
Love Me For A Reason

SYNOPSIS Eliz is young , beautiful and rich . She has the perfect life and the perfect boyfriend . But one night , her whole world turns upside down she catches her boyfriend , Mavi having an affair with her friend.She goes to bar  where she gets drugged and loses her virginity to man wearing a mask, who forces her to have one night stand with him.And her father  gets arrested by  the police because "The company has had a debt crisis. Mr.Garagvorila One of the stake holder created some fake accounts, and six million in funds has been unaccounted for. The inspection committee is still investigating. However, all of the documents were signed by her father..." Someone's call her and asked to give back for the mask.She was shocked,"The Man in mask,"Pierce Landini Aleotti the overbearing, powerful ,handsome,young CEO of Menarini Group and Petra Design LTD in Milan,Italy.The man who slept with, that night when she was drugged.He know something happened to the company that her family owned.It would have been easy for him to find out the matter about her family. "I can help you solve all your problems as long as you're willing to be my woman for a month." You don't have the ability to face it. What you need now is me," Pierce said firmly. He seemed to be taking some sort of sick pleasure from his words." Then she has no choice but to agree to be Pierce woman for a month so that he would protect her and her family in return.But unexpectedly , Eliz falls in love with him and even agrees to be his girlfriend . However , another girl who likes Pierce is jealous and tries every means to separate them . Can Pierce and Eliz get through this ?

rhezaliza · Urban
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45 Chs

Chapter 4 Crisis Of The Navarro Family

After leaving the hotel, Eliz hailed a taxi to go home.

It was still early in the morning, and the golden sun shone on the city, bringing color to it. But for Eliz, today was a painful new beginning after the horrors of last night.

What awaited her was a dark life.

Subconsciously, Eliz reached for her collarbone to feel the necklace. Mavi had given it to her as a gift three years ago, and she had been wearing it ever since. It was by no means an expensive piece of jewelry, but it was the gift she cherishes the most. But much to her surprise, her neck was bare.

'Where is the necklace? Where is it?!'

Eliz was struck by a chill in her heart. She felt like she was sinking into the bottomless abyss.

She had even lost her necklace!

Last night, her relationship with Mavi had ended, but now that the necklace he had given her was gone, she felt like things were truly over between the two of them.

At Menarini Group and Petra Design LTD in the CEO's Office, Pierce Landini Aleotti was reading some documents.

However, these weren't official documents; instead, they contained information about Eliz.

After reading through them for ten minutes, Pierce knew everything about Eliz from her childhood to her adulthood, including all the achievements she had ever had.

She had won a lot of piano awards and had been the champion of the last Midsummer Night's Dream Competition. This competition was held every five years, and it was the most prestigious and famous piano competition in the world. Naturally, it always attracted many participants, so the fact Eliz had been able to stand out among them spoke of her skill.

That night, if she hadn't played that particular song, Pierce might never have found her.

Now, after reading all about her, he confirmed that his guess had been right. Eliz was the one he had been searching for.

'Four years! I've been looking for you! A ruthless smile grew at the corners of Pierce's mouth.

He casually put the files into the drawer on the left side of the desk.

The game had begun.

At MC Garden Eliz returned home in a hurry. She had a bad feeling growing in the pit of her stomach.

When she pushed the door open, see-saw several policemen restraining her father. Behind them stood Elizabeth Navarro, who was desperately trying to pull the policemen away. She was afraid that they were going to arrest her husband.

As soon as Eliz realized what was happening, she couldn't help but burst into tears. She immediately knew that something must have happened to the company.

"Sweetie, I'm sorry. It's my fault. I didn't realize that he couldn't be trusted. Be careful of Mavi..."

Before Stanley Navarro could finish what he saying, he was dragged away by the policemen.

Eliz runs, trying to catch up with them, but the police had already forced her father into the elevator.

Her face streaked with tears, and she hurriedly rushed down the staircase. But when she arrived on the ground floor, she saw the police car has already driven off.

Ignoring all the people around her, who were gossiping and whispering among themselves, Eliz slumped to the ground and burst into tears.

'Why was dad taken away by the police?'

She suddenly remembered that her mom was still at home, so she quickly ran back upstairs to their apartment.

In the middle of the large living room, Elizabeth was sitting motionlessly like a doll. Her eyes were vacant, making her look as if she had lost her soul.

" Mom, what happened? Why was Dad taken away by the police?" Eliz squatted down in front of her mom and shook her by the shoulders.

"The company has had a debt crisis. Mr. Garagvolia created some fake accounts, and six million in funds has been unaccounted for. The inspection committee is still investigating. However, all the documents were signed by your father ..."

Without saying anymore, Elizabeth clenched her posts and trembled with anger.

Before getting home, Eliz had been wondering how to tell her parents about her discovery of Mavi's affair with Celine. However, it had never crossed her mind that they would tamper with the company so soon. It seemed that they had planned everything.

"How despicable,!" Eliz was so furious that she started to cry.

Seeing this sudden change in Eliz both frightened and bewildered Elizabeth.

"Baby, what's wrong with you?" she asked softly.

Eliz hesitated for a long time, chewing over the words in her mouth before she spoke.

Finally, she stammered, " Last night, I found Mavi and Celine having sex in his apartment.