
love like a dream

Magical Realism
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What is love like a dream

Lesen Sie den Roman love like a dream des Autors KEME_Blessing, veröffentlicht auf WebNovel....


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Eternal Quest: The Rebirth of a Coward

Um, hi. I’m Leo, and this is my story. I guess. I used to be a gamer, playing a VR game called Eternal Quest. It was a fantasy world full of dungeons, monsters, magic, and quests. I liked it, but I was never good at it. Then, something crazy happened. The game merged with reality, creating a new world called Elysia. Everything in the game became real, and so did the classes. Everyone got to awaken a class from the game and use their skills and abilities in the new world. Sounds awesome, right? Well, not for me. Because I got the worst class possible: Coward. Yes, you heard me right. Coward. A class that has no skills (good skills), no magic, no weapons, no perks. A class that only has one thing: Fear. Fear of everything, especially monsters and enemies. Fear that makes me run away from danger automatically, without any control or choice. I was doomed. I was despised. I was ridiculed. But I didn’t give up. Well, not completely. I became the Ultimate Coward, the final form of the Coward class. That could rival any other classes. Be it the Eternal Knight, Emperor of Death, Speah of Heaven, Dragonborn... Even though, I had to fight in the end... But, this time I'm gonna make a different choice. Or else this world and I will be doomed for eternity. I won't be a coward this time. I will be the one everyone fears this time. I will be the lord of fear! "ROAAAAAR!" (A monster roars near him) "Guess The Merge has already started." (Trembling with fear) "Guess, I'm gonna stick to the old me for a while...." "Run!!!" **** *** ** * This is Eternal Quest: The Rebirth of a Coward [LitRPG]. Do you want to join me on this epic journey? If you do, then let’s go! If you don’t, then that’s okay too. (I don't want it either...) _____ __ _ 100 Power Stones -> 2 Bonus chapters. This work is participating in WPC -> LitRPG. I hope you guys will support the story! Like, vote, comment, and review. I appreciate them all.

Peace_in_Chaos · Spiele
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17 Chs


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