stared at the two people without blinking, she didn't even know when she had finished the green peppers in her hand.

  Was this slightly sour feeling in her heart jealousy?

  She couldn't help but care about the distance between Shinichi and the other girls, and wanted to guess who "she" was...

  Is this what it feels like to like someone?

  Rui felt this wonderful mood.

  This is very important evidence.

   Rui really likes Shinichi and wants he to fall in love with her.